Comments on: Sleeping Mamma Wakes! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 10 Jun 2014 00:16:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laura Tue, 10 Jun 2014 00:16:20 +0000 I am having trouble finding anyone with a website or standing up and against this in the Philadelphia PA area. The company here is PECO.

Someone was here today and he took the old one off, put the new one one and then I caught him out there and told him to take it off and put the old one back on.

He did it but I also called the electric company a couple times because I had a problem with the anolog meter speeding up, and I mean really speeding up.

Anyway, I got into a discussion with a supervisor and was told I have no choice…well I have the right to refuse the smart meter but they have the right to cut the power. When I used the trespassing argument he told me it wasn’t trespassing and that the meters are the company’s property and they have the right to take the old and change it out.

I was out of argument. In PA it’s a mandate. But I also have been told by someone (an activist against smart meters) that mandates don’t hold any water. But that doesn’t mean this company doesn’t hold the power…in more ways than one.

I don’t have the option here to say no and keep electricity. They WILL shut it off.

By: Marilyn Sun, 30 Mar 2014 00:40:23 +0000 In reply to Maureen.

Anybody going solar on this?

By: Whats up your butt, lose money on the dow? Wed, 13 Jun 2012 06:43:28 +0000 In reply to Charles W Davis.

Yes old brain, many of us are getting rid of all the sources of potential hazards to our health, as we weren’t aware of their influence before now.

But I can’t help but wonder what your stake in this is and why it matters to you if some of us don’t want to subject our bodies to the constant barrage of emf?
Is it that you have a financial stake in the project? Or have you nothing better to do than be an advocate for invasion of privacy and the energy funds you’re gambling on or your pension is invested in?

It always makes me laugh at the single focus agenda, namely money, when people promote untested but lucrative new technology without concern of risk, like they’re some kind of prophet teaching the minions about progress and his brand of a brave new world. Trusting souls… the jury is in on cell phones, why would it be less with higher readings all day and night inside your home via the SM? We should just be willing canaries in the coal mine for the benefits to wall street and pension funds? Please.

Oh brilliant visionary of the future, tell us, we who are fighting for our right to not be made ill through the use of forced technology, seeking proven safety reporting, protecting our health and that of our families, and standing up for our privacy rights… please tell us why its not possible with this wonderful newfangled invention to make health and safety of key importance and that it be incorporated into the SM. Why is it not possible to shield our privacy as an option to joining your future world? Maybe we should let them attach a nuclear power plant directly to the house? Its safe too, right?

Take you brand of ‘sanity and reason’ somewhere else, some things are more important than money.

By: anonymous Sat, 14 Apr 2012 00:53:45 +0000 Is this what my dad ment when he use to say “We will not know when this country is taken over and destroyed by the EVIL (devils) Ones!!! Except my dad refered to EVIL ones as the communists.
God be with us this never happens.

By: Anonymous Sat, 24 Mar 2012 00:00:39 +0000 I have a reasonable solution that will befit both parties

SCE and others could easily setup a website & hotline for residents to voluntarily report their meter readings.

They already have websites and automated phone systems for usage. A customer could easily go to a website or call into an automated system and input their account number and meter reading. This system would automatically record the time of the reported meter reading and echo back a confirmation number for reference.

Customers could be expected to report their meter reading “..on or about..” the recording date that is already on their statement. A penalty could be imposed for people that are excessively late on reporting meter reading, and SCE is already comfortable with making-up meter readings when they don’t have one. I have already seen SCE make up meter readings based on previous usage when they don’t have one in the past.

If voluntary meter readings are suspiciously low they could simply send out an inspector to verify the reading. They already do this as part of their billing dispute process.

This solution is relatively inexpensive as almost all the resources to do so are already in place. SCE gets their automatic meter reading and we can keep our analog meters!
It’s a win win solution.

Please tell everyone about this solution.

By: Janet M. Blau Mon, 17 Oct 2011 18:28:52 +0000 I want to know the REASONS these new meters will be BAD for the people and their homes. Someone of all these people ought to have the explanatioin for WHY it is to be rejected. I don’t trust any “Official” in my government, anymore then all the other Americans do, after what we have seen going on in our government for over 30 years, I fully agree it is time for the REAL AMERICANS to wake up and smell the roses. I only hope it is not too late to save this country from the ouvious TAKEOVER that has been going on for over 35 years. These meters we are talking about are a small problem but I don’t want anyone or any company telling me this is HOW it is going to be — like it or not. So lets put out all the things that could happen if they are installed. Then we all can tell the California Electric Company whether WE WILL ALLOW IT.

By: Redi Kilowatt Fri, 14 Oct 2011 15:53:11 +0000 In reply to Charles W Davis.

Charles, I never had any of that wifi stuff in my house. Wired keyboard, mouse.router, open garage door with hands, wired printers. Everything works great without wifi, it is faster, safer, more secure , easier to use and is much more reliable.
And most importantly, I still have my 30 year old analog meter, it is safer, more secure and much more reliable. PG&E has never had any problem billing me, they have never even missed one monthly billing in 30 years, and I have never missed making one payment either. Perhaps that is why I am allowed to keep my analog meter, because I am a good customer who feeds them money faithfully.

By: Jim Fri, 14 Oct 2011 12:53:20 +0000 In reply to Charles W Davis.

Do some research please.

Smart meters transmit at 1 watt. Wifi devices don’t even approach that. Neither do cell phones.

The frequency matters.

The intermixing of frequencies matters.

The repetition rate and possibly it’s varying rate matters.

By: Charles W Davis Thu, 13 Oct 2011 22:10:39 +0000 Have you folks gotten rid of the other RF devices in your homes? Garage door openers? Wireless phones? Wireless routers? Wireless printers? Wireless computer mice? Wireless keyboards? Oh! I know that’s different! I asked for those. Try asking for the smart meters.

I know that these technological advances will result in the displacement of workers. Some of them will get other jobs in the company, some will not. In the long run, advances in technology and its accompanying increase in productivity has lead to higher earnings for the workers as a whole. It was much more labor intensive to shovel garbage into a wagon and haul the mess to the dump, but isn’t the curbside pickup much better…

By: maria Wed, 05 Oct 2011 22:12:04 +0000 If you can put locks on your gates to help keep SCE from installing a Smart Meter. Even though I was on the SM delay list tech still tried to go through my gates to install the SM. The only thing that stopped him was the locks on the gates.
Beware of SCE & keep calling for confirmation of being on the SM delay. SCE did not put me on the SM delay list until the End of Sept. They had no record of my certified letter I sent them the first week of Sept. nor all the calls I made to them all during the month of Sept.
SCE continues to circumvent the CPUC rulings. If you have a problem with SCE call CPUC or file a compliant at their site. CPUC has authority over SCE, PGE etc.
