Comments on: Lots of Storytelling Going on at the PSREC Call Center Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 15 May 2015 19:20:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Terri Keller Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:55:47 +0000 Just called and talked with Susie. She sounded weary of all the calls she’s probably been getting, but probably not as hassled as Josh is being without power for over a month.

I was polite, told her that he should have his power turned back on immediately, and that he should not be charged to have a safe meter, as Josh never agreed to that.

She politely said she would pass the message along, and asked my name. I told her, and said I have a website, stopsmartmetersGeorgia.Org. I thought she perked up a little when she heard it, in that, there was an impression (that she gets throughout the day, no doubt) that this subject must be more important than she’d previously thought, bless her heart!

This is what the calls are for, and I encourage everyone to work through the nervousness about calling – I was nervous, at least – and just take a minute or two to call General Mgr. Bob Marshall’s direct line, (800) 555-2207 ext. 6076, and let them know what you think. Thank you!
