Comments on: PG&E and CPUC Colluded to Hide Smart Meter Overcharging & Financial Ties to Firm Who Wrote Report on “Accuracy” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 29 Aug 2015 02:05:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Scott Jones Sat, 29 Aug 2015 02:05:37 +0000 Just when you thought that LADWP and the faulty meter reading and bad billing issue was a problem. Maybe you should look into the issue with Southern California Gas Company and the false readings they are getting with their so called Smart Meters.

Its happen to me when the rate went from a normal under $20 monthly bills to a staggering $61 bill. The chart showed that my normal usage is very very low and then all of a sudden from Thursday 7/23 @ 5 PM till Tuesday July 28 at 9 AM the gas usage was off the charts.

Now they are coming out her at the house in Northridge to investigate but already the gas company billing dispute department is already saying that we must have let the heater to the pool on all night. It started st 5PM on Thursday with a big spike. It went on everyone hour till Tuesday at 9:00 AM when the chart that I pulled down from the Gas Company web site for my account showed the usage stooped.

The heater for the pool doesn’t work if the pool pump isn’t working. And there is no spike in the electric bill for that time period so I have no idea how they are going to explain that.

Are you interested as there seems to be a rash issue with the Smart Meters in just a simple Google search ( smart meter gas over charging ) and you’ll find that its a nationwide problem with these Smart Meters. Maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg in this company inflating the usage of gas to line their pockets as we have send with the LADWP. What do you think?
