Comments on: Nevada Fire Marshal Calls for Smart Meter Investigation After Fire Death in Reno Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 21 Dec 2022 10:36:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Another Nightmare Before Christmas: “Smart Meter Catches Fire, Utility Company Denies Homeowners' Damage Claim” - Safe Tech International Wed, 21 Dec 2022 10:36:09 +0000 […] fires associated with smart meters since they were first installed, including fatalities in Dallas, Reno, and Vacaville reported by Stop Smart […]

By: Snowy Fri, 26 Sep 2014 23:40:56 +0000 tFirst and last, this is a property rights issue. Property rights is an independence issue. meter socket.
An analogue meter is the only electrically compatible mate to an analogue meter base /socket.
Neither an analogue meter or an analogue meter base has any independent function without the other. They are two halves of one concept.
Just because a meter socket has four receptors, four “jaws” in it, it does not follow that any device with four prongs or “stabs” on it is meant to become attached to the owner’s meter socket.
Would you plug a 220 stove into a 110 lamp outlet?
And just because geeks with a narrow base of electronic knowledge (who know literally NOTHING about how electricity works) manage to dream up a way to make a cheap plastic computerized network transmitter node with four prongs does not make that device electrically compatible with the existing energy transmission system. Nor does it make that plastic computerized transmitter compliant with electrical code or building code. And nor are they.
Stop allowing the utility to get owners to focus solely on the alleged meter.
Any device can be refused if one is strategic in claiming full entitlement to all ownership rights associated with the property owner’s own meter socket. Such rights include the right to not have the owner’s meter socket tampered with. The property owner owns the meter base and has the right to refuse ANY form of tampering by anyone.
Defend your own UL safety approved “analogue compatible only” meter socket. Language matters. Don’t call these wireless network management nodes “meters”. Call them “alleged meters”. No one has proved that these are solely measurement meters used to only measure 100% accurate real time measurement. No one has disclosed that these devices measure reactive currents generated by a wireless grid.
Strategies ought to include a plan to minimize the use of utility or government skewed corporate language to reframe what the grid really is – and is not.
All forms of wireless are based on radar technology.
Best to use hard wired devices.
Does it really make sense to continue to expose yourself and others to all the exponential frequency fields from other unsafe wireless devices?
Granted, at the time of purchase of any number of wireless devices, chances are that you never thought to read the fine print. Failing the existence of any fine print, you may have “consented” to wireless exposure when you gave your uninformed consent to be harmed by that which you purchased. Meanwhile you then became ever more informed about the nature of all wireless as well as about the wireless alleged “meter” which is being forced on you. However, you do not own any wireless data. Plus the smart grid co-opts every single other wireless network ready device you have unwittingly bought into up until now, and the IoT makes it all one network which they, not you, control. Doesn’t this divided awareness tend to create cognitive dissonance as well as harm to all involved, if anyone tries to keep this wireless cake and eat it?
One last thing?
If you still have the original analogue meter, then don’t allow the removal of that analogue meter, the one under dispute, not even by being seduced or encouraged to do so in exchange for ANY other “safe” meter. Not unless you can find a way to create legal terms of ownership over the analogue meter you are granted in place of the one under dispute.
Otherwise, for any swapped in meter over which the utility will hold dominion, regardless of which kind, …..what can be given can be taken away again.
Take back your power in every sense of that phrase.
And begin now to plan how to survive by training for a leaner diet of energy, in preparation for going off this degraded, invaded and highly hackable grid.

By: Sharon Noble Tue, 16 Sep 2014 03:46:44 +0000 It’s time people knew that the Sensus meters are not the only dangerous ones, and every utility seems to have the same talking/denial points. It’s the meter base or wiring, when in fact the smart meters have design flaws that lead to fires and failures. I have written a report based on preliminary information about the fires that have occurred in British Columbia. It is available at Even with the proof from the utility company and authority responsible for tracking, the government and utility are denying — saying no fires have occurred, safe because they are not Sensus. This has be brought out as widely as possible. Lives are at stake. These people are guilty of criminal negligence.
