Comments on: Michigan Utility “Consumers Energy” Disconnects Woman with Extreme Electrosensitivity for Smart Meter Refusal Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 03 Oct 2016 23:48:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jaime Chimner Mon, 03 Oct 2016 23:48:10 +0000 In reply to Norm Hutton.

Tell me more of the faraday cages. My joe is making our storage barn very insulated against EMF and anything else. We have a meter now so that helps. Do you know what they are putting on the gas meter, new measuring thing they put on your old analog meter. It pings and transmits every 20 seconds. We have a shield for it. Do you know about that also. jaime chimner

By: Jaime Chimner Mon, 03 Oct 2016 23:37:03 +0000 Hi everyone,
Joe and Jaime Chimner from Cheboygan, Michigan. WE STILL HAVE NO ELECTRICITY. Mr. Dennis McKee is putting in his boots on this one. Unfortunately this weekend our generator gave up the ghost. If anyone can contribute towards another generator that would help us keep Jaime’s air cleaners going. Thank you for all of your comments and we were not told of a medical Hold and they refused to let us have the analog meter to this day. We are ok. Jaime tries to use her nebulizer when she is supposed to and she seems to be having the most trouble dealing with all this but we are keeping our spirits up.
Thank you Joe and Jaime Chimner
Cheboygan, MI 49721 231-627-6374 or

By: AL Sun, 27 Sep 2015 05:52:58 +0000 Out here on the Left Coast So Cal Edison caved into opt out provided residents pay a monthly opt out fee. Interestingly I received notice that there is a new sunset provision therefore the Opt-Out fees will expire after 3 years.

By: Norm Hutton Sat, 26 Sep 2015 18:16:49 +0000 An expedient solution for Jaime!

Faraday cages will stop all r/f . A number of “shields” for smart meters are available, just use your search engine(s)
Caveat: If you purchase one of these, and place it as directed, place your name , address on the tag and print out “Property of ————- Please remove for inspection and replace afterwards. Also run a ground wire attached to the “cage” to the incoming conduit just above the smart meter base or to the ground rod(preferred)
This shield , properly installed will stop over 95 % r/f and give you some relief.
Remember your health is more important then the utility.
With the cage “leashed” ,and secured usually by magnets to your meter base, you are not interfering with with “the powers that be” Don’t let the shield touch the meter.You must of course still pay your power bills.
P.S. I make these cages myself, and they work!

By: onthelevelblog Thu, 17 Sep 2015 17:56:53 +0000 In reply to Heidi Pohl.

We’re working on getting an update about the Chimners and their contact info and will post when we have it. How is it at all right to allow some people to keep their analogs but not others, especially in a medical situation like this!

By: Heidi Pohl Thu, 17 Sep 2015 17:35:12 +0000 We didn’t get a new meter from Consumer’s – we “opted out” by keeping our original analog meter, and paying the fees. They were playing nice for awhile but their true colors are showing.

Is there any contact information for Jaime and Joe Chimner, so that we can send them a financial contribution and an encouraging note? I feel terrible that this is happening to them.

By: onthelevelblog Thu, 17 Sep 2015 06:18:58 +0000 In reply to Lynne VandeBunte.

What is the “opt out” meter though? I’ll put money on the fact that it’s a digital meter and digital=smart (or rather, dumb). An analog meter is the only type that avoids adding dirty electricity to your wiring.

By: Lynne VandeBunte Wed, 16 Sep 2015 22:39:09 +0000 Consumers Energy allows opt out. I opted out. Must be a different company. Costs though.
