Comments on: Smart Meter Antenna Damage Reported in Santa Cruz County- In Light of Government Inaction, Some Taking Matters Into Their Own Hands Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 30 Dec 2013 21:29:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Mon, 30 Dec 2013 21:29:54 +0000 In reply to Asa.

Nice try Ava. While I agree that EMFs and dirty electricity from smart meters are a huge problem, there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims of ANY sort of protection from “orgonite”, “amazonite” (hilarious!!!), or any of the products you’re trying to sell.

Shame on you.

By: Smarter Meters Tue, 12 Feb 2013 20:25:32 +0000 In reply to J-Dub.

You are correct. The meters do not need to transmit as often as they do. Since the microwave signals are powered by the customer’s power usage, utilities have a very good (dishonest) reason for making them transmit as often as they can.

According to this document:

“If a specific household has concerns about their meter being used as a repeater, they can contact their utility company to request that their Elster meter transmits power readings just once a day.”

Yet, if a Zigbee-enabled Elster meter has been installed that transmits eight fruitless pulses per minute “searching” for in home devices wishes to avoid the extra 2.4 Ghz RFR pulses, there is currently NO solution available.

“Elster is working on a firmware update to be released by the end of June 2013 that would shut off the HAN radio emissions until such time that the devices are ready to be commissioned to pair with IHDs.”

By: Paul H Tue, 12 Feb 2013 18:00:28 +0000 In reply to J-Dub.


By: J-Dub Mon, 11 Feb 2013 20:41:17 +0000 How about just reengineering the smart meters to be more health conscious? Realistically it shouldn’t have to transmit power usage data more than once a month, to inform billing. It could also make a transmission if there’s an internal error in the meter. But aside from those 2 circumstances, it’s unclear why they’d need to be working all day, or why a single transmission of Customer_ID and Usage_Count would need to utilize high-frequency or high-amplitude signals. Simple data of that sort could be transmitted by binary pulses similar to those of a mid-20th-century telephone, with very, very low power.

By: Asa Mon, 11 Feb 2013 19:18:43 +0000 I highly recommend anyone concerned about EMFs or radiation exposure to look in to the metaphysical qualities of crystals, as there are some which are none to transmute the harmful effects of our technology, and purify the EM field. Such crystals would include: Fluorite, Amazonite, Tourmaline, and Herkimer Diamonds. Also check out “orgonite” or “orgone generators”, which are proven technologies which are capable of amplifying the crystalline frequencies, while harmonizing the stagnant radiation (deadly orgone) with the living energy of the earth. And the best part is, it even works for skeptics. 😉

By: Zharkov Mon, 24 Sep 2012 07:02:21 +0000 Ham radio transmissions are typically at far lower frequencies than 1 Ghz so any influence on health would be minimal, if any. Smart Meter frequencies approach the same used in radar, and it is common knowledge that police speed radar units have caused cancer in officers who had rested their radar guns on their laps or car seat.

Radar technicians contracted cancer from years of working on live radar equipment, as had U.S. embassy employees who become ill when Soviet agents targeted the U.S. embassy in Moscow with microwave energy.

So the power industry arguments that the radiation is “safe” is demonstrably false, and there is abundant research to show that microwave energy can be extremely dangerous at moderate power levels. It’s not merely the heating effect that damages DNA but a combination of factors that make low power microwave energy a health hazard. Microwave radiation damage at any power level is cumulative so that long term exposure should be avoided. Low level microwave energy is a “slow-kill” weapon. It will trigger cancers in some people but not others. As the power level increases, more people become ill more quickly. There is probably no “safe” level of microwave energy for life-long exposure.

By: Ricky002 Mon, 23 Jul 2012 23:30:08 +0000 Why not just put a grounded Faraday Cage wth double layers with simple copper fine mesh screening up around your meter, and back it up with a second one side the house also grounded, but if your really into this you would need to truely surround the entire meter all the way around the meter otherwise “RF leakage” could occur through the wall board and studs, but one would have to be careful about such cutting behind the meter as you really have no idea what structures might be involved in such a modification, let alone where the power mains really are. One would have to put up a transparent RF screen in front of the such meters so a meter reader could view it, and record the numbers.

But I am not worried about such stuff, I have a HAMM radio, that put’s out far more power then any “smart meter” ever could with no ill effects what so ever. People think the word radiation is equal to radioactive, not even close to the truth. Sun light, in fact ALL light no matter what wae length is a form of electro-magnetic “radiation” throw out your microwave oven while your at it, get rid of your wireless phone and cell phone, your “frying” your brain.

By: Gazoo Fri, 20 Apr 2012 09:45:34 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Hey Redi KW, there’s no problem with transmitting in the ISM bands. That’s why they are UNLICENSED! You just need to stay within the transmission limit specified by the FCC. Cell (mobile) phones are in the licensed bands, so you wouldn’t be interfering with them. Get your facts straight before you spout off.
So could potentially jam the 900MHz signals from the smart meters while still being FCC compliant. If you check the FCCID code and how the unit was passed, it will clearly state that the unlicensed device must be able to accept interference that may cause it not to function properly. The regulations for the licensed bands are different.

By: Redi Kilowatt Fri, 13 Apr 2012 18:09:43 +0000 In reply to larry.

if someone did what you said (and got snitched on and busted for it), the FCC would come down on them like a ton of bricks, and make an example out of them.
The FCC would send vans with antennas into your area sweeping for errant signals for a few months or more. You would freak out.
And keep in mind, the gas meters use 450MHz UHF, and so do business radios and public safety agencies. And the SmartMeters use 900MHz UHF, and so do public safety agencies and mobile phones. You wouldn’t want to be responsible for interfering with an emergency call to the fire department reporting another SmartMeter fire would you ? Your house might also burn down.
Estupido !

By: larry Thu, 12 Apr 2012 22:08:44 +0000 Why not install a jammer near the smartmeter block data transmission, simple and cheap device coud run a couple small batteries
