Comments on: “Smart” Meters: More Radiation Than a Cell Tower Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 15 Jul 2017 16:53:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Len Miskulin Sat, 11 Jun 2016 23:31:30 +0000 If you think about effects on fertility you should very easily come to right idea.
just 5 generations and “useless eaters” will no longer multiply. Bingo, Georgia guidestones honoured!

By: ME Fri, 10 Apr 2015 21:37:20 +0000 The smart meters do give off RF.. that’s how they communicate.. Of course.. ours only transmit short bursts, very small packets, they can transmit often, quite often, but, if you add all the time up they spend transmitting from even the busiest meter in the mesh network, it would equal about 1-2% of the day.

We all have WiFi right? Maybe some of you are on it now… The amount of data it took your WAP to transmit this single web page to your laptop just exposed you to well over a months worth of standing over top of an AMI device on a ZigBee mesh network.

You can easily call your electric company and have the NIC removed from the meter. You will probably be charged an extra $40 – $100 a month by doing so though.

A Faraday cage is an interesting idea.. and the microwave? wow.. I would have never thought of that one. Kudos

By: Penny Thu, 28 Aug 2014 11:59:16 +0000 Time will tell….just like when cigarettes were considered as no threat to health! 😉
Paranoid…no….concerned…yes….there is a difference especially when scientific tests prove the existence of harmful radiation.

By: ben Sat, 17 May 2014 02:47:43 +0000 wow do people actually believe this stuff. Those smart meters are not harmful at all. Its a load of bs i sleep next to a wireless router and it does nothing because its not harmful radiation you paranoid people

By: flopper Thu, 26 Jul 2012 22:39:38 +0000 I’d say its a financial tactic. Economy dying so tons of expected deadbeats so now they don’t even have to pay someone to turn your power off. The hour it would have took saves them X hours,X tons of coal times the ants in their hill they expect to go bad.

Gov approved as now they can turn off grandpas breathing machine before they send in the squad because you tried to bring in pert plus when scalp and shoulders was only allowed on that flight. Sounds silly but the fucks love control and the other fucks love money just as much.

Pulses,radiation,public health? Who cares. You will likely have a kid or two who will work if needed and pay taxes in your place once you get sick and die off and we can teach them to be less of a pain to deal with. They will be safer from the boogeymen this all protects us from. You know that guy. He’s a real dick.

By: Carrie Tue, 14 Feb 2012 01:12:45 +0000 In reply to Chris Smith.

Anyone stupid enough to think BC Hydro is doing this for the better rather than to make a ton of money, is an idiot. 🙂

By: Arian Sat, 31 Dec 2011 02:25:39 +0000 Best idea I’ve found on smart meter blogs and forums is to mass sue PG&E, or whoever your electric company is, in small claims court. This relatively new tactic in fighting big greedy companies avoids large legal costs and battles but has the power of a class action lawsuit. The key is to use the power of social media and other means of virtual connection to mobilize a MASS action, not just 1 or 2 people doing it. Big greedy companies like PG&E can fight class action suits with their high priced lawyers, focusing their energy on just one or a handful of lawsuits. In some states, attorneys can’t even be used in small claims court, so you are on equal ground with the company in court – 1 individual against 1 non-attorney company rep. Even in states where companies are allowed to be represented by an attorney in small claims court, the company’s legal staff will get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of the lawsuits and it won’t pay for them to send high priced lawyers into each separate court action. These can also happen much more quickly than major civil cases like class actions so it’s possible to have a rapid impact on PG&E. The key is to mobilize in mass and to share lessons learned about what works best and what doesn’t. A few of these are beginning to happen now. So it’s time to connect with them! It’s not about winning the lawsuits like in a class action. It’s about making it such a pain in the a__ that the power company concludes it’s not worth installing the meters because of the drain on time, attention, resources, morale, and public opinion.

By: cheena graham Wed, 28 Dec 2011 08:11:24 +0000 In reply to Tom Fletcher.

Um, Tom, I think you meant ‘owned by’, not paid by!! We all know about Black Press and all the other msm’s in both Canada and the U.S. And we all know what gets written in the newspapers & other msm is exactly what the big corps/govt. want told/said.
Just because you are a hack for a newspaper doesn’t make you an expert! You want us to believe that you know more/better than the WHO?? harumph! That about puts you in the same class as herr harpo! LOL – he doesn’t believe in science either!

By: Sam Wed, 26 Oct 2011 20:19:57 +0000 I found this site via a google search. We have which looks like an Australian sister site. You should link to it. Our friend is practically forced out of their own home since having a smart meter installed next door. They have Dr certificates stating that the meters are causing severe headaches etc. They had the power company come around and they offered to turn the meters down 90% to see if it would help!!!!!!!

By: Cris Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:25:15 +0000 The smart meters need to have a mu-metal box surrounding them.

If you want to stop your smart meter radiating, build a mu-metal box for it.

If the RF is over 100kHz you dont need mu-metal and can block it with a faraday cage.

At the end of the day it’s just dangerous and reckless to allow unshielded equipment like this in public areas. The shielding was probably dropped from the design for profits to be paid as big fat bonuses to corporate executives and kickbacks to government officials! And everyone suffers cancer as a result! Outrageous!!
