Comments on: More Thoughts on Wednesday’s CPUC “Opt Out” Workshop Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 28 Sep 2011 21:33:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Glendale Resident Speaks Out on Smart Meters | Sunroom Desk Wed, 28 Sep 2011 21:33:45 +0000 […] will decide for PG&E customers who don’t want smart meters. This is a heated issue: PG&E customers have been relentless in criticizing the universal roll-out of smart meters in No…. GWP is not bound by the CPUC’s decision but Powers indicated that it would be easier to […]

By: Read and watch these reports and video on the Sept. 14th CA PUC Smart Meter Options workshop « Burbank ACTION Wed, 21 Sep 2011 07:50:15 +0000 […] Also read, “More Thoughts on Wednesday’s CPUC “Opt-Out” Workshop, posted September 16, 2011, which features Comments by environmental health expert Cindy Sage and Steve Martinot, who represents Alameda County Residents opposed to smart meters (which is a party in the CPUC Smart Meter Opt Out proceeding): […]

By: Jim Sun, 18 Sep 2011 03:06:46 +0000 Why was AB 37 “canceled” ? Still need to hold their feet to the fire, why back off?

Assembly member Jared Huffman (D–Marin)
District: Tel: (415) 479-4920 – Fax: (415) 479-2123 (or google it)

“05/09/11: In committee: Set, second hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.”

This bill would require the CPUC, by January 1, 2012, to identify alternative options for customers of electrical corporations that decline the installation of wireless advanced metering infrastructure devices, commonly referred to as smart meters, as part of an approved smart grid deployment plan. The bill would also require the CPUC, when it has identified those alternative options, to require each electrical corporation to permit a customer to decline the installation of an advanced metering infrastructure device and make the alternative options available to that customer. The bill would also require the CPUC to disclose certain information to customers about the technology of smart meters. The bill would require the CPUC to direct each electrical corporation to suspend the deployment of advanced metering infrastructure until the CPUC has complied with the above requirements.

By: SOSFL Sat, 17 Sep 2011 20:19:53 +0000 THANK YOU, Cindy Sage for all of your hard work. I have given out several of the Sage Reports to the “powers that be” in Florida. It is still “slow going” here but without your help it would be even slower! Wake up, Florida!

By: San Bruno survivors call for criminal charges against PG&E executives Sat, 17 Sep 2011 05:32:37 +0000 Keep in mind. these are criminals we are dealing with. Corporate criminals that think they are above the law.

When the Millions of people that have been intentionally harmed, press criminal charges, and sue the daylights out of PG&E executives /investors, and the CPUC, perhaps we will then regain our health, safety, privacy: our constitutional and civil rights that PG&E, and the CPUC have stolen, bullied, and when they intentionally forced dangerous microwave radiation emitting smartmeters (AMI) against our will, without our consent on our homes, our property. Criminals belong in jail.

More News related to Insider Trades,600+Shares/6791480.html

September 16, 2011 7:24 AM EDT
After the close, PG & E Corp. (NYSE: PCG) CEO Anthony Earley disclosed the purchase of 36,600 shares on 9/14 at $40.80, bringing his stake to 117,915 shares.

These criminals will lie, and continue to harm innocent children and their families, until they are put behind bars.

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 17 Sep 2011 01:39:43 +0000 I have been strongly opposed to the wireless meter project for over 2 years, probably before this website was created, for many reasons.
Originally, the Automated Meter Reading project was do be done with a power line carrier (wired), but in this country, we don’t have a so called “smart grid” like they have already built in Europe.
Sending revenue data to the billing office cannot be done here in the U.S. on power line carriers because the 40+ year old ferrite core transformers won’t pass the signals.
So the utility corporations cooked up a great scam to use a separate radio network using a mesh network and then repeated to an (originally) proprietary radio network. Now the big mobile phone carriers wanted a piece of the action, and told the utility companies that they could offer up their already in place mobile phone networks and save the utilities big dollars by not having to create their own radio networks.
These multi-national communications corporations want to rule the planet. They would love to see the day when there are no more twisted pair communications. Some say that so far, 26 percent of our population here do not have traditional land lines, only mobile phones
We all know that these corporations want the traditional wired systems to go away for the general public, but the corporations still need wired communications to do business.
It’s all about controlling the masses and making a whopping profit in doing so. They want to saturate the world with their foreign made, cheaply built, expensive to buy and use on their networks low powered wireless devices . These devices are so low powered that they don’t work half of the time. So what do they do ? Raise the rates and build more mobile phone towers to compensate for the narrow bandwidth and low power from trying to cram in too many new customers.
The mobile phones nowadays put out about 1/4 watt of RF (250 Mw), but the older mobile phones used to put out 3 watts, and now only one carrier (Nextel) has phones that put out 600 Mw (6/10ths of a watt), the rest are 1/4 watt weak garbage, which AT&T says is powerful. It is all these new mobile phone towers that are powerful, they have to handle thousands of channels of full duplex mobile phones, and now the new meters too.
Radio has been around for 100 years, and we have all been exposed, but this proliferation of all this new wireless technology in the last 10 years is bad news.
Some people feel the effects immediately, but in others it could take decades.
Just like the effects of many other things, like air pollution, urban living, living in shared wall communes, pharmaceutical drugs, processed foods, use of pesticides, herbicides, fungusides, GMO engineering, social network monitoring programs and on and on.
It’s no wonder that the private medical insurance corporations lobbied the government to make everybody pay into their profiteering medical insurance pool.
Those greedy medical insurance corporations know that people are going to be needing medical care soon from all these things that the corporations do to make a huge profit and control the planet. They know that they are going to have to start paying out big dollars, but they still need to make a profit, that is why they want private medical insurance to be mandatory

By: Jim Sat, 17 Sep 2011 00:32:08 +0000 That’s some good stuff! Thank you!

The power company really doesn’t have the delegated authority from the People to install a security risk, privacy invading, health threatening device ANYWHERE!

I will try to include it in a further update to the example letter text on the page:

Scroll down for the updated text.

If you haven’t put them on notice yet, you should do so ASAP.

The text in the new example includes wording so it’s possible to update the notice and complaint with new issues as they become known.

Copy / Paste and create your own customized version!
