Comments on: PG&E’s “Opt Out” Plan a Trojan Horse- ‘Smart’Meter IS the Problem Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:41:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: SSM Victories Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:41:50 +0000 In reply to Theresa Wiles.

Please check your meter if it’s really an analog one or a trojan!
Unlawful opt-out and billing if it is a false trojan.

You can also join this lawsuit:
(Jerry Day and Liz Barris – The People’s Initative)

(reposted this from another reply)
“Press Release Contact: Liz Barris 310-455-7530

She can point you to the right people to find this information. Don’t let them install a false analog meter which SCE has done – do NOT trust SCE or other big utilities ever – they are well known and paid to lie right through their teeth

Customers Sue Edison and PG@E Over Health Effects From Smart Meters/Smart grid.

The law firms of David Kyle and Paul Overett have filed suit against SCE Edison and PG@E for health effects from smart meters/smart grid and will host a press conference on:

Wed. June 12th, 12:00 PM at 5150 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach, CA 90804.

A total of 16 plaintiffs, 10 SCE Edison and 6 PG@E with health effects ranging from headaches, loss of energy and ringing in the ears to cancer, heart attacks and medical implant interference/defibrillator shut offs, are holding those responsible for the new wireless digital meters accountable.

Also named in the lawsuit are smart meter distribution companies, Corix and Wellington and smart meter manufacturers, Itron and Landis and Gyr, with possibly more defendants to be added as the suit progresses.

Health effects associated with smart meters and smart grid have been reported all over the country, but because of the 3.4 billion dollars in federal stimulus grants offered utility companies in exchange for smart meter installation, these complaints have largely been ignored. Also ignoring the complaints of health effects was CPUC president Michael Peevey, who served as president of Edison for over a decade.

The smart meter roll out has been plagued with controversy ever since the WHO came out with its statement on the radiation associated with the meters being a possible human carcinogen. Despite these warnings, the Federal government persisted in its funding of the potentially carcinogenic metering and infrastructure which also serves the dual function of spying on American citizens.

Other problems with the meters consist of over billing, fire hazard, invasion of privacy and multiple Constitutional violations. But none of these have received as much public backlash as the issue of health effects from smart meters and smart grid.

Customers from other utilities in the state of CA, including municipally run utilities such as LADWP, BWP, GWP, SMUD and others who’s health has been compromised by smart meters or smart grid may also join the suit by contacting organizer, Elizabeth Barris at 310-281-9639 or

Copies of the filed complaints can be found at:
For a video on the lawsuits please watch:
For more info on this issue go to:

Special thanks to,,,,, (hey, you guys are here, kudos!), for their continued support.

By: SSM Victories Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:35:03 +0000 In reply to Cyd.

“Press Release Contact: Liz Barris 310-455-7530

She can point you to the right people to find this information. Don’t let them install a false analog meter which SCE has done – do NOT trust SCE or other big utilities ever – they are well known and paid to lie right through their teeth

Customers Sue Edison and PG@E Over Health Effects From Smart Meters/Smart grid.

The law firms of David Kyle and Paul Overett have filed suit against SCE Edison and PG@E for health effects from smart meters/smart grid and will host a press conference on:

Wed. June 12th, 12:00 PM at 5150 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach, CA 90804.

A total of 16 plaintiffs, 10 SCE Edison and 6 PG@E with health effects ranging from headaches, loss of energy and ringing in the ears to cancer, heart attacks and medical implant interference/defibrillator shut offs, are holding those responsible for the new wireless digital meters accountable.

Also named in the lawsuit are smart meter distribution companies, Corix and Wellington and smart meter manufacturers, Itron and Landis and Gyr, with possibly more defendants to be added as the suit progresses.

Health effects associated with smart meters and smart grid have been reported all over the country, but because of the 3.4 billion dollars in federal stimulus grants offered utility companies in exchange for smart meter installation, these complaints have largely been ignored. Also ignoring the complaints of health effects was CPUC president Michael Peevey, who served as president of Edison for over a decade.

The smart meter roll out has been plagued with controversy ever since the WHO came out with its statement on the radiation associated with the meters being a possible human carcinogen. Despite these warnings, the Federal government persisted in its funding of the potentially carcinogenic metering and infrastructure which also serves the dual function of spying on American citizens.

Other problems with the meters consist of over billing, fire hazard, invasion of privacy and multiple Constitutional violations. But none of these have received as much public backlash as the issue of health effects from smart meters and smart grid.

Customers from other utilities in the state of CA, including municipally run utilities such as LADWP, BWP, GWP, SMUD and others who’s health has been compromised by smart meters or smart grid may also join the suit by contacting organizer, Elizabeth Barris at 310-281-9639 or

Copies of the filed complaints can be found at:
For a video on the lawsuits please watch:
For more info on this issue go to:

Special thanks to,,,,, (hey, you guys are here, kudos!), for their continued support.

By: Cyd Wed, 12 Jun 2013 03:35:40 +0000 I am trying to find information on what ‘meter’ you should have once you have the the Opt Out program in place (Colorado Springs Util.)
I paid $109 for ‘activation’, and $20 every quarter to have Utilities come out and read the meter.

My problem, the fees of course, but upon initiating the opt out, I was told they had to check their inventory for the meter and then
would contact me to to set up the plan..change the meter and activate?

I still have the same meter on my home, the ‘digital’ Tron meter, with a piece of tape that says ‘ AMR Module Off’, as in
Automated Meter Reading is off.

Is there anyone who can advise me that, I should have the ‘analog’ meter, or that this meter is now safe because they ‘said’ it is
turned off.

Thank you,

By: Ronny Rat Fri, 01 Feb 2013 11:07:25 +0000 In reply to Joseph Smith.

Where’ve you been? That only applies to EMERGENCIES only!

By: onthelevelblog Thu, 31 Jan 2013 15:48:25 +0000 In reply to Reader. thanks you for your kind comments 🙂

By: Reader Thu, 31 Jan 2013 00:36:45 +0000 In reply to Reader.

By “this website” I mean, of course.

By: Reader Thu, 31 Jan 2013 00:36:16 +0000 In reply to Redi Kw from Marin.

I really appreciate your comments and have re-posted them on my site “Inland Night Lights”. I hope that’s all right. Due credit of course to StopSmartMeters.

This website really ought be nominated for some awards.

By: Reader Thu, 31 Jan 2013 00:25:05 +0000 In reply to Bob.

They also discovered after the gas line explosion in San Bruno, that they did not have any records at all for about one third of all the gas lines running under the Bay Area.

Of course they released the news on a Friday afternoon and by the time a newspaper called for comment, there was no one still in the office. And by Monday, it was all but forgotten.

By: Reader Thu, 31 Jan 2013 00:23:46 +0000 In reply to Art Kabl.

You hit the nail on the head.

By: Reader Thu, 31 Jan 2013 00:04:48 +0000 In reply to Redi Kw from Marin.

Pretty funny there RK. You’re killing me.
