Comments on: Interview with City of Fort Collins Light and Power Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 18 Jun 2014 20:46:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: JT Wed, 18 Jun 2014 20:46:52 +0000 I’m am just sick to find out about this smart meter stuff, as I just bought a house in Fort Communism (Collins). The City has gone to crap. They are now pondering a charge for plastic bags at grocery stores, require recycling of cardboard and have the most unfair tiered utility billing system that I’ve ever seen. Fort Collins is on par to take Boulder over as the most fruit loop town in Colorado. Agenda 21 has a strong foothold with this hard left leaning city council. It’s all about sustainability and climate change in their eyes. What a bunch of BS.

By: Richard Leschen Tue, 27 May 2014 07:42:28 +0000 In reply to Miles Schwartz.

Josh is correct so don’t give him agro. Josh is trying to help people who are now very sick from the Microwave poison from the these far from Smart Meters. Please do some solid research for a change as I have done on this FILTH. Are you Miles perhaps working for this verdampte or evil Microwave Industry. Oh by the way I have a copper cable linked Computer not wireless as you possibly have. I can’t use a microwave phone or mobile phone as they are also called. I used one for years and it made me so sick my doctor has confiscated it thank God for that. I have pretty well recovered now from the damage of this Mobile Phone and now I simply use my copper cable Land Line Phone. You should try it pal, it’s cheaper to run than a mobile phone as well.

By: Deborah Wiseman Sat, 03 May 2014 03:53:51 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

Utilites and PUC commissions are ALL in colusion with criminal acts of FRAUD to “push” this “new technology to get out of the old analog system” and they “know better” like they are our parents. Really???? I am #29 of 152 plaintiffs for a Criminal Act of Fraud against the Texas PUC in colusion with the TDU’s and Utilites who forced, lied, and broke the state law on Consumer Protection Standard Act 17.004. We are now in the court docket of the Texas District State Court in Austin, TX awaiting our time to go to court and win against these CRIMINALS who by the way knew just how bad these meters were by their own “bank” of lawyers in their own companies a very long time ago when they were in talks with FERC to create this Smart Grid in 1995. I have a contract in which TXU/Oncor of Texas made with FERC which gave TXU/Oncor $3.4 million to get their “infratucture” going. So this is not just lying, but RICO and we’re going after them by that laws for the criminal acts for which they are culpable together to make a ‘grid’ that would give them control over everything anyone living in this nation would do in the privacy of their own home not knowing they were also trying to KILL them all in the name of Agenda21, a UN baby.

By: John Wed, 09 Apr 2014 20:22:25 +0000 In reply to John.

Dirty Electricity – What Are The Dangers? How To Use GS Filters To Render Your Home Safe – See more at:

By: John Wed, 09 Apr 2014 20:21:20 +0000 In reply to Anna Log.

Okay, I did about 30 minutes of research on dirty electricity.

Based ipon the pronouncements by the World Health Organization, along with policies in Russia and the former republics of the USSR to reduce dirty electricity, I am convinced it is a problem to health if it exceeds a certain range for transient voltage (spikes).

I have learned that dirty electricity may be the result of external sources, such as such as cellphone masts, or by internal sources, like your own electrical equipment. A bad wiring job in your house may also be to blame.

The more electrical appliances you have in your home, the more your exposure, especially from these devices: flat screen TVs, dimmer switches, and CFLs.

I have not seen any mention of option 3-style digital meters as being responsible for dirty electricity, according to the handful of sources I checked.

Question: Has the option 3-style digital meter offered by FCU been tested for being a cause of voltage transients? If yes, please provide evidence of that.

Secondly, it would be interesting to hear what Mr. Sumner has to say on this particular issue. Too bad he wasn’t allowed to speak without being interrupted so often.

Too bad he wasn’t asked this exact question either.

By: John Wed, 09 Apr 2014 19:32:47 +0000 In reply to Anna Log.


An excellent reply. Would you kindly explain more about “dirty electricity”? I’ve come across the term before a few times, but I do not understand it.

A few links to get to the bottom of this particular aspect would be very helpful. If option 3 is indeed dangerous to health, I would like to understand this better.

What is this “dirty electricity” doing to the body? How does it do it? What are the effects of “dirty electricity” on people?

Are there any scientific reports about the adverse effects of “dirty electricity” coming from option 3-style digital meters on people’s health? Links?

By: Anna Log Sun, 06 Apr 2014 05:12:01 +0000 In reply to Anna Log.

P.P.S. Had to watch the video again. Josh Hart might have “interrupted” Dennis Sumner because he (Mr. Hart) knows more about these meters than the utility and he’s heard it all before, many, many times. Watch any one of these types of interviews with any number of different utilities and they are all the same. These utility talking heads are like zombies. There’s no critical thinking going on at all. Just industry spin.

Favorite quotes:

Dennis Sumner: “I’m not a health guy, I’m an engineer.”

…and “We believe the analog meter is an obsolete technology, it has moving parts.” What’s next, the wheel?

Dennis Sumner: “We have customers who have made threats of violence.”

Josh Hart: “Isn’t it a threat of violence to force something that may cause cancer on a home?”

Dennis Sumner: “We *only* exist to serve the community.”

Well done Josh and Virginia. Virginia, you are brave and strong and inspiring. The officers that came to your home ought to be ashamed.

By: Anna Log Sun, 06 Apr 2014 03:55:56 +0000 In reply to John.

Hello John, I wish to inform you that option 3 (as you describe in your comments above) is not safe or even “safer.” Non-transmitting digital meters have injured people and continue to injure people. I have spoken with and personally know people severely injured by such meters, and this website also documents many similar stories. Any digital meter has a switch mode power supply (SMPS), whether it transmits RF or not, which loads dirty electricity into the wiring in the home. While AC electricity is already dirty to some degree, the levels go way up with digital meters of any kind, making life unbearable for some. Stetzerizer readings (a meter that detects dirty electricity) are well documented on youtube if you require proof. People are getting very sick wherever these meters go in. We should not be accepting compromises, but fighting for nothing less than a trusty spinning disc analog meter, at no charge for any home or any community. Any “opt out” offering anything less than that is a sham and should not be accepted or tolerated. Free analogs for everyone. Nothing less.

P.S. Virginia Farver might have called it a digital analog because that’s what her utility might call it. Utilities are coming up with all sorts of misleading labels for their meters. In fact, my utility refuses to call their meters “smart” meters, when they so definitely are.

By: czehfus Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:37:35 +0000 Josh, Virginia, great job.
The same kind of run-around is occurring at high level regulatory bodies. If you haven’t yet seen the expose article by Susan Foster, “WHO Knew: The Elephant in the Room,” it shows how the cover-up of the truth about cancer from RF and MW starts from the “top”….excellent article at TBYP.
“A shocking exposé on corruption within World Health Organization ranks, relating to scientific causality of harm from electromagnetic radiation (EMR)”

By: Paul H Thu, 03 Apr 2014 17:12:26 +0000 In reply to Miles Schwartz.


Did you know that anything over 1.7 kHz is absorbed by vital organs? Creating chronic exposure to unnecessary fields of 20 kHz>, throughout a persons home, is an assault on their body. Placing a device such as this on the front end of power entering a home is criminal.

You have labeled those TALKING about this assault as “EXTREMIST”.

The power company using smart grid communications to ASSAULT us are guilty of TERRORISM.

Ignoring our pleas would label them as MASTER CRIMINALS that are condemning us to a life of absolute hell.

ACTIVE DENIAL is in full play here standing behind a test designed to see if 6 minutes of exposure creates a thermal effect. Total ignorance!
