Comments on: Opt Out is Not Enough Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 18 Dec 2012 23:40:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wisconsin Smart Meter overview: December 2012 « Stop Smart Meters Wisconsin Tue, 18 Dec 2012 23:40:31 +0000 […] roll-back of all radiofrequency emitting “smart” meters would be better than individual opt outs. But individuals around the state have been trying […]

By: Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 Thu, 10 Mar 2011 05:04:38 +0000 This is a program from UN Agenda 21. Domestic spying, remote monitoring, energy reduction, and the possibility of having your gas and electricity shut off remotely—all by design. Read this blog post from

OK, so forget about the health issues if you’re so sure it’s no problem. But think about this:

Smart Meters can be remotely turned off. From the office. No need to come to your home.

Not worried about it? Why not? The way things are going everyone’s suspect these days. Acting a bit strange? Investigation needed. Maybe someone will want to shut your electricity and gas off in the middle of the night–

Paranoid? Nope. And how about this: The meter monitors the type of appliance or electronics you’re using, for how long, and where it is in your home. Privacy important to you? Don’t care?

Then think about this. Why does the gas/electric company need to know when you’re using your whatever? They say it’s because you’ll have fun monitoring your usages. But you don’t need them for that. No. YOU know when you’re using your whatever. THEY don’t.

New appliances are about to be rolled out in 2012 that have chips in them that will communicate with your meter. They will require special sockets—installation necessary if you want a new appliance. No new fridge without a smart meter.

They will sell the information to manufacturers. They will share the information with law enforcement. They will remotely shut you down if they wish. They will monitor your usage, charge you for what they perceive as ‘over usage’ and limit your access to energy. They can selectively regulate usage. They may be able to monitor other activity as yet undefined. We don’t know all the reasons why they are spending so much money to replace your meter. Speculation runs across the spectrum. The power company has said that you won’t be able to get power without a smart meter. Why is this such a vital part of their program?

And that’s without any discussion about health. Get with it. Don’t be a chump. REFUSE SMART METERS.

It’s another program brought to you by UN Agenda 21.

By: Diane Whitmire Wed, 09 Mar 2011 22:53:06 +0000 There are 30 cities that have a moratorium against the CPUC. My question is, is this not a Class Action Suit which the individuals within each City can bring against the PUC, CPUC, PG&E and from there to every utility co. in every State? There are a whole lot of people in my city who are against them, but this city welcomes everything that promotes the ideology of and Health issues there are, but even worse is the even greater loss of our Constitutional Rights and Freedoms. One by one they’re being eroded. WMD’s (Wireless Meter Deployments) are just one more nail in the Law of the Land! NH’s slogan is right on: Live Free or Die!

By: sovereignthink Sat, 08 Jan 2011 21:24:46 +0000 Great Reading I will be using this as a source link for sure.

Smart Grid, GPS, Financial, Electronic Activity/communications and Surveillance Camera Coverage data based information Integration.
Total Information Awareness (TIA) is As large as this gets with corporate/government collusion and information fusion in the Black Market of the US Policey Enforcement State.
It strikes at the heart of our Democratic Republic.

Thank you.


By: CA Assemblymember Huffman Introduces Bill to Require Wireless Opt Out | Stop Smart Meters! Tue, 07 Dec 2010 18:30:07 +0000 […] As we’ve said before, an individual opt out is not the solution.  But providing consumers choice IS a small step in the right direction.    Huffman’s bill deserves your support.   You can contact his office to express your gratitude at (415) 479-4920 and ask that the bill be amended to include the ability for whole cities and counties to opt out.  In addition, residents of apartment building need meaningful opt outs that would use shielded cabling for the entire apartment building if there is one unit that opts out.  The legislation also has to be retroactive to provide for hard wiring of those people who are currently being forced to live with a wireless meter against their will.  If you live outside his district, you can find your assemblymember’s contact info here. […]

By: onthelevelblog Mon, 29 Nov 2010 18:54:00 +0000 In reply to Elisa.

Of course Elisa- your persistence and clear thinking advocacy in Maine against Central Maine Power’s smart meter rollout is an inspiration to us all. -J

By: Elisa Sun, 21 Nov 2010 16:23:28 +0000 Brilliantly articulated. Couldn’t agree more. Nearly spit out my tea at the classic Peevey imitation. May I re-post on
