Comments on: Stop Smart Meters! Marks 5 Years Standing Up to Utility Bullies Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jun 2022 20:55:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul H Tue, 29 Sep 2015 01:11:51 +0000 Josh,

Just think of all the people you have helped by giving them information that saved their life or health here on Earth.

You gave everyone a forum to learn and by not censoring the naysayers it has tuned our skills to expose the lies most have been told. I remember waking up with the answers to the questions posed and finding the mechanisms to my misery available in published studies and reviews. Since understanding the dangers and learning how to protect, I have never felt so good in all my life. Thank you Josh!

By: Terri Sun, 27 Sep 2015 20:16:35 +0000 Thanks aplenty to you and your team for leading the way against stupid “smart” meters for all these years! When I first found out about them, it was such a relief to know there were responsible, reliable, super-informed people we could turn to to fight this scourge against our society. You all are a major blessing as you continue to help people around the world save themselves from these fire-starting, cancer-causing, bill-raising, totally hackable murder meters. Happy Anniversary, and keep an eye out for your present. 🙂

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By: Sean Sun, 27 Sep 2015 04:12:00 +0000 Hi guys, Just thought I’d let you all know what I just got from PG&E in my mail today. It’s a notice telling me that “to help cover the costs of providing safe, reliable, clean energy to your home-including maintenance of solar connectivity to the energy grid-the monthly Minimum Delivery Charge is being adjusted from $3.60 to $5.00 starting September 1, 2015”. What a load of BS this is, for starters they threaten me with a smart meter and if I don’t want one it’s $5.00 to opt out pr month which I went for rather than let them put one of those dumb meters on so they don’t have to read it, they aren’t providing me with anything as far as clean energy goes my panels do that. Maintenance? What a laugh that is, what maintenance? Last time I looked it was Me out there cleaning off My panels which during the day provide Them with “safe, clean, reliable energy” while the sun is shining, They don’t do Any maintenance or did they sneak in and check my battery bank and make sure it has enough water in the cells which they do since I do that task. And now they’re acting like this is ?natural gas they’re providing me with, is that the cause for a minimum amount, so you can fleece me a little more if I should ever reach total zero bill from their energy? They’ll get $5.00? Believe you me, when I can I’ll have enough panels to one day cut them off totally. This is how PG&E responds to their ever dwindling bank accounts due to solar being so popular. Good one huh?
