Comments on: Action Needed on US Senate Bill 2012 Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 22 Mar 2016 01:08:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: conscience in action Tue, 22 Mar 2016 01:08:25 +0000 And,
besides “NWO” linguistics (in order not to give power away):
Reportedly, President Vladimir Putin on ‘smart technology.

Putin: Smart Technology Is A New World Order Plot To Control Our Lives
The average American home is now rigged like a maximum security prison with surveillance in every room recording everything you say and do.

Posted on March 1, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in Conspiracies // 5 Comments
Putin says smart technology including smart tv sets are a New World Order invention

SMART technology is a tool being used by the New World Order to spy on you and we should be ‘very, very careful’ about how much SMART technology we allow into our lives, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The “genius” of the New World Order surveillance project lies in the fact that “consumers have been conned into paying out of their own pockets for the instruments that will spy on them and their families,” Putin said, speaking to an assembled tour group in the Kremlin last week.

“The average American home is now rigged like a maximum security prison with surveillance in every room recording everything you say and do.”

Samsung has admitted that their SMART TVs listen and record customers’ every word, and that they send these recordings to unnamed third-party services.

Televisions and refrigerators are the most common household appliances to have incorporated wi-fi enabled SMART technology. But there are plenty more innocent-seeming household appliances gaining popularity and they can all be used to spy on you – the dishwasher, toaster, and coffee maker in your kitchen, the clothes dryer in your laundry, the clock radio in your bedroom, your thermostat, garage door opener, security alarms, and door locks. The list continues to grow.

Putin, who has a habit of meeting and greeting foreign tour groups in the Kremlin when his busy schedule allows, met the largely American group on Saturday and spent around 15 minutes mingling and discussing everything from the winter weather to the growing threat of SMART technology in our everyday lives.

Caroline DuBois of Raleigh, North Carolina, said Putin was warm and friendly and spoke much better English than he gets credit for. ‘I asked him for one piece of advice to take home with me. He said to be very, very careful of SMART technology. Do not trust it. The truth is starting to emerge.’

You may not have many of the internet-connected household items in your home (good for you) but they are without doubt increasing in popularity and are being pushed on vulnerable, unthinking consumers as must-have status symbols and ‘helpmates’ around the house.

But who are these ’helpmates’ actually serving, you or the New World Order?
(incompetent and ignorant out of control central governances)
(to renew and restore local iniatives and residential governance, liberty)

By: Terri K. Thu, 17 Mar 2016 14:57:08 +0000 Called both my senators, and encourage everyone else to call/email theirs! Thanks, Josh, for keeping us informed. This is a great opportunity to let our senators know what a disaster “smart” meters are!
