Comments on: The Wireless Industry’s Attack on Our Quality of Life Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 19 Nov 2016 18:50:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Suzanna Stipher Sat, 19 Nov 2016 18:50:57 +0000 I have struggled with this problem since 2010 when the meteres were deployed in US. Since then, we have moved for years, finally leaving the country. We have since travelled in Central America and South America looking for a better place. It is everywhere. The metres are everywhere, the towers ..probably wimax…are always in the center of towns or communities in cities. Every restaurant, cafe, mall has the ubiquitous wifi zone sticker on it. All newer houses are being outfitted with smart appliances which transmit regularly as well as CFLs, LEDs, and Hallogens …all of which hurt human health. Even hotels are being retrofitted with ¨Nest¨ type wireless controls of air conditioning and heavier and heavier wifi. It is unimaginable. I think people here are less in the know that those in the US. All staring at their iphones, children on tablets, the push to use phones for purchases and bank transactions. No more landline phones, or very few, mostly wifi VOIP phones in all buildings. And so many people having sleeping problems, go figure…
