Comments on: Silicon Valley Event Brings Experts Together to Speak About the Hazards of Wireless Technology Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 28 Oct 2015 22:52:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Annie Gibbons Wed, 28 Oct 2015 22:52:57 +0000 I protested the smart meters at the public forum at the San Miguiel Power Cooperative Borde Meeting in Feb. 2012, In Ridgeway Colorado. Having EHS, and suffering tremors ( only evident under stress ), from this all my life, I was extreemly nervous, but was glad to see several dozen other folks there too!( only folks with frequecny illnesses knew what this even meant ). I had carefuly researched my comments of protest. Others spoke against these meters too. The Borde members lounged and yawned, and dismissed us as nuts, while thanking us for coming and making our comments. We would have to pay $25.00 a month to opt out, which doesn’t make any sense since once a whole neighborhood is wired up, that dirty frequency runs thoughout all the electrical wires. At least these are hard wired. My level of sensitivity has caused me to feel like I’m living in a world that rejects my condidtion as insanity, and so I do many things to mitegate these effects, and carry on the best I can with God’s grace! Over the years since I realized I had EHS, since 2007, I have witnessed the increase in illnesses in the general poplulation, ( I work as a health aid ), and am continually amazed that more people don’t yet get it ! I try gently to keep reminding folks to turn off their wi-fi when they are not useing it, instead of leaving it on 24/7 !

By: J Dark Wed, 30 Sep 2015 16:13:33 +0000 I will not let those utilities companies write my death sentence and hope others don’t. This has gone one enough that, if they change their mind now, it will be too late to get me back as a customer. As soon as my stand gets rebuilt for the panels, I will be done with them for good. I really do not see all the people that have paid the cost of panels, because it was that or a smart meter, wanting to go back. It takes years to break even! I do see them though expanding their systems to meet more demand, but this does not include the utility company either.

Most areas you can not opt out, so if they keep it up, their greatest fear will be reality: everyone on low EMF DC solar [the only safe option].

By: Norm Hutton Sun, 27 Sep 2015 04:29:51 +0000 it would appear that the electrical power companies are all of one accord and that is to remove all analog meters and deploy smart meters in their stead.
Until this situation can be reversed, I suggest all those having health issues , privacy concerns, etc place a faraday cage over the smart meter and run a ground wire from it to a ground rod. Attach the faraday cage with a couple of magnets to the meter base.
Once this is done, also place a tag on the cage with a note similar to this:
Property of ————– address ———– Remove for inspection, and please replace afterwards.
This identifies the cage ax yours, and also allows inspection.

This cage will reduce 95% plus radiation but will not reduce dirty electricity. You still have to pay for your electricity.
I make these myself, and they work!
Never give up, never, never, never!
