Comments on: Sample Ltr to Local Govt Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 17 Feb 2014 00:47:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: wifi hacker app Mon, 17 Feb 2014 00:47:13 +0000 A connection via a Wi-Fi network is usually faster than a
connection through the Internet, though it is not as fast (or as reliable) as a wired
connection. 2 of any oof the Smart Mobile Wireless apps, is supported on i – Phone,
i – Padd and i – Pod Touch with free member to member calling and texting
and is available forfree download at the i – Tunes Store. Because of the same frequency band hardware which works on this standard is compatible with

By: Conrad Hild Sat, 10 Mar 2012 05:03:55 +0000 Interactive smart meter complaints map now available at

By: Rob Fri, 18 Nov 2011 04:45:52 +0000 All I can say is, unless you are living in the desert burning wood for energy, riding a donkey to get around you are a poser.
EMF is everywhere, cell towers, anything electrical battery powered or powered from a utility or a generator has EMF. RF is everywhere, it comes from satellites in space, radio and tv transmissions, once again cell phones, short wave radios, cordless anything, baby monitors.
The funny thing is that every car today produces more EMF than anything you have in your household and just think you are locked in that metal capsule that does not absorb it or allow it to dissipate into the environment.
Yes, we don’t always have choices in what companies do to innovate. Though we do have the ability to be educated and change our lifestyles and environments to conform with our beliefs. The deserts of South America are the freest locations on earth, nearly void of EMF and RF, the true believes should move there, give up their technology and ride a donkey off into the sunset knowing that they bought themselves lesser impacts from the EMF and RF that surrounds modern societies

By: Tiffany Fri, 12 Aug 2011 21:03:13 +0000 I am currently trying to get Yorba Linda residents to wake up by handing out hand printed information and a few sites that they can go to for more information about the smart meter. I get discouraged by the amount of people that have turned me away, but I am going door to door trying to get support to stop the smart meter. From what I gather, PG&E only tested one meter in a controlled situation to get eh results they wanted. They did no safety tests in regards to the consumers that are having this installed, but are citing a few choice FCC reports to safety of Radio Frequency Radiation and the lack of non-ionized radiation information that has been accepted by the FCC. The FCC is not regulating this device and public documentation has shown that these meters are way above FCC limitations.

Please, if you are an Orange County, CA resident contact me at the above website, also noted here: I would be glad to talk to you in regards to any information you would like, as well as we can bond together to get more research done on the Smart Meters.

Currently, So Cal Edison has no opt out feature, although CPUC ordered an opt out option. I am currently in contact with my city council, mayor, senate representative, county board, Edison, etc.

The power of one is great, the power of many is many times greater.=)

By: Joe Rizzo Wed, 29 Jun 2011 17:58:07 +0000 Read and act on the following re our PUC.

California Public Utilities Commission
See who “Supports” THEM Regarding
DON’T E-Mail (too EZ for an Intern to DELETE)

The Most Important People You Have Never Heard Of
President, Michael R. Peevey
California Public Utilities Commission
Appointed by: Governor Gray Davis in March 2002
Reappointed by: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Term: December 2008 – 2014
• From 1990 – 1993 Michael Peevey was President of Edison International and Southern California Edison Company and a senior executive beginning in 1984.
• Mr. Peevey was and continues to be a strong advocate for electricity deregulation. After leaving So Cal Edison he started his own Electric Service Provider (ESP), NewEnergy Inc., then the nation’s largest energy service provider. In 1999 he sold it for about $100 million to AES Corp. of Arlington, VA, one of the biggest non-utility power generators operating in California. AES Corp is also a major coal utility and coal utility and coal mining company.
• Peevey sits on many boards, he is chairman of the California Clean Energy Fund (CalCEF) with Ralph Cavanagh (Vice Chairman), and Art Rosenfeld from the California Energy Commission (CEC).

– CalCEF is a $30 million nonprofit venture capital fund formed in 2004. The Fund arose in the wake of the California electricity crisis (which was a result of deregulation that Peevey and Cavanagh both strongly pushed for) and the ensuing bankruptcy settlement negotiated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) with Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).
– CalCEF’s initial funding of $30 million comes from PG&E shareholders.
– One of the controversial investments CalCEF has made has been with CoalTek’s coal projects.
• From 2000 – 2002 Peevey sat on Excelergy Corporation’s board of directors. Excelergy is a developer in software technology for the global energy/utility industry.


