Comments on: FAQ: Billing Issues Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:19:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aaron Smith Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:19:33 +0000 ( seemed like anyway dealing with computer menus, I especially like the ones who finally say "good-by" & hang up on you! ! aahhh! Eventually, I got a call center in Guatemala( yes, I ask where he was, always do) and reported the outage.]]> In reply to Raz.

Lie, lie & lie again”*
* Corpogreed workin’₱remi$è;
“…we will know we are successful when everything the public believes is not true”.
– William Casey CíÀ Ðirector 1981~1987

Btw~✓ .¿’. Frankenstein say, “Smart meter very dumb!”
~~update 1-8-2024

Asplund kept tree lines under side clear and clean since way back in the previous century until a decade ago when new little nerdy nickel counters came of age and climbed corpnasty ladders.
Well, the trees grew & finally broke the bottom leg of our backyard “right of way” eminent domain for utility companies(baby grandchild of Railroad Robber Barrons) 3 wire (120volt- neutral – 120volt) system.
Sammy Smart Meter had no idea, I had to call it in after the latest storm.
Hours on the phone ☎( seemed like anyway dealing with computer menus, I especially like the ones who finally say “good-by” & hang up on you! ! aahhh!
Eventually, I got a call center in Guatemala( yes, I ask where he was, always do) and reported the outage.

By: sharon J. Thu, 31 Aug 2023 08:01:21 +0000 I am totally frustrated. In 2006 moved to a rental, when electric was turned on a smart meter was installed. Had mechanical meter at previous dwelling. When first moved in did not have cook stove, water heater or well pump. Within six months acquired and installed these appliances all the rest of my appliances I had at previous rental. Started out with a very small garden and by third year had the largest garden I would ever have at this place. There was NO central heating and air, used wood stove and fans for heat in winter and open windows and fans for cooling in summer and this never changed. Actually, by year two all electricity using items were in place, oh by the way I do a lot of canning June thru’ September, also butcher, make cheese, etc.

By year three I noticed that every electric bill stated that I used more electric this month than I had used this month last year. I found it odd as I am very routine in my activities, but didn’t pay much attention as was only a few cents difference and I was busy with other things.

However, in 2011, year 5, I did not have a garden period. Ergo, no canning from June to September and yet according to the power company, I used more electricity this month than I had used this month last year. How Absurd!! By 2013 I decided that I needed to keep track of my electric consumption for myself. Ran into problems immediately as LCD display didn’t always display and I wasn’t able to always read meter when needed to. I did determine that what the usage on the meter said is what the power company bill said also.

Anyhooo, gave up that project until I received the December bill for 2014. I popped me cork when I got a bill for$120 when my bill normally ran $70. By this time I had learned that I could get a hourly, daily readout of my electric usage so I went and got one for December 2014. Come to find out the electric company said that I had used double and triple my daily usage from December 21 thru’ the 26. OK, OK think Christmas lights, Christmas parties, Christmas baking, Christmas dinner, Christmas late nights wrapping presents and listening to music watching Christmas tree light blinking. Sounds about right don’t it? There’s only on problem with this……


I took the readout down to the power company and asked for an explanation as to why my electric usage was so much greater over a holiday that I didn’t celebrate. The response was “if the power company says you used it, then you used it”. Oh WOW that really explained things, it also Burned My Beans!!

I went home and developed a spreadsheet hourly, daily log that corresponded exactly to their hourly daily log. I and my husband at the time wrote the time down in the correct hour block every time we turned something on or off even if it was just a few minutes. Eventually, I even wrote the temperature of the stove eyes and oven, whether I used a hot or cold clothes wash, etc… I also started pulling a 60 day daily log from the power company every month when I paid the bill.

It amazes me how little correlation there is between their log and my log! There are also totally wrong usages such as in January 2018 had a really cold snap for two weeks. Of course, my usage doubled and tripled again despite the fact that I still had only wood heat. Another interesting event that would happen is that in the wee hours of the morning while I was in my bed sleeping and all daytime/nighttime lights and appliances turned off, Golly Gee Whiz anytime between 0100 and 0400, random hours and random days I would use, according to the power company, up to 2KW in that one wee morning hour.

Another thing of interest to me was that as SOON as I started pulling their daily logs, I no longer was using more electricity this month than I did this month last year. Astonishing!! If fact my electricity usage actually decreased a tiny bit!! The power company man congratulated me on my electric conservation efforts. Imagine that! I did not change one iota of usage in my lifestyle.

This is my speculation. If the company can read your meter from the central office (co), can check the line for trouble from the co, can turn your meter on or off from the co, then there has to be software in that smart meter. AAAAAAND, if there is software/programing in that smart meter than programing can be written to advance, retard or incrementally change the amount of usage on that meter.

This would be fraud and I have six years of hourly, daily data to prove this and can’t find a lawyer or even a government official who is interested in pursuing this fraud. My power company is a corporation in Virginia that operates in Virginia and Tennessee. I dwell in Tennessee.

If there is anyone who knows of a competent lawyer who even might be interested in this type of case, they can respond to:

Thanks much

By: Don’t Want a Smart Meter? Take Back Your Power – Screening Tues. 6/10/14 – OKGrassroots Sat, 24 Jun 2023 03:09:43 +0000 […] to the concerns about the corresponding rate hikes wherever smart meters have been installed (here and here), is adding fuel to the fire of opposition to the whole smart meter/smart grid […]

By: W. Bruno Fri, 16 Jun 2023 16:23:39 +0000 I’m trying to find out which meter brands and models are associated with overbilling. Different models use different sensor technologies, some of which are prone to errors from interference or nonlinear loads.
If your meter caused your bill to go up dramatically (like double or more) please post the make and model or a photo of the meter. This applies to any digital meter, not just smart meters.

