Comments on: Demonstration at PG&E President Chris John’s Home Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jun 2022 21:03:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Vonharnish Fri, 02 May 2014 01:27:44 +0000 If you wish to be taken seriously, cut the stupid punk music out of the video. PG&E and other utility and communications companies are actively assaulting you with a deadly weapon. Do you really think junk music is appropriate?

The facts are that these pulsed digital devices are designed to be lethal over repeated exposures, and will debilitate you and sterilize your children within the immediate future. All of these factors are well supported by peer reviewed scientific studies that correlate direct damage to DNA strands within biological cells.

As if the human carnage and suffering were not enough, very few people understand that these devices are destroying ALL BIOLOGICAL LIFE on the planet. This means: These devices are affecting your agricultural crops, feed stocks for farm animals, forest reserves, soil microbes, family pets, and every other living being. In other words: ALL pulsed electromagnetic devices are an assault on the very basis of life on your planet.

Playing foolish background music is hardly an appropriate response to these bastards and social retards. They are invading your private property with the assistance of a criminal police force. They are assaulting your families with known class 2B carcinogens, and promoting neurotoxic devices for health and “security” goals. They are insane and dangerous people. You need to fire them from their positions and get rid of them.

Your country is being run from foreign banking cartels, and your president is an imposter and a fraud. Get serious or pay the consequences for being perceived as idiot/slaves to the corporate/capitalist system.