Commissioner, Dian M. Grueneich
California Public Utilities Commission
Appointed by: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Term: January 2005 -2011
• Dian Grueneich was a former staff counsel with the California Energy Commission (CEC) from 1977-1982.
• In 1986 she founded Grueneich Resource Advocates (GRA), her own law and consulting firm. One of GRA’s clients included the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
• She served on the Board of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE).

– ACEEE s a nonprofit, organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting economic prosperity, energy security, and environmental protection.
– ACEEE is funded by a number of private companies, nonprofit organizations, utilities, and state agencies;
– PG&E, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, San Diego Gas and Electric Company, and So Cal Edison.
– The CEC, which she was a former staff counsel to.
– The Union of Concerned Scientists.
– Nexant, a provider of specialized software products and engineering and consulting services to the energy and petrochemical industries, also funds ACEEE.
– Nexant acquired Excelergy January 2009. Peevey was a board director to Excelergy until 2002 – In 2008, the ACEEE awarded her the Champion of Energy Efficiency Award.
• Grueneich was also past president on the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) board.


Commissioner, John Bohn
California Public Utilities Commission
Appointed by: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Term: May 2005 – 2011
• John Bohn was managing director of the public relations firm, Burson-Marsteller, from 1997 to 1998.

– Burson-Marsteller has done work with nuclear power, coal, petroleum, and electric utilities.
– In 1993 Burson-Marsteller led a $1.8 million campaign to defeat President Clinton’s proposed BTU tax on fossil fuels, the centerpiece of Clinton’s plan to combat global warming.
– Their clients also included Philip-Morris and Blackwater USA.
– J. William Ichord, Sempra Energy’s vice president of government relations was the former vice president of Burson-Marsteller.
• From 1997 to 2000 Bohn was co-founder and executive chairman of (now ChemConnect Inc. of Houston), an internet-based petrochemical trading exchange.
• John Bohn has been chairman of GlobalNet Venture Partners since 2001, the global financial advising and consulting firm, which invests in information technology startups.

– Doug Heller, from the Santa Monica – based Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, stated that Bohn “has a clear conflict of interest with his current firm.” He says that one of Bohn’s 2005 clients at GlobalNet was working on software to compile energy data that could be used by traders like the sort who contributed to the 2000-01 energy crisis.
• Sits on the executive committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


Commissioner, Rachelle Chong
California Public Utilities Commission
Appointed by: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Term: January 2006
Reappointed by: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Term: December 2008 – 2014

• From 1994 to 1997, Rachelle Chong served as a commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
• In 1997 she returned to private practice as a partner with Coudert Brothers, which filled for bankruptcy in 2006.

– Caudert Brothers represented virtually the entire coal industry in the United States in seeking to have export taxes like the Harbor Maintenance Tax overturned.
– The international law firm represented oil company investments for off-shore drilling in Chinese waters.
• Lenny Goldberg, executive director of the California Tax Reform Association (CTRA), a nonprofit based in Sacramento, believes Chong’s actions should disqualify her from becoming a CPUC commissioner. Goldberg says, “She abused the process on behalf of a special interest.”

– She has pushed through major telecommunications deregulation, rejecting all claims that the major carriers still have monopoly power.
– Melissa Kasnitz from the non-profit, Disability Rights Advocates (DRA), says Chong has consistently advocated for the largest players in the telecommunication industry, and has not taken any steps to protecting the interests of vulnerable consumers.
• Commissioner Chong and Commissioner Simon both traveled to Japan in 2007 with the California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy (CFEE), a San Francisco-based non-profit institution.

– CFEE is funded by companies such as AT&T, Chevron, Sempra Energy and Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
– Amy Lynd Luers from the Union of Concerned Scientists is also on their board of directors.
– The $10,000 per-person trip is described as “lavish.”
– Carmen Balber of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights said there is no question that these trips allow private companies to “wine and dine lawmakers.”


Commissioner, Timothy Alan Simon
California Public Utilities Commission
Appointed by: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Term: February 2007
• Prior to his appointment to the CPUC, Timothy Simon had financial troubles.

– Press reports cite court documents showing Commissioner Simon filed for bankruptcy in federal court in Oakland in 2002, when he owed more than $82,000. Included in his list of creditors was the Internal Revenue Service, to which he owed $17,000, and the state of California, which was owed $2,504.
He also owed more than $17,000 in child support.
– He owed more than $20,000 to a law firm. The debt may have stemmed from a lengthy divorce.
• In January 2008 Commissioner Simon, solicited donations from companies he regulated to help pay for a nonprofit conference on green energy hosted by San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown, documents and interviews show.