By: Alina S Sun, 04 Dec 2022 16:17:59 +0000 We’ve lived in our house for 20 months (it had a “smart” meter from the beginning). For the past couple of months the utilization jumped 74% and 61%, despite the fact that we haven’t done anything different and we have the same appliances. Also, back in Aug we were gone for 3 weeks and the utilization was only 25% lower.

Does anyone know how the electric company plays with the meter to show this increased utilization? Lately we’ve noticed that it takes much longer to boil water or bake a cake in the oven.

By: Bill Wed, 26 Oct 2022 09:39:43 +0000 I live in NE Texas. Owned a 3000 s.f. home for 22 years that used a visually read analog meter. At some point SWEPCO added a transmitter so the reading could be taken by a passing company vehicle. Never had a problem with billing since both methods accurately recorded my usage when high and low. Sold the house in 2017 and ended up living in a RV trailer at a friend’s place out in the country in April of 2018. He lived in a new tiny house (10×24 storage shed) that used a smart meter installed by our rural electric co-op. He got a prepaid account since those don’t charge a fee for turning the power off and back on when the account runs of of money. Since we used fairly new energy efficient appliances, our usage was low so got used to paying from $50 to $120 per month. Stayed that way for two years before our usage began increasing for some reason and started to vary wildly for a few days before going back to normal. Has become worse recently showing $14 usage for a day when nobody was home then tapering down to $12, $10, $8 and $6 before leveling out at $3.25 for the next week before spiking again. My idiot buddy refused to ask the c-op to test the meter so I need to get the account in my name to do that myself now that he’s back in prison for several years. Was told I would get a new account number so wouldn’t be able to access our past usage records of our current account. I did keep a daily log of our past usage along with notes about the weather and who was present each day so can use that since my bank statements will back up the payments made on the account. I did get his GF to hire a licensed electrician to inspect the wiring so will have his receipt in hand saying it’s OK.
We live in a heavily wooded and humid area near a lake so suspect the trees are hindering the low freaquency radio signals sending in the usage readings and have become more erratic due to oxidation on the module contacts. The electric utilities are supposed to check their smart meters as soon as they start sending in unusually high or low readings so will find out if the co-op ever bothered to do that to ours. I sure they did then kept quiet about it since money kept being placed on the account without anyone asking questions about increased usage.

By: Swamprelic Mon, 26 Sep 2022 14:58:53 +0000 I’m my state the electric company is owned by a company based in Spain!!! We had to pay for the smart meters we had to pay for their equipment upgrades and anytime there’s a storm we have to pay for all the repairs while they keep making record profits for their investors!! They don’t have any skin in the game! It’s a monopoly and no matter what they never ever lose! They get permission from our local state government to rape us increase rates upgrade equipment ! This is why a lot of people up here want to take control of it because we’re paying some of the highest rates in country while transmission power lines stripping our north woods of thousands of acres of virgin land to transmit cheaper power to Massachusetts and further south! I’m so happy iberdola I’m Spain able to rob Mainers to make record profits and reap huge payoffs for their investors! Wait and see because most Mainers getting sick of being a victim to their fraud and will be taken from them. Scary thing is them it’s under state control and their all crooks as well their track record proves that

By: Swamprelic Mon, 26 Sep 2022 14:48:59 +0000 In reply to Lynnette.

Central maine power came out to switch from analog meter to smart meter on house I’ve been in for 8 years! My bill avaeraged about $250 month sometimes as much as $350! The first bill I got was for $1800 partial month with smart meter then the following month it s I think $2,900!!!! I complained to maine public utilities commission about the issue but nothing ever came of it and my bill when I moved out several months later was over $10,000 told CMP to GFYS and no way their meter was correct! They said they looked into it and there was a problem with meter! They said it was with the old meter! If I was running that much electricity through a 80 amp service place would burn to ground so how am I useing $3000 month I’m electricity in a 1200 sqft home! No electric heat no electric hot water heater all propane amd the light bulbs everyone in world uses are less than 15 watts!!!! Notice our electricity usage is maybe 20 percent of why it used to be when we were all useing 75 and 100 watt light bulbs and high drain appliances some peoples bill have gone up 50 percent 100 percent some cases 300 percent ! The utility company’s know dam well these meters are wrong and the old analog meters were more accurate and could t be manipulated in any way! Power companies can program. These thing they can erase and enter different numbers in to hide their crimes!
So now I can’t get power in my name and it’s destroyed my credit but I’m not paying the crook utility company all that money! One months bill is more then what I was paying all year!

By: Swamprelic Mon, 26 Sep 2022 14:36:32 +0000 It’s disgusting my electric bill was always around 250 300 a month this was back in 2012 and smart meter went on house and my bill went up to 2800 a month and I contacte maine public utilities about central maine power installing defective meter and refused to Pay bill!! My electric bill when I moved out several months later was over $10,000 and I still can’t get power in my name because of that defective meter! Lived in that house for 8 years and bill was never over 350! Central maine power said there was a problem with the old meter so that’s why they replaced it and they replaced it with a smart meter! Think they programmed to rip all of us off! Anyone notice our power consumption is about 20 percent of what it used to be but yet our power bills have doubled tripled and in my case gone up 1000-2500 percent! We’re all being fleeced by utility companies local government and federal government!! Pissed off!! I’m going off grid solar central maine power can kiss my A$$

By: No, smart meters are not dangerous for your health Wed, 30 Mar 2022 19:12:17 +0000 […] about the impact of smart meters on their health. But after UK utility companies made headlines for inflate people’s electricity bills and regardless of manufacturing defects in thousands of smart meters, the “health […]
