Comments on: Appliances Introducing Stealth EMF Into Our Homes Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 11 Nov 2016 17:25:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donna Fri, 11 Nov 2016 17:25:14 +0000 I need to find a hard wired furnace without a wireless chip that sends signals to the electric smart meter

By: Maria Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:51:56 +0000 Keep it up to writing!!! Nice writing you that you have to introduces the home appliances stealth emf into homes.

By: Nicky Fri, 02 May 2014 08:56:02 +0000 In reply to Angel.

No need to live in a cage. RF shielding technology is old and well-established. Clothing is commercially available which is made from silver cloth (very fine silver threads woven into a cloth). Such fabric will shield the wearer from RF energy. Also, the RF-sensitive person’s house could shielded using existing Faraday cage technology. Wallpaper, window films and curtain materials all exist which would allow you to decorate a home to look normal yet be shielded from electrosmog. An internet search for RF shielding materials and Faraday cage materials will likely turn up useful leads.

By: Nicky Fri, 02 May 2014 08:44:42 +0000 In reply to Smarter Meters.

Your range hood may not be properly grounded. If true, your range hood could be acting like an antenna to pick up and re-radiate signals in the range for which it is resonant (based on its physical dimensions). The solution is to ground your range hood. Any experienced electrician can make sure that your range hood has a good ground, and the cost would be only for his time and no extra parts.

The other possibility is that your house/apartment has a ground loop, which means that everything in your house/apartment is properly grounded, but that the ground energy has no true path to earth ground, so the signals just travel around and around between everything which is grounded, including your 60Hz AC house power appliances as well as any products which you plug in “wall warts”, the little AC-to-DC power converters.

If you have a ground loop and you’re in a house you own, the solution is easy; any electrician can find floating grounds and connect them properly to earth ground, with only a service charge and no extra parts. If you’re in an apartment or multistory communal dwelling, however, it’s trickier to eliminate floating grounds and ground loops, but it can be done. That would require a specialist, and probably some filters selected for your specific problem. (which could cost a bit).

By: Anna Sun, 26 May 2013 17:43:13 +0000 This explains how a particular brand of new dishwasher will be connected to the internet. It still is wifi and still emits non-ionizing radiation so why would anyone want it? It says that it works with the smart grid.

By: Angel Wed, 27 Jun 2012 09:45:34 +0000 Hi, I´m from Spain, and my mother is electrosensitive… Nobody knows what nightmare is… All of us are sensitive, but… only some of us know when there is radiation next to us feeling pain…. That is the difference between electrosensitive and the rest of the population, but the damage is around all of us, not only for electrosensitive…
You can see our drama…, although you don´t understand spanish

These two women are living in a cave in France with the same symptoms as my mother

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 23 Jun 2012 18:59:10 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Hi Paul,
Appology accepted.
When I refer to “chipped” appliances, I am referring to the appliances that were supposed to be for the Home Area Networks monitoring system that use ZigBee radio transmitters that were co-marketed with SmartMeter/SmartGrid projects.
There has been much misleading information about the HAN systems, partly because of the utilities marketing brochures. But if you read the wording very carefully, the utilities never claim that these new few large appliances communicate with the utility through the SmartMeters using them as a repeater, instead they claim that these few large appliances with the ZigBee transmitters transmit the energy use data to an in home monitor. This monitor is not being sold yet anywhere that I can find, since Google and Microsoft both abandoned the HAN development projects.
What has happened is that some activists and pseudo-scientists mis-interpreted the marketing brochures and made up all kinds of far out science fiction stories about how ALL appliances are monitored AND controlled by the new SmartMeters. And that the SmartMeters are capable of transmitting not only a meters total electrical use once every 4 hours, but that they also report individual appliance use in real time directly to the utility. I’m sure you have seen some of these videos about spy meters that report personal information, appliance use and medical conditions all over the SilverSprings radio SmartGrid.
There have been high end large appliances like SubZero refrigerators that have chips in them to transmit signals over ethernet (cat 5) cables for years, and now, there are smart thermostats that have wi-fi transmitters in them, also I think they are putting wi-fi transmitters in new large flat screen television sets.
So, it is partly my fault for not being clear about the ZigBee monitoring chips used for the pipe dreamed HAN monitoring systems, I mistakenly called them “chipped” appliances. So from now on, I will refer to appliances and HVAC equipment that use the ZigBee radio system as:
“appliances that have the ZigBee monitoring transmitters for Home Area Networks”, and I will not say chipped. I know that all electronic devices have chips in them, whether they have transmitters or not, and they can still give off RF and EMF.
The addition of wi-fi to some large appliances is to enable remote access to customers who have purchased these special appliances, control modules, computers, smart phones, interfaces, software and subscribe to data plans, internet connections for their computers and also subscribe to the cable company for this extra service of interfacing security systems and automation systems. Very expensive indeed.
I have never designed or installed automation systems for regular working folks, it’s all been in very large single family houses for extremely wealthy people. To think that a customer is going to run out and spend thousands of dollars on an automation system if they have an 800 sq. ft. apartment is a joke. Nothing will change, it will still be only the wealthy families who have huge estates who will be doing the buying.

By: Charyl Zehfus Sat, 23 Jun 2012 17:11:17 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Actually, I’d pay extra to have the transmitters removed, and I’ll bet that’s what the suppliers will do, charge people to have them removed. It’s kind of like in the food industry where you pay extra for more pure food products “without” the additives and chemicals. Anyhow, that’s what I predict.

By: Paul H Sat, 23 Jun 2012 16:57:30 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

I apologize for calling you a liar. Maybe misinformed and out of touch with your google browser. I have personally measured RF emitting from new appliances.

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 23 Jun 2012 01:09:47 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

So Paul H.
Since you called me a liar, can you back that up by naming any chipped appliances being sold ?
I thought so, it is you that are a troll and a liar.
