Comments on: Emergency Mass Protest Called for Mon. Morning in Santa Cruz Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 28 Jun 2011 01:08:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Redi Kilowatt Tue, 28 Jun 2011 01:08:54 +0000 In reply to Eric Hanson.

I didn’t click on your link because I don’t know if it is connected to Facebook or not. I personally don’t want anything to do with any corporately/federally monitored social networking site.
That is why I post on this site, because it is independent of Facebook.

By: Roberto Mejia Mon, 27 Jun 2011 06:20:44 +0000 In reply to RobertWilliams.

How can they force installations? With the compliance, indifference, and ignorance of the masses. I would install a lock box where they can still view the meter reading but not install their Cancer-Meter, the game is this: they threaten to shut off electricity but as some have stated, that would be illegal. They try to BS-Artist you it is their property but I would say “THIS LAND IS MY PROPERTY-get the FUCK out of here, and if you enter-I will call police/sheriff.” They say YOU signed a contract or other and you tell them SHOW me the contract. Also, if there even was a contract, this would be negated by them putting a HARMFUL device on/near your home. If they have a contract, that does not mean they can install anything they want to. These meters are not even functioning and are hazardous. Well like on of the pretender Neo-Cons stated, the US Constitution is not a SUICIDE PACT, and neither is your PG&E contract. I would not let them bully me, I would be like a mountain to block this on my home.

By: Eric Hanson Mon, 27 Jun 2011 03:22:52 +0000 In reply to Eric Hanson.

here’s the link

By: Eric Hanson Mon, 27 Jun 2011 02:01:38 +0000 Set up a facebook event and also a SmartMeter Action page (link provided)… and of course I and a few friends and family members will be there tomorrow morning!

By: Redi Kilowatt Sun, 26 Jun 2011 18:15:25 +0000 So KTVU got it totally wrong. They said that Capitola lifted the moratorium on installing the meters, and that PG&E was developing a new non transmitting meter to be furnished to people that don’t want a radio meter.
I knew they were wrong about both things, but I had to share with people what the mainstream corporate media is putting out.
I actually like KTVU news for the most part, but they really dropped the ball last Friday about PG&E developing new meters that don’t transmit.
In Marin County the new radio meters have been installed and are transmitting, but due to the topography and telemetry problems, they are transmitting for nothing. The DCU’s are in place, have been for about a year, but they are not working in most parts of the county. Only down in the flatlands , parts of San Rafael, Novato and Birdland (Tam Valley) have meters that are working transmitting as dreamed, a very small percentage of the meters total.
So far, they have laid off 1 “hiring hall” meter reader that earns $35 per hour with no benefits, and one regular meter reader was reassigned to the office, who earns $29 per hour with benefits.
So they have eliminated 2 meter reading positions in Marin, so now, the existing meter readers have to take up the slack for the 2 eliminated meter readers. They are working overtime every day, so it hasn’t realized any profits at all in Marin, it’s actually costing more, because overtime is paid at time and one half.
The whole project is a complete failure in Marin, we want our money back from PG&E that we paid for these new radio meters. REBATE !

By: RobertWilliams Sun, 26 Jun 2011 08:16:45 +0000 Now that the World Health Organization has linked Wireless Smart Meter Radiation and CANCER, how can PG$E continue to force installation onto people’s homes?
