Comments on: UK Business Institute: Smart Meters “An Unjustified, Over-Engineered, & Expensive Mistake” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 09 Apr 2015 20:10:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: anonymous - gratifude to the SSM movement and heroes and heroines Thu, 09 Apr 2015 20:10:37 +0000 Cellphone radiation heating up a popcorn kernel.

thanks SSM!

By: anonymous - gratifude to the SSM movement and heroes and heroines Thu, 09 Apr 2015 20:02:33 +0000 is it a myth or not?

Radiation is a real issue with “smart pulses” and cellular radiation. We
feel it after using wireless technology and ‘wifi’ connected to the ‘laptop’. Tingling
and numbness in the fingers and hands. Especially the right side of the hand,
on the keypad and keyboard toucpad. Before, our hands felt fine. What’s happening
to the tissues? Burning up?

By: anonymous - gratifude to the SSM movement and heroes and heroines Thu, 09 Apr 2015 19:35:15 +0000 include “smart appliances” too … are there reports of “smart” fridges and
dishwashers blowing up, eletrical malfunction and fires we haven’t yet
A link to this:
It is not a myth that the “smartphone” (i-phone) microwave signals are so strong
that it can pop glass. What is it doing to our cellular tissues … the cellular tissues behind ear lobes, limbs and our brain tissues? Imploding from
within? We are concerned. More than concerned. It’s not too late.
We can stop this. (For the little kids and generations growing up, there is also aresponsibility to raise and and tackle, heal these issues – why do we need “smartphones?” Are they making us happier more healthy, innerly connected and people as a whole
and a truly joyful, caring planet now, then before their appearance? TMI – too much information that cannot be processed more than the mind is capable of or naturally designed/created to …. yet this “smartphone”becomes an addiction – a neural groove imprint
in the brain’s physiology. Do we really need a thousands of thousands of
“applications” which we never use, but one or two, or never? Shortcut your, ours, a
child’s ability to regain NATURAL HUMAN
motor processing to function as a
healthy human being for their own future and legacy?

Therapists speak
that LEARNING must engage the BODY. Movement. Movement and movement in Mother Nature is directly
connected with the learning and educational process: kinesthetic processing. They go hand in hand. Perhaps this is why
we have TMI syndrome. Hours texting, behind the “smartphones” or computers …
next day, we have forgotten what we have learned. Onto the next. This is not natural, nor
are we or can we be heading that way in this new cycle. It won’t work.
Yet, this “smart syndrome” is reversable. Nothing is permanent or immutable.
Keep educating, investigating, re-investigating, and local campaigning ….

“Smart meters” (and grids) are against the Laws of Nature. Actions and anything of the like
that are created or move against the Laws of Nature eventually destroys itself. Positively,
human beings do have the ability to learn from lessons quickly. It’s a choice.


By: And, fatally Thu, 09 Apr 2015 19:04:11 +0000

There is a video of the Family’s home and aftermath who died in the Fire. One husband and their 7 children.
RIP and many, many condolences.

Logically, we’ll be seeing and hearing more and more of smart meter fatalities, that has always been there (how many have died in the past, unreported?) previously hidden
from the public knowlege, as the veil unlifts – sadly, yet compassionately.
And obviously, recalls.

Support groups for those who have lost loved ones in the fires and other
complications from the meters around the world … take
