Comments on: Maryland Woman Suffers Acute Radiation Exposure From Bank of Smart Meters on Her Condo Wall Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 06 Jan 2024 23:06:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arlene green Sat, 06 Jan 2024 23:06:26 +0000 My boyfriend slept next to a bank of smart meters behind his bedroom wall. Whe I would stay the night, I would be I’ll the next morning. I begged him to move, or atleast not sleep there. He would have nightmares he said., which is a precursor to stroke. I slept again, against my better, and had hallucinations in the morning during waking phase. I bought a meter, pointed it towards the wall, and got a reading of almost 800mhz., 25’30 is safe supposedly, so that’s off the charts. He died from a stroke 2 mos. Ago. I blame the smart meters.

By: A Fleischman Thu, 02 Nov 2023 16:57:18 +0000 I’m trying to get Choptank Electric Coop on the eastern shore of MD to replace my supposedly inert smart meter with an electromechanical analog meter for over a year now. It is making my home a hell and forcing me to leave for extended periods of time to recover. I’m reaching out to a personal injury attorney in MD now and am praying for help. In the meantime, I’m getting sicker and weaker. I’m so furious and devastated that this is even happening.
