Comments on: CPUC Hangs PSREC’s Marshall Out to Dry in News Article Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 20 Nov 2015 05:12:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Leschen Fri, 20 Nov 2015 05:12:57 +0000 Great Work Josh Hart,
You won in the end through guts and determination against a wicked Electric Power Company only interested in screwing money out of their customers through wicked Extortion. Well that Extortion is now coming back to haunt you of PSRECS I allege to be Wicked head honcho and his I allege to be WICKED MINIONS.
‘Tis Satan that I allege is RSRECS’s Master.

By: Terri Thu, 20 Aug 2015 02:23:50 +0000 Can’t believe that PSREC’s head honcho said “Not my worry, not my concern” about a customer’s suffering directly related to a “meter matter.” Sure he wouldn’t say that if it was his own doing the suffering! Thank you again for pursuing this so doggedly, Josh, and putting yourself on the line. Much appreciated, and it will make all the difference in our ongoing fight for safe energy for everyone!
