Comments on: June 14th, 2011: PG&E Caught on Tape Threatening Homeowner with Service Disconnection for Refusing Smart Meter Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 29 Nov 2012 23:54:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: cathy anderson Thu, 29 Nov 2012 23:54:13 +0000 I just read about that in the Consumer Protection Act. They cannot do that if your bill is paid. It’s against the law. The secret is we have to enforce the law. That means everyone is going to have to lawyer up. Class action lawsuits have changed the law. That is why you have warnings on cigarettes that did not used to be there. Class action lawsuits. Push the issue until they see you coming. Send certified letters to every official in your state. Talk to your neighbors. Ask your neighbors to just tell one person, and ask them to tell one person. When you ask people to tell 200 people they won’t do it. But asking people to just tell one person, and then give them some information and tell one other person, it’s likely to happen. Think of how that would multiply exponentially. If we want an America, we the people, have to do it ourselves. Stop depending on a government who screwed it up in the first place, to fix it. That’s like going back to an abuser and expecting them to fix what they did. They will not do that. We the people will do it ourselves. We need to accept this as a necessity and just do it.
