Comments on: Ohio Utility Commission Rules Against Three Women Who Can’t Afford Smart Meter “Opt- Out” Fees Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 21 Nov 2023 23:27:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jackson Wed, 01 Nov 2023 22:02:40 +0000 DISCONNECT!! (With an axe if necessary!) I got into a similar row here in Australia, including all sorts of threats from them Told them to get stuffed and installed a second-hand solar system of 2.4kW, which cost me $260, plus the price of a NEW battery-bank which should last about 6-8 years. I’m a frugal power-user by nature (having lived with solar-power since 1980), so the 8/9 kWh produced here in Melbourne Australia is about TWICE what I need. The neighbours in this retirement village (none of who have much money) are so impressed they’ve had me setting up similar systems for them, as used systems become available. Some of them have had bills lately in which the ‘Connection Charge’ is 50% higher than the cost of electricity they use! Contrary to commercial advertising, setting up a simple system is child’s-play which anyone can achieve with a few tips.
With a few adjustments to power-usage ANYONE can make do with such a set-up, so tell the ‘service-providers’ to get stuffed and go independent. About $1000 can get you started, and can be expanded any time you wish, without further ado. Anyone wanting to discuss options/needing advice/etc. is welcome to contact dabbblesATgmailDOTCOM.
All the best.

By: Jackson Wed, 01 Nov 2023 21:19:20 +0000 DISCONNECT!! I got into a similar row here in Australia, including all sorts of threats from them Told them to get stuffed and installed a second-hand solar system of 2.4kW, which cost me $260, plus the price of a NEW battery-bank which should last about 6-8 years. I’m a frugal power-user by nature (having lived with solar-power since 1980), so the 8/9 kWh produced here in Melbourne Australia is about TWICE what I need. The neighbours in this retirement village (none of who have much money) are so impressed they’ve had me setting up similar systems for them, as used systems become available. Some of them have had bills lately in which the ‘Connection Charge’ is 50% higher than the cost of electricity they use! Contrary to commercial advertising, setting up a simple system is child’s-play which anyone can achieve with a few tips.
With a few adjustments to power-usage ANYONE can make do with such a set-up, so tell the ‘service-providers’ to get stuffed and go independent. About $1000 can get you started, and can be expanded any time you wish, without further ado. Anyone wanting to discuss options/needing advice/etc. is welcome to contact dabbblesATgmailDOTCOM.
All the best.

By: Patricia Bender Sun, 10 Sep 2023 21:38:54 +0000 There is an attempt from Duke to attempt to make money on a loss they inccurred when the company that originally used defective meter and went bankrupt.
I know I was improperly billed fir my electric fir last 7 years. And Duke uses excuse that don’t have records past 2 years ago. They have recods and just don’t want to research, as well as PUCO didn’t want to research either.
And why did PUCO give DUKE approval for higher delivery charges starting in July??
These woman won’t b able to afford that either.
Also Duke is not telling customers they are charging high peak hour chargee betw 9am and 2pm. The reason they say they are doing this is because we didn’t have a really cold winter so they didn’t make a high enough profit margin..
This feels very communistic

By: Patricia bender Sun, 10 Sep 2023 21:28:41 +0000 Id move!
