Comments on: The Health of the People is the Highest Law… Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:17:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jennifer DeFusco Thu, 22 Feb 2018 20:17:19 +0000 Jenny M,
I can’t believe how many parallels you and I share, including your first name. Thank you for sharing your story. We are not crazy.

By: Jenny M. Thu, 08 Feb 2018 19:11:35 +0000 I just discovered something that is caused by EMR from cellphones/wifi/smartmeters. Due to problems with transportation (car broke down), I was stuck at home for over a month. I hate to go into details about this, but it’s necessary for the information. Over a year ago, I started to go to a church. The people who are in there use their smart phones and ipads all the time. It’s impossible to get away from them, no matter where you sit, SOMEONE has a stupid phone on. About the same time give or take a few months, my one neighbor who I was visiting with once a week got a new Ipad and would use it all the time when I was there. He’s addicted to it. Anyway, about the same time I noticed my “monthly cycles” started to change. It would stopped being the normal 28 days and started to creep up by a day or several every month. By November of 2017 I was getting 2 cycles per month! It was pretty annoying and I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Then, bam! The car broke down and I didn’t have transportation. This happened at the very start of my ‘cycle’ in December. Now, I have for the first time in about a year, I have a normal one again! This is not ‘coincidence’! These EMF sources must be interfering with my brain and doing something with my hormones. I have done nothing else different except not be close to some dink with a cell phone or ipad or WIFI.
So if your hormones are out of whack, maybe it’s the EMF you’re being exposed to. I do not have a cellphone. I have a landline. Just wanted to get this information out there.
And, just think of what this is doing to your kids, they’re bodies are being irradiated every time they even come near people with a phone or smart meter or whatever. Since I can’t change anyone’s behavior (believe me, I’ve told them about it and all I get is ridicule and laughed at), I must change my own and minimize exposure. If they can’t turn off their phones, then I can’t keep visiting with them every single week. Sad but true.
