Comments on: Press Releases Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 27 Feb 2015 20:17:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Puccetti Thu, 27 Jun 2013 17:47:38 +0000 We must organize and fight with every legal means possible. Then civil disobedience.
Conntact me if you live in Ventura Ca 93003

By: Deanna Munson Sat, 02 Mar 2013 04:07:13 +0000 im in beaverton oregon.they are increasing this smartgrid infastructure EVERYWHERE .i cannot travel anywhere anymore.i am a prisoner here in my radiated apartment and im going to die if i cant get them to stop.they are leveling every lot with life left on it and putting up more huge apartment complexes with these radiating meters and intellistreets.they are fencing off all access to waterways and wetlands and the decrease in wildlife is unbelieveable!! i cant afford to move,its illegal to be homeless,someone please help my son sue these murderers when i die,because it wont be long

By: Privacy and Health Concerns on “Smart Meters” Growing Globally | Independent News Hub Mon, 11 Feb 2013 21:25:44 +0000 […] myriad downsides and the dubious benefits have attracted fierce criticism and more than a few protests by outraged consumers. From Texas to California to Maine and even Canada, citizens have been […]

By: Steve Cook Fri, 04 Jan 2013 15:09:42 +0000 ATTENTION ARDEN HILLS MN (US) RESIDENTS! – Lawyer wanted

Arden Hills, MN – City expanding power to monitor citizens in their homes.

Problem 1: PRIVACY CONCERNS: The new ‘smart’ water meter updates water usage every 4 seconds. Then it sends water usage every hour to the city.

Where is our privacy? If you stop using water for the night at 10pm the city will know because they will get signals during the night of no water usage. If the city gets a signal at 2am saying you used 1.5 gallons, then the city knows you just flushed your toilet. The government does not need to know when we flush our toilet (each flush uses the same amount of water in your home). They will even use the information to prosecute you if you water your lawn on the wrong days.

Where is our privacy? After a few weeks usage patterns will emerge. The city will see water not being used specific times of day and on specific days of the week giving the city (and anyone else) information regarding when we are gone for work/school. We cannot trust government officials with this data OR even the company that sends the signal to the city. Worse yet, the Freedom of Information act allows this data to be given to anyone who asks, including prospective burglars and pedophiles who can figure out when we are home and when we are gone making it a prime database for criminals.

The Fourth Amendment protects the right to be left alone from interference by the government. Reporting water usage every 4 seconds, every hour, even every day is too often. Can you accept that?

Smart meter story 1 of 2:


Problem 2: HEALTH CONCERNS: The new ‘smart’ water meter’s signal is STRONGER than a cell phone or cordless telephone (DECT 6.0) systems

We all know about the health studies of people who are on cell phones too much. Cell phones should not be near your head hours a day, 7 days a week because the signal is not be good for you – the same goes for cordless phones (DECT 6.0).

Well, these new water meters will be right in your home, only a few feet from infants, kids, and adults, sending an even stronger signal 24/7 using the 450-470 MHz band making it a major health concern. Can you accept that?

Smart meter story 2 of 2:
WND EXCLUSIVE HEALTH HAZARDS LINKED TO UTILITY METERS ‘Smart’ units blamed for sleep troubles, stress, headaches, heart problems


Could you cell phone be killing you?

01/03/2013 national news story: Or click here



The city has said
“The City Council certainly does have the ability to place a surcharge on properties that refuse to allow the new reader system to be installed”.

The City Council’s response is
“While it monitors water use, I’m sure there is no intent for invasion of privacy.”

They want us to TRUST THEM. Do we really want them to have that much knowledge and do we trust all government employees? I certainly don’t.

Please contact the Arden Hills City:
Arden Hills City website
Main Arden Hills city person to contact: Public Works Director 651.792.7847
City email:

Arden Hills city Phone: 651.792.7800
Arden Hills city Fax: 651.634.5137

Equipment from: Galaxy meters from Badger meter company.

(My name is Steve Cook and my email is and my telephone is 1-651-321-3131) Anyone that can help, especially an attorney would be appreciated.

By: cathy anderson Fri, 30 Nov 2012 00:12:51 +0000 Thought I should mention that I am copying some of the most bizarre comments as evidence to my neighbors or on facebook. I don’t care who uses mine or where. It is our personal testimony that is all we have since corporations do not believe science, all we have is pictures of things blowing up, and fires burning houses down. They can’t deny class action lawsuits. Eventually it will all catch up with them. It makes me wonder who their attorney is and why he isn’t telling them to switch out the non-UL approved meters with safer meters. I’m not an attorney but even I can figure that out. They are burying themselves. Every Centron meter is evidence in their “upcoming trial by the people” so to speak. They are telling people if you have a fire, don’t let them take your meter. You paid for it, burned or not. Save it for evidence.

By: AR Fri, 16 Nov 2012 00:03:17 +0000 Come down Jesus, come down I pray. I only hope that citizens do not have to wait another 30 years to get justice! But who will pay when these big corporations are now our governments!

By: Privacy and Health Concerns on “Smart Meters” Growing Globally Tue, 07 Aug 2012 12:47:08 +0000 […] myriad downsides and the dubious benefits have attracted fierce criticism and more than a few protests by outraged consumers. From Texas to California to Maine and even Canada, citizens have been […]

By: Privacy and Health Concerns on “Smart Meters” Growing Globally Tue, 07 Aug 2012 00:41:27 +0000 […] myriad downsides and the dubious benefits have attracted fierce criticism and more than a few protests by outraged consumers. From Texas to California to Maine and even Canada, citizens have been […]

By: pauline holeton Fri, 15 Jun 2012 00:42:31 +0000 we must all join in and demand that they stop these deployments!!! just say no! you have the right to do so! there is no state or federal mandate to have this on your home! visit and go to the smart meter page for allot of info! pauline w4ar!

By: Noelle Weste Wed, 14 Mar 2012 00:49:12 +0000 I just had my “smart” meter taken off with no problem. I live in Sacramento and called PG&G about 3 weeks ago. They gave me no problems. I will have to pay $75.00 and then 10.00 each month. Not a problem for getting that damn thing off my house! My home office was next to it and I had balance issues. Now all is fine. I went all over my neighborhood with a letter and some are interested and some are not. This is serious stuff. I really think the only reason there is no issue with getting it off is a law suit may be pending. People need to research themselves regarding this and then take action. Good luck!!
