Comments on: Stop Smart Meters! Exclusive: Interview with the Wellington Energy Whistleblower Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 22 Jul 2017 03:22:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bob Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:51:33 +0000 …I forgot, it gets better. I predicted correctly tiered rates for gas and electric. Worse still, even though PG&E eliminated all its’ meter readers and the costs associated with that function, they went to the CPUC BEFORE this program was even NEAR completion and asked for a rate increase because the program was costing them more than anticipated!!

By: Bob Wed, 12 Feb 2014 10:46:01 +0000 I worked for Wellington Energy when they first rolled out the gas meter retrofit program. PG&E routinely uses contractors for its work for jobs that have safety and environmental issues as a means to ‘insulate’ themselves from liability. For them to follow Federal and CALOSHA rules would be too costly, but by creating an environment amongst contractors to compete to get this work, and tacitly encourage cutting corners as a direct result of the process. That union local doesn’t insure that lunches and breaks are provided, and don’t care. If you complain, then YOUR the troublemaker instead of the union enforcing the contract! They are more crooked than an old mans’ back!

You are right; PG&E contractors routinely kill line workers by exerting fiscal pressure on them, and deaths and injuries are a result. If it didn’t cost them money or further ruin their already useless reputation, they wouldn’t care if people were loosing limbs routinely. PG&E is self-insured, and VERY political. Of course, the ‘rules’ are not applied with any equality or consistency. Proof of that is they routinely ‘blacklist’ people (with the help of the union), and get away with it. So if you follow all the necessary precautions, you’re too slow, if you attempt to cut corners, you’re unsafe. The worst part of that is the IBEW local is in PG&E’s hip pocket, and feins standing for the workers, when it protects the contractors and PG&E instead of insuring safety, routinely throwing its’ dues-paying rank-and-file under the bus.

By: Smart Meter Fire Death » Matthews & Associates | Pharmaceutical Lawyers Tue, 09 Jul 2013 17:59:08 +0000 […] paperwork to retire from his job at a Community College. On July 8, 2010, according to neighbors, Wellington Energy came through and installed electric smart meters to houses all along Mr. Nikkel’s street. […]

By: Sorina Sat, 23 Feb 2013 21:57:11 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Redi kilowatt the problem is the people were not educated with the “Smart Meter”. Had they known,there would not have been 1.7 million, but most likely a few hundred thousand. They have been taken advantage of. As for the “Hydro” employees, maybe
even they don’t know exactly what is going on. All they have to worry about is the next paycheque . would Hydro actually inform them of these hazards? I don’t think so.
As for whistle blowers? Come out of the closet and protect that what is most precious to us all, I admire you. Another job can always be found, but the harm from the smart meters once on your home, cannot be corrected. 24/7 electromagnetic pulses right inside our homes proved by Scientists, Electrical Engineers and now Doctors and Politicians, should be a wake-up call. Hydro has crossed all boundaries, and where is the law? Hydro has some 20.0000 violations
found out in the U.S. recently with the electrical grid. So get on to your computers and do some home work. Once convinced, tell all your neighbors and friends. Protect that
what is most precious to us. “FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY”

By: sorina Jonker Thu, 24 Jan 2013 18:03:41 +0000 In reply to Cedar Wilde.

Hello Cedar! You can get all the information through You may also pick up a sign which states “NO TRESPASSING” in any large store. I just placed one on my home in bright red. You still will have to watch, because they do break down signs and force themselves on to your property. Watch for Hoodies and runners . These guys get paid $ 20.– per installation. They also carry a backpack in which the
Smart meters are hidden. They install them in minutes time. I witnessed this in my own back yard,looking across the street. These contraptions are dangerous. the reason that they have installed already 1.7 million in B.C.,
is because the people are or were not informed. This I consider to be taking advantage of,especially the elderly.

By: Taken for a Ride: PG&E Destroys Functional Analog Meters | Stop Smart Meters! Sun, 02 Dec 2012 03:09:13 +0000 […] PG&E- along with their contractors Wellington Energy- have removed about 9 million analog electric meters from homes throughout Northern California.  […]

By: Patrick Sun, 02 Sep 2012 16:04:30 +0000 Check this out people! This can help! EMF filter

By: Cedar Wilde Mon, 18 Jun 2012 06:33:13 +0000 Where can people get Legal Anti-trespassing notices?

By: Cedar Wilde Mon, 18 Jun 2012 06:11:05 +0000 In reply to Not Important.

Well, “Not Important” People don’t have their cell phones clamped to their ears for 8 hours (i.e. overnight) and they are getting brain tumours from them. I don’t have a microwave because the science I read told me that it damages proteins. (I am made of protein, so don’t want the risk)
As for OUR ignorance being frightening – well, least said, soonest mended.

By: Cedar Wilde Mon, 18 Jun 2012 06:02:55 +0000 In reply to Gary Olhoeft.

But Gary, they are not forced to have them. All the things you mention are to support health, not to play Russian roulette with it.
