@DT Not at all, clearly you don’t understand this technology. You literally only need a 100 or so mW (0.1 watt since you don’t seem versed on this subject) to transmit multiple miles at 2.4GHz, should take less power than that at the 900MHz these smart meters run at. Sounds like they typically run at a duty cycle of less than 1% (depending on the mode and proximity of neighbors, this can even be 0.1% or 0.01%). Even if they’re running it at 1W, it’s still anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000 times less RF exposure than your cell phone while on a call.
Real information and not fear-mongering conjecture here: https://www.emfs.info/sources/meters/smart/#:~:text=That%20radio%20signal%20is%20usually,line%20communications%20or%20fibre%20optics.