Comments on: Smart Meters: Green or GreenWASH? Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 06 May 2013 13:21:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kane Price Mon, 06 May 2013 13:21:20 +0000 In reply to Don_94583.

What is it foil does to the meters? And does this make the electric co. be able to read the meter?

By: Anna Logg Sat, 30 Jul 2011 03:36:15 +0000 In reply to Paul Muschick.

Paul, about 10 years ago I lived in the (hot) central valley CA and we were told to conserve energy (especially during the day) to avoid rolling blackouts, and guess what, we did! And completely avoided them. And in the 1980s in California, we voluntarily conserved water when we were told we had to or we’d run out. People don’t need a wireless device to save energy, they just need a good reason to do it. The $2.2 BILLION could have been spent on renewable energy, education, and true energy conservation measures, NOT cancer/spy meters. Utility companies have no right to collect our private information or expose us to powerful pulses of harmful microwave radiation. They can upgrade the grid to higher efficiency without a “smart” meter on everyone’s home.

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 30 Jul 2011 01:34:15 +0000 In reply to Paul Muschick.

Most people with half a brain know that lights use energy, and that leaving computers on to read “in home displays” of how much energy that their computers are using, even when they have the lights turned off, uses energy also. Most computers use as much as 3 or 4 lights.
Yes, the new meter program is “greenwashing”, no doubt about that at all.
I talked to a friend who lives in Trinity county last night. He said it was 101 degrees at 7:00 pm last night.
He said that PG&E recently installed a new radio meter at his house recently, and that his electric bill increased by about 20 percent.
I was very surprised to hear that , considering that he lives way up above highway 299, where there are no receivers for the meters. Yes, his meter is still read by a person.
He is not opposed to technology, is into it heavily, but does oppose the new meters. He said that he read how thousands of the new meters were recalled because of malfunctioning due to excessive heat, and where he lives is hotter than a pistol, even hotter than Redding !
He said that he is going to get a mirror and focus it on the new meter to make sure it really gets tested for heat.
Hopefully, he can get that meter up to around 150 degrees F.
It’s interesting, but up north, where there is no broadband internet or DSL, he is exited about the Wi-Fi networks expanding in that area. He said is much faster than Hughes or DirectWay (Rupert Murdoch’s) satellite internet.
I’ll keep everyone posted on what is going on up north. His idea about the mirror to heat up the new meters is brilliant, if I had a new meter, I would do it too.

By: Paul Muschick Fri, 29 Jul 2011 12:35:47 +0000 You might want to read this:

“…83 percent of the 500 Houston homeowners who participated reported turning off lights at night or when leaving a room after seeing how much power they consumed on an in-home display.” In short, they consumed less electricity when they had a smart meter installed and were aware of their consumption.

By: onthelevelblog Fri, 17 Jun 2011 19:54:26 +0000 In reply to Danny.

You’re half right Danny. They do want to control the citizens at any cost. BUt do we really need new power plants? Or do we just need to eliminate the extraordinary waste of electricity- mainly by industry and corporations. You cannot have infinite growth on a finite planet- eventually it must all collapse- and that is exactly where we are headed… -SSM!

By: Don_94583 Fri, 17 Jun 2011 03:18:09 +0000 [IMO] PG&E needs to provide a financial incentive for this to work, like Time of Use rates (that don’t add on an extra $4/month meter fee). I’ve been on this rate program since the 80’s. My M-F noon-6 rate is 4x the off peak rate. I’ve saved a lot by moving energy intensive chores off peak.
Two years ago I went solar, adding energy banking to my TOU rate. Interestingly, PG&E doesn’t seem to have an equivalent Smart Meter for solar customers.
If you want to subvert the smart meters, just wrap your meter in aluminum foil.

By: Danny Thu, 16 Jun 2011 21:58:16 +0000 I don’t hear anybody talking about what, to me, are the real motivations behind smart meters. We have a shortage of infrastructure in this country. We need more power plants to provide for the current needs and even more for future needs. Instead of working to provide more infrastructure, the current administration is pouring billions into forcing smart meters down our throats. The idea, I believe, is that once everyone is hooked up, they will start charging an arm and a leg for energy use during peak hours. That’s where smart meters come in. The only real reason to monitor individual usage by the hour or minute, is to regulate it – by gouging for peak hours usage. This can’t be done without the smart meters. The power companies already know, by metering on their end, how much power is being used overall at different times, but they have no way to regulate individual usage without the smart meters. They will reduce energy use by making it too expensive to use energy during peak hours, when you need it the most. The smart meters are social engineering at its worst. It is big brother telling the American public when and how they can live their lives rather than doing their real job, which would be making sure that there is adequate energy for a growing country. Oh wait, my bad. We are in a shrinking economy and the government is making sure that it keeps shrinking by making sure that there will not be enough energy for growth. Brilliant! We really need leaders with this kind of foresight. Not!!! This administration is working very hard to take our freedom and self-determination away. Controlling the American public is the government’s motivation to put in these meters. That’s why people’s health concerns are irrelevant. The citizens will be controlled, at any cost.

By: Redi Kilowatt Fri, 27 May 2011 03:47:53 +0000 And PG&E says, “why is everybody picking on me ?”
We here at PG&E are a wonderful corporation. Our policies and procedures are the best of any corporation in the world. We would never lie to you.
When we spend millions of your dollars a day on television advertising telling you that the new meters will not use any energy at all, will not enhance our bottom line, are mandatory by federal law, are upgrading your power grid, will save senior citizens money ?, are necessary for homeland security, will cost you nothing, are our right to install, whether ya like it or not, your property is owned by us, and we can do as we wish with your property, as long as it’s for the collective-corporate good, will help detect (but not prevent) power outages, are accurate, are proven and extensively tested, are completely harmless and 100 percent safe, will not cause any interference on any of your existing medical equipment, AFCI’s , GFCI’s, security systems, life safety systems, automation systems, radio and other communication systems , we are telling the gospel truth.
How dare anyone speak out against us. You have no right to criticize us, or doubt what we say, we are a highly religious corporation, we are PG&E, WE ARE YOUR ELECTRIC MONOPOLY GOD !!
Ralph Deveraux

By: Jason Wells Thu, 26 May 2011 21:48:34 +0000 This is all about creating massive Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt by picking on Utilities and Smart Meters…. Its like saying the Internet is harmful to your health… Who came up with this????

By: Mimi Fri, 20 May 2011 17:00:18 +0000 PG&E came to my house in the Castro, SF yesterday, May 19th. The guy said “just update. You’ll lose an electricity for 5-10 seconds.” I felt like he tricked me. Why didn’t he tell me he installed SmartMeter? I asked if I can remove it later because I have several concerns that I read on the news. The guy was like a soldier, said “No.” Installers get more radiation every time, but it’s his job and the company made him believe it was the right thing to do and no worries for his health. He was kinda young. I know the City of SF has demanded a moratorium. Speed it up, City Hall! Do some research and stop this process! Or you cannot say NO to the big corporation? Disappointed with the City of SF and PG&E!!! I miss Gavin!
