Comments on: Local Group Directory Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 02 Nov 2023 22:37:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Most Utility “Smart” Meters (Electric, Gas, and Water) Emit Very Strong Pulses of Harmful Radiation 24/7; How to “Opt-Out” – Nwo Report Mon, 21 Mar 2022 14:31:06 +0000 […] If you do have a smartmeter and you are in the United States, you can contact your utility provider and tell them you want your meter replaced with an analogue meter. Also send a letter via postal mail to your utility provider. Sometimes the provider’s representative who answers the phone is not aware of this issue. We recommend locating the smartmeter advocacy group in your state working on this issue for full information on what you can do in your state and how you can best address this issue. To find the local smartmeter advocacy group in your area go to the EMF Safety Network webpage on global smartmeter groups or StopSmartmeters local group directory. […]

By: Most Utility “Smart” Meters (Electric, Gas, and Water) Emit Very Strong Pulses of Harmful Ra diation 24/7; How to “Opt Out” | Sat, 19 Mar 2022 18:30:55 +0000 […] If you do have a smartmeter and you are in the United States, you can contact your utility provider and tell them you want your meter replaced with an analogue meter. Also send a letter via postal mail to your utility provider. Sometimes the provider’s representative who answers the phone is not aware of this issue. We recommend locating the smartmeter advocacy group in your state working on this issue for full information on what you can do in your state and how you can best address this issue. To find the local smartmeter advocacy group in your area go to the EMF Safety Network webpage on global smartmeter groups or StopSmartmeters local group directory. […]

By: Most Utility “Smart” Meters (Electric, Gas, and Water) Emit Very Strong Pulses of Harmful Radiation 24/7; How to “Opt Out” Sat, 19 Mar 2022 17:46:06 +0000 […] If you do have a smartmeter and you are in the United States, you can contact your utility provider and tell them you want your meter replaced with an analogue meter. Also send a letter via postal mail to your utility provider. Sometimes the provider’s representative who answers the phone is not aware of this issue. We recommend locating the smartmeter advocacy group in your state working on this issue for full information on what you can do in your state and how you can best address this issue. To find the local smartmeter advocacy group in your area go to the EMF Safety Network webpage on global smartmeter groups or StopSmartmeters local group directory. […]

By: Most Utility “Smart” Meters (Electric, Gas, and Water) Emit Very Strong Pulses of Harmful Radiation 24/7; How to “Opt Out” - United Push Back Sat, 19 Mar 2022 17:31:38 +0000 […] If you do have a smartmeter and you are in the United States, you can contact your utility provider and tell them you want your meter replaced with an analogue meter. Also send a letter via postal mail to your utility provider. Sometimes the provider’s representative who answers the phone is not aware of this issue. We recommend locating the smartmeter advocacy group in your state working on this issue for full information on what you can do in your state and how you can best address this issue. To find the local smartmeter advocacy group in your area go to the EMF Safety Network webpage on global smartmeter groups or StopSmartmeters local group directory. […]

By: Our Ethics and Principles | Stop Smart Meters! Thu, 29 Aug 2019 22:28:15 +0000 […] Local Group Directory […]

By: Norma Wed, 08 Feb 2017 01:31:21 +0000 How do I get this smart our home

By: Toxi Com Tue, 03 Jan 2017 22:28:50 +0000 18 minutes into the docu RESONANCE BEINGS OF FREQUENCY shows university study denoting causation between wireless base-stations placed atop beehives and 100% bee die-off (so called ‘colony collapse disorder’).

By: Toxi Com Tue, 03 Jan 2017 22:26:11 +0000


By: Johnny Bob Sat, 27 Aug 2016 11:40:32 +0000 I’m in process of engaging Ameren Corp (a Texas corporation) / Ameren Illinois Corp in a formal complaint before the Illinois Commerce Commission. I’ve already been through the informal phase where my primary arguments were related to health, finances, and the laws related to their AMI (smart) meters. It’s at the stage where I must file paperwork for the formal complaint to proceed. I’m not an attorney and need legal assistance and advice. I’ve read and researched widely, including related Illinois law, but lack the ability to research case law and find precedents. Also an attorney should be present at whatever hearings result because I alone couldn’t pull it off. Ideally free legal aid or a pro bono attorney, because my income is below the poverty line. I am also disabled. Please contact me ASAP if you can help. Thanks!

By: Josh Hart Mon, 27 Jun 2016 19:57:07 +0000 In reply to Laura Pressley, Ph.D..

Thanks for the reminder- we have now added Austin Smart Meters to our local group list- thank YOU!!
