Comments on: CPUC “Opt Out” Proceeding a Dangerous Farce Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 13 Sep 2011 19:24:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy O'Hair Tue, 13 Sep 2011 19:24:58 +0000 In reply to Rhonda Davidson-Plegge.

If you are serious about a class action lawsuit, there are many who would like to join you. How can this go forward? Here are some southern California websites:
Also contact Sue Brinchman, email sbrinchman [a t] aol .com (put this together).

By: Shucks Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:51:57 +0000 In reply to Rhonda Davidson-Plegge.

He threatened me and said it is a “mandate”.

They are scum. Kick them off of your property.

By: Catharine Gunderson Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:02:16 +0000 I have been noticing that the Santa Cruz Sentinel has had some articles that got my attention (by mostly Steve Johnson of the San Jose Mercury News) writing articles on the lack of responsible conduct by PG&E. I don’t read the Sentinel much, but I did see the August 9, 2011, page A3, Sentinel article by Steve Johnson, “Insider alleges misconduct by PG&E. Also, by Steve Johnson and others, on Wed. Aug. 31, (did the Mercury News buy the Sentinel?) in the Sentinel,front page, “Feds Fault PG&E for litany of failures”. And on Sat. Sept. 3, in the Sentinel, the article, “PG&E pipe made of aterial connected with other fires” by Bay Area News Group. Big picture of damaged house from explosion. In the “Extra” section on page B4.
Lastly, in Sentinel Opinion section, page A15, “AS WE SEE IT”, Editor Don Miller, Internet Dir. Mike Blaesser, and Community Member (ex Redevelopment head), Ciel Cirillo, wrote “PG&E: Blame erodes trust: Report finds appalling series of failures leading to San Bruno blast”. Wow, there have probably been more articles than this in the paper about PG&E’s lack of responsibility, but this seems like a lot to me for just reading the Sentinel every once in awhile. We have to help these folks see the connections to Smart Meter problems tied to all this.
A friend brought a shortened Letter to the Editor that Iwrote from June 21, 2011 on page A9 to my attention the recently. The Sentinel shortened it even though I made sure I stayed under the word limit.
I would love to go to the Wednesday gathering. I have a little car, but it is dependable. As I am newly unemployed, I could use a little help with gas.

By: Rhonda Davidson-Plegge Mon, 12 Sep 2011 23:01:16 +0000 In reply to Jim.

Hi Susan, How did you remove your smartmeter,, just in case I lose this site.

We were all out of the house after I had refused the smart meter and put note on the meter and sent a letter. How did they know we were all gone??????

I too am worried about health issues. I had liver cancer and 7 months of chemo, then my husband had prostate cancer and removal. Any suggestions?

By: Rhonda Davidson-Plegge Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:53:39 +0000 I sent a letter refusing the smart meter, but unfortunately did not send it confirmation required. An SDGE (San Diego, CA), came to my door, only door on the block one morning saying he was there to install the smart meter. I refused and informed him I did not want it. I also stated I sent a letter. He threatened me and said it is a “mandate”. Then drove off, not to any other houses in the neighborhood. I put a note on my meter and said “NO SMART METER” , etc. I just noticed today that they installed the smart meter when we were all out of the house (4) of us. I called SDGE, CPUC and don’t know what I can do now. They all said once it is installed it CANNOT be removed. Can I get it removed? If so how. I want to start a class action lawsuit, (I don’t want money, only health and privacy) for the state of California. Any suggestions?

By: chris porro Mon, 12 Sep 2011 06:08:02 +0000 legally can a company pursue it’s business if it causes the public harm and isn’t essential? seems like this would just be illegal. i have already told PG&E i don’t want a smart meter installed. next step would be to make the area where the meter is inaccessible. and even an installed meter can be rendered useless with some metal foil i bet. 😀

The ambient EMF that children are growing up in today is unprecedented. it’s not just smart meters. it’s cell phones and towers, wifi, compact florescents along with all the old stuff as well (radio, power lines). i’m afraid we’re doing a huge public experiment and no one knows what harm will come. I’m convinced we are taking huge risks. I mean, EMF and harmful health effects have been around for what….50 years?

everyone needs to wake up and look at the evidence that is already out there. i like my cellphone but i’m not getting sick for it. headset, airplane mode, limited exposure.

By: Dr. P. Fri, 09 Sep 2011 21:09:59 +0000 The Outrage of these criminals forcing us to be guinea pigs will only stop when we have a nationwide boycott. Peaceful ala Gandhi. Stock up on food. For those who drive, fill your tank up. Stay home. Don’t shop. Don’t use big box stores. Recall the criminals. There are more of us than them. The bigger picture is enormous harm and poisoning on the nationwide “Death” meter grid. We ignore this at our own risk! Wake up people. Boycott the utilities! It’s enough harm. See Dr. Deagle’s interviews:
1. “Death by Smart Meter” – Part 1:
2. Part 2:

By: Jim Thu, 08 Sep 2011 21:17:33 +0000 Sorry for all the posts but this is important.

Susan B, a children’s TV show producer who lives near Lompoc in Santa Barbara County, has removed a Smart Meter from her home and replaced it with an analog meter to protect her husband. In response to this act Susan stated a PG&E representative has threatened to “bring the police and turn off her power.”

“The electrician checked it out and verified it was done correctly.”

“She then sent registered letters, reviewed by her attorney to PG&E. ”

That sounds reasonable and fair and I see no legal reason to disconnect her power.

Plus they can easily, and without all the costs of corporate lawyers to ALL the ratepayers, just put the mechanical meter back.

As usual, threats, intimidation, fear, all the usual crap they try.

Not caring about your customers is bad PR. I hope the local NEWS picks this up! Please post links if you find them.

(link above has more)

By: Jim Thu, 08 Sep 2011 19:58:48 +0000 I posted the new issues and updated text for the example letters, please check it out and if you have already sent out a letter you might want to send a new one with this new info in it.

The link to the example letters is at the top of this page to the right, or:

Stop these meters!

By: Jim Thu, 08 Sep 2011 18:16:19 +0000 Please include the information about the meters being hackable in anything you send to them or present.

It’s a technical FACT they can’t get around. THROW IT ALL AT THEM!

The general public is aware of computer intrusions, so that’s already out there. USE IT!

The excuse that some meter making company has “assured” them that the data and TURN OFF system is secure is not a guarantee against liability for the power company, does that company indemnify them from any wide spread damage that it could cause?

Does the smart meter company have liability insurance enough to cover the damage done when a regional grid section goes down?

So, we know they can’t be held liable as a manufacturer, and probably have all sorts of disclaimers, so the power company RATEPAYERS are stuck with the bill.

They might be poo – poo’ing the RF “makes me sick” issue (and they shouldn’t with enough complaints), but they aren’t going to be able to say these will never get hacked.

So it’s pretty simple.

Point to norton anti virus, sites like where they post known computer hacks DAILY!

Endangering the community is a good word to use.

You can also find out who insures the meter maker and put them on notice too. It’s a dangerous product!
