Comments on: Winning Hearts and Minds in Santa Cruz County Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Thu, 28 Jul 2011 18:14:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: SOS Florida Thu, 28 Jul 2011 18:14:15 +0000 In reply to SOS Florida.

Hi Texas,
Yes, I tried the info AT bansmartmeters site. I’ll try again. Thanks so much!

By: Texas Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:40:58 +0000 In reply to SOS Florida.

Hi SOSFlorida! Did you try emailing “info AT”? Or leave a comment on one of the posts with your email address and we’ll delete the comment as soon as we get it. Thanks!

By: SOS Florida Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:26:58 +0000 In reply to Texas

Texas Ban Smart Meters:
I have tried to get into your message site – it is just not going to let me! My computer problems are suspect! I used to live in the Spring Hill area and have family also in that area. SPRING HILL: PLEASE SEND YOUR COMPLAINT TO THE PSC, SEN. RUBIO AND THE TRIB. SADLY, GOV. SCOTT IS NO HELP.

By: SOS Florida Sat, 23 Jul 2011 20:13:55 +0000 In reply to Texas

Texas friends,
Any networking is greatly appreciated. The WORD is just not getting out. It seems that there is a blackout. I did have one front page interview but that seems to be the end of it. God Help Us!!!


By: Redi Kilowatt Fri, 22 Jul 2011 02:36:01 +0000 In reply to Mia Nony.

The Home Area Networks or HAN’s what PG&E calls them are not the power grid, they are stand alone systems that are entirely paid for by the customers should they choose to install them in their homes.
PG&E is proposing to use 2 different systems, the HomePlug powerline carrier system to control air compressor motors for air conditioning units in multi-family condo-apartment buildings (shared common walls), and the ZigBee radio system for single family detached houses.
The new radio meters are transmitting a low power radio frequency to facilitate the implementation of this system in PG&E territory in the distant future, but so far the meters are transmitting the 2405 MHz signals (considered microwave by most professionals) for the ZigBee controls for nothing into peoples houses. The system is not ready yet, and most people will not buy it anyway.
I was down at Home Depot the other day, and I decided to investigate the appliance department. I looked at all these shiny new stainless steel appliances, but not one of them were equipped with the transmitters for the ZigBee system. I talked to a senior sales person, he said that he did not know anything about the system, but he heard that in Sweden they were using it !.
This whole Home Area Networks program is nothing but a bunch of marketing and sales hype cooked up by the corporately run government. Obama gave $50 million to Whirlpool of our tax money to start installing the chips in their new appliances, but so far, none have been released to the market yet. People who don’t want the system simply will not buy it.
In these tight economic times, people are going to put off buying new appliances as long as they can, but if they absolutely need a new appliance, they are not going to waste extra money on a useless system of monitoring, all that they have to do is read the rating plate on every manufactured appliance and device to determine the current draw. It’s real simple, even an elementary school student can do it.
It is great that these people are having these meetings and are trying to educate one another about the HAN’s, but those systems are just a big marketing scam, and those HAN’s will control only motors for air conditioning units compressors, they will leave the fans on so the people will not know that the cooling has been turned off. That is , until the temperature gets to be 90 degrees inside the building.
Many parts of the country are heavily reliant on air conditioning to be comfortable, and air conditioning is by far the largest electrical load in these hot areas. That is what the HAN’s are all about. Heating can be done with other fuels.
Don’t fall for the hyperbole.

By: Texas Thu, 21 Jul 2011 22:22:04 +0000 In reply to SOS Florida.

SOS Florida:
We just got an email from someone in Florida (Spring Hill) who just learned about how awful smart meters are, then discovered they already had one. I could pass on your info if you’d like. info AT bansmartmeters DOT com

By: SOS Florida Thu, 21 Jul 2011 18:36:51 +0000 In reply to RobertWilliams.

I have read several of your very cogent messages on Smart Meters, some in states other than CA. Thank you for spreading the truth! Would you please consider spreading the word via editorials etc. in the Orlando Sentinal, Tampa Tribune, Miami Herald, St.Pete Times, Palm Beach Post etc.? I’m trying but the word is not getting out. WE ARE IN TROUBLE.

By: Anna Logg Thu, 21 Jul 2011 03:53:20 +0000 Awesome information Mia. Thank you. I live close to San Jose and would love to attend. Time to raise some money to get a group of people there!

By: Mia Nony Wed, 20 Jul 2011 21:22:55 +0000 Plan now to coordinate large numbers & ways to “attend” the party scheduled above

By: Mia Nony Wed, 20 Jul 2011 21:21:41 +0000 To ACT rather than REACT: FOLLOW THE MONEY
Smart Home Energy Management Summit 2011
8th-9th November 2011, Crowne Plaza, San Jose

Capitalize on Opportunities in the Home space: Smart Grid Update

Discover why HEM, smart appliances and consumer engagement is vital to the success of smart grid

Costumer engagement and buy-in is the missing link in smart grid.
Getting them to participate and embrace smart grid remains a challenge. Furthermore, without them, residential demand response will fail.
Appliances manufacturers and HEMS makers are doing their part by offering customer applications that will encourage engagement.
Smart HEM and Smart Appliances Conference will focus on the two crucial challenges.
How do you create a smart home with a functional HEMS that manages smart appliances?
Enabling residential demand response programs to succeed.
How do you engage the customer in ways that not only will they buy-in to smart gird- but, they will change their behavior and their energy consumption habits?

Attend this conference and you will:

Comprehend why and how key players can and should work together to leverage HEMS.
Realize the impact HEMS and smart appliances will have on energy efficiency via demand response programs.
Discover the methods utilities, technology providers and appliances manufacturers need to use to engage the consumer.
Examine the possible protocols with strategic market leaders- determine the best way forward. Guarantee your HEMS and smart appliances are interoperable and security proof.
Hear from forward thinking appliance makers about their plan to win the future.
Ensure your technologies fit with the overall plan.

Find out what opportunities will become available as the grid gets extended into the customers’ home.

Make sure your R&D strategy is robust.
And because tested pilot projects are the best way to learn, companies and organizations will present case studies on:

HEMS, Customer Engagement, Smart Appliances and much more

To be kept up to date on the latest information about the event, reserve your FREE BROCHURE now


The agenda is focused on the strategies and technologies that will enable costumer engagement, and a functional smart home. Key topics to be addressed include:

Practical business case for smarter Home Energy Management
The role of the consumer: Raising consumer awareness about the need for more participatory HEM
Extending the grid into the home
The emergence of the Smart Appliances industry
The role of standards in HEM communication protocols
To see the latest agenda, CLICK HERE


Here’s a quick glimpse of the caliber of speakers already confirmed for the Smart HEM Smart Appliances Conference:

Manager of Strategic Planning,
CEO, People Power
Executive Director, USNAP
Executive Director, Pecan Street Project
Principal Engineer, Samsung
To see a full list of speaker, CLICK HERE

The Smart HEM & Smart Appliances Conference will assemble an exceptional line up of experts to share their experiences, insights and available opportunities within the HEMS and smart appliances space. Like all Smart Grid Update events, this conference places a firm focus on providing practical advice and business opportunities. Attend and you’ll come away with the strategies and partnerships you need to sharpen your competitive edge.

To reserve your place today, CLICK HERE