– About the same time Simon was raising money from the utilities, Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric Co. were petitioning the PUC to increase bonuses in an energy-efficiency program the commission had established a few months earlier.
– Two weeks after the conference, the three most generous corporate donors to the Willie L. Brown Jr. Institute on Politics and Public Service — each of which gave at least $50,000 — won PUC agreement to change a new energy-efficiency program as the companies had requested.
– The commission’s energy-efficiency program rewards utilities for investing in efficient equipment and taking steps to help customers conserve fuel. Originally, the panel allowed utilities that met 85% or more of their goals to collect bonuses. In the amended rules, the commission lowered the threshold so those meeting more than 65% of their goals would qualify for financial rewards of as much as $176 million, according to PUC spokeswoman Terrie Prosper.
– Before the change, companies achieving 65% to 85% of the goals would receive no bonuses. Those that do not exceed 65% of the goals will face penalties, as they did in the original plan, starting at $144 million.
– Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric agreed to be “platinum sponsors,” those donating $50,000 or more, according to conference

By: Joyce Wed, 22 Jun 2011 23:46:49 +0000 In reply to Meredith.

I too have mcs, and have had it for about twenty years. I can “sense” emf to where if my heart doesn’t start jumping around, the headaches start and continue getting worse until I get out of the area. I cannot imagine living outside as I live in a high desert with summers over 100 degrees and winters down to fifty for a high and the teens for a low. My husband says I should have no problems with it. Still, the only way I can find out is to experience it but by then it will be too late. I have heard these installed around the globe too. How are you holding up?

By: onthelevelblog Mon, 14 Mar 2011 21:12:38 +0000 In reply to Dell,Karen.

Hi Karen- Demand the CPUC and your utility remove the meters and don’t take no for an answer- take it to the governor! Campaign for change- hand out 1000 flyers! Get an electrician to remove the meters for you- talk to your landlord and get him involved- make him aware that he incurs liability for the damage caused by the meters.

By: Dell,Karen Mon, 14 Mar 2011 20:20:16 +0000 I am renting an apartment and right outside my front door are 4 Smart Meters for the whole complex.This is a huge concern to me.What can I do?

By: Dianne Wilkins Wed, 29 Dec 2010 21:53:08 +0000 I am very proud of those protesting mothers for standing up for their rights and protecting their families. I am also a mother and live in Falmouth, Maine and we have a similar situation that started in October, 2010. Central Maine Power started installing smart meters without the consent, knowledge, prior warnings, and when no one was home. Forty people have filed complaints with the PUC to request an investigation regarding the health, privacy & property violations, fire safety issues of these r.f.r meters. Since the PUC had already approved the installation without even looking at the safety of these devices, we do not have much hope that the PUC will investigage further. Unfortunately, people in this state seem to be less aware of the risk involved with these meters and less willing to protest. I have filed a complaint with the PUC, case #2010400 (another is 2010345) and you can view the complaint and also file a comment (must reference the case #2010400) with the case by going to the PUC website at and
-click on “Virtual Case File”
-click on “Enter Virtual Case File”
-enter 2010345, 0R 2010400 OR 2010132 in the space provided for “Case ID”
-click “Search”
-go to the last page of the list, then Scroll down the left column until you see “Initial Filing”
-click on the file folder picture in the far left column of this line item and a new window will appear
-click on the pdf symbol under the top right heading “View” it will take a couple of seconds to come up with a copy of the Complaint

If you want to file a comment with one of these cases and have it shown here with the complaint you would have to send a certified letter to the address below and reference that case number on your letter.

Karen Geraghty, Administrative Director
Maine Public Utilities Commission
18 State House Station 18
Augusta, ME 04333

Re: Case Number 2010-400 or 2010-345 or 2010-132

It’s so hard to believe that these people think they can force these meters on us and expose our families to serious health, security and fire risk. I feel like I’m in a communist country!

By: Meredith Wed, 01 Dec 2010 21:30:52 +0000 I have MCS and am afraid of this new source of emf. I don’t need anymore agravation. I called Edison and they said they wre absolutely putting them in there is no stopping them. I calld ADA and they said they would have to determine “resonable accomodations” and if it is their new equipment then too bad for me. Who represents me? What happens to my accomodations? I told them at the ADA hotline that they should expect a lot more calls from people like me and I hoped they were kinder to them.
I feel like a leper.
