Comments on: Nov 16 2010 Advisory Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 10 Dec 2010 21:30:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carole Kuzan Fri, 10 Dec 2010 21:30:25 +0000 Please tell me how I and all of us who are concerned about the ill-effects of the Smart Meters can stop the installation of such.

I have been tortured for the last five and a half weeks with a high-frequency sound (ringing, buzzing, whistling).

I called PG&E to check on its equipment and after several attempts to get them to hear my concerns, they pretty much told me that there was nothing wrong with their equipment, but that I should call an electrician to check out the problems (insinuating that it was my home, and not their power lines).

By the way, I live in an area which is surrounded by three power lines. PG&E conveniently sent out their service techs when I wasn’t here to voice my concerns. They told me I had to wait until all the emergencies were met first (downed power line, gas leaks, etc) before they would come out to evaluate the noises.

As would be expected, after waiting all day long (from 8:30A.M. to 9:30 P.M. and after calling the dispatcher several times during that time, I finally was told by one agent that the person was out earlier, (when I had to step out for an important errand) and since he determined there was no danger he wrote up his report and left for the evening.
This was after I requested to speak to a tech. They told me at this time that there was a communication problem (they put me on the next day’s schedule).
So, the next day, they told me again that since there was no downed power line, that they would fit me in when all the emergencies were met. Again, I waited from 7:30 A.M. to about 7:50 P.M. when I had to pick up a family member. I told the dispatcher that I had to be gone for about 40 minutes or so, and that I could not wait for the service tech. (not knowing when he would arrive).
Well, as it turned out, the tech arrived shortly after I left about 7:50 P.M. and this time he writes that there was nothing wrong with the meter, and since the meter was going to be replaced anyway, he didn’t do anything. That’s right! He didn’t do anything.
After walking around my immediate neighborhood several times before the tech came out, I noticed that my neighbor who lives about 65 feet to the rear of my home, has a Smart Meter. I have been wanting to ask them when this was installed, however, it seems I cannot ever make contact with them. They are often times gone.
Since PG&E says that I cannot opt out of the Smart Meter (if I do, they won’t provide me with power), what can I do to preserve my health and my sanity?
I feel as if I can commit suicide at times, since I don’t sleep well and I am constantly exposed to high-frequency noises within my house, and even in my car (I am surrounded by three major power lines (which I am convinced is emitting this dangerous radiation).
PG&E holds a monopoly over the public utilities in this area (Gas/Electric). Isn’t there a law which protects the public from monopolies?
Please, I would welcome any advice from anyone who knows what can be done about this dangerous situation. (The replacement of all gas/electric meters with Smart Meters)

By: Steven Golden Sat, 20 Nov 2010 03:59:54 +0000 On September 29, 2010 at least 4 Smart Meters were installed on my apartment building on the wall just below my Unit. That very day I woke up with a swollen wrist for absolutely no physical reason. I opened my front door and found the notice that the Smart Meters were installed.
My wrist and hand swelled so badly that I had to get a cortisone shot. Then, I got sick with sinus problems and a respiratory attack. One occurred after the other, and both conditions are still with me 3 weeks later. I have never been sick for more than one week in my entire life. I have heart palpitations and an erratic heart beat, along with insomnia. The latest affliction since the Meters were installed is Phantosmia, which I have never had before and will not go away.
I am EMF sensitive and these Smart Meters are ruining my health, my living conditions, and my life. We are being bombarded with Microwave EMF from these Meters from all directions without our knowledge or consent. Since I am EMF sensitive I have chosen to never use WiFi or any other wireless technology in my apartment. With these Smart Meters I have no say in the matter and I am being slowly tortured by SDGE and the CPUC. This is an outrageous intrusion into our lives and a danger to the health of everyone in San Diego and wherever these Meters operate. Those of us who are EMF sensitive have an early warning system built in and we know what these meters are doing to our health. Those who aren’t as sensitive or may not realize that they are will not realize that the Meters their utility forced upon them are making them ill and even slowly killing them.
