Comments on: Health Advocates Affix Health Warning Labels to Cell Phones in San Francisco Verizon Store Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:53:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: CiCi Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:53:37 +0000 In reply to Robert.

Honesty is the best bet. Why wouldnt the cell phone makers want there customers to know of the dangers of their product? strange!!!

I wouldn’t stop buying a cell phone, but use it properly. A label that informs
is a great idea 🙂

save the world!

By: Frank McGinness Fri, 02 May 2014 01:49:16 +0000 I love this hilarious yet important wake up call of activism. I love San Francisco!

By: wow,great work!!! Tue, 29 Apr 2014 23:32:11 +0000 lol!


people can do mass hand out/place flyers, warning cards in parking lots on car windows (in front of electronic
stores, etc), or libraries, airports and airport terminals, wi-fi cafes, etc. there are
also services you can hire like errand services (for $10-15 and up) to do this
kind of work – for bigger jobs.
would like to see SSM health advocates do a spot in the airport – interviewing ipeople waiting at the airport – most of them are idling on their cancerphones, cancer tablets, etc … and
the next person.

the microwave cancer radiation phones in public have got to go. and the cell towers, along with the
chem spraying in the air, is very possibly and evidentually contributing to man-made weather changes and Drought in California. if wi-fi is toxic and destructive enough to
cause cancer mutations in human cellular structure, dna, and genes, then
what effect are these grids, towers, satellites having on the living atmosphere that support human beings and Life
here on Mother Earth? are smart(dumb)grids an integral part of the cause of current
climate damage? it’s toxic harmful frequency damaging the Ozone layers?

yes, smartmeters and smart grids, wi-fi cell towers are CANCER, AUTOIMMUNE, HEALTH DESTROYING GRIDS and FORCED – towards women, men, children, elders, animals and the green life that sustain Grandmother Earth. There are many people, many races, many cultures, many hearts, many different ways, but we only have ONE blue planet, one Earth
the insensitives seem to overlook that they live on too – missing the big picture.

We are getting very, very tired of being forced to electrical – dirty technology toxins everywhere – it’s totally not sustainable anymore. Look around our Green Life,
and populations of Animal Life missing.

It’s only been several years since so it is never too late to turn back. And never
too late to command some accountability – to clean up the mess and being the healing.

This can no longer be ignored. We, electrosensitives have and will make our
Right and create local iniatives, laws to protect the rights of ElectroSensitives
under Health Freedom Acts.

Applause for Josh and the health advocate teams and taking things into your own Hands, Great Power, and Direction!! Inspiring !!!

Since the insensitives refuse and ignore to do what is wanted amidst public outcry, it seems more and more, many
are taking things in their own hands.

You can’t FORCE cancer and radiation onto
anyone for too long.

Electrosensitive human beings HAVE SPOKEN and this won’t be the last time.


“Community Rights educator Paul Cienfuegos explains how “We The People” are exercising the authority to govern ourselves and dismantle corporate rule. When small farmers in rural Pennsylvania wanted to say “no” to a corporate factory farm coming into their community, they learned they couldn’t, because it would violate the corporation’s “rights” and state pre-emption laws. So they did something technically illegal – their town passed an innovative ordinance banning corporate factory farming. It worked!

The corporation left town. Pittsburgh upshifted the approach: Rather than define what we don’t want, define what we DO want. Their “Right to Water” stopped natural gas fracking in the city.

Ordinances like this have been passed in over 150 communities in 9 states. Tune in to learn how this works. Episode 258. [,, YouTube channel “Community Rights TV” and]”

(nullification in freedom movement!)

Is it possible to Nullify and Overturn laws that protect the utility companies,
cell phone laws, Unconstitutional wi-fi-smartdumb grids, etc??

By: Robert Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:24:15 +0000 thank God these people are standing up to these corporate Amerikkan terroristas!

By: Paul H Mon, 28 Apr 2014 06:32:34 +0000 Oh, that video was hilarious!
