Comments on: ‘Smart’ Meter Health Effects Worsening Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:59:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Janet Curtis Wed, 22 Oct 2014 21:59:11 +0000 i returned to analog as i never wanted smart meter..but according to their own employees, they will jump yr fence and do it anyway and they did. had to pay to get analog bk on. appliances went out along with gas heater catching nv energy is sending out for free someone to fix fridge..why? lawsuits. my neighbors home blew up and killed her and her pets..they are disputing it but now its on the news. 9 homes so far with elec probs. I hope that since they r on gas meters also that they will replace my heater that is gas and caught fire?? I have an advocate who is deathly ill from smart meters and the woman that died husband now homeless has cancer..hmmm anyone know if smart meters can catch gas furn on fire? everything that went out at my friends house happened to me and others..very strange cover up pls answer my gas heater wuestion if u can.i want to know so does everyone else. still less expensive than the ongoing lawsuit will cost. if u have an answer pls email me at

By: Wanda Ploeckelmann Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:39:14 +0000 Have had a lot of weird health problems since the smart meter was installed 2 years ago the power co. Need to do something an make it right I live in fresno ca

By: Edna Willadsen Thu, 24 Jan 2013 19:41:58 +0000 Melissa, I am not surprised that the people are having issues. I obtained a copy pf the Grant that was awarded to Southern California Edison where they received $39,621,201.00 as the government feels they would have a “living laboratory”.
They felt Irvine had the most people in small area . They are to be gathering info on the effects on the environment and the people.
I sent an email to Souther Calif. Edson asking for any of there findings and as of now no response.
We are fighting the smart meters in our state also.

By: H Boyce Wed, 02 Nov 2011 00:11:59 +0000 I have EMF sensitivity and been very badly and seriously affected and no smart meters yet…unless of course our neighbour has one she has not told me about.
I don’t know how to move where to move and how to make a living when do move…we should NOT have to move ! Plus relationships will break down when one partner less affected and believes it does no harm !
Power quickly to this campaign.

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 29 Oct 2011 01:38:07 +0000 In reply to Melissa Levine.

Thank you Melissa,
You are on the right track, you focus on the unnecessary radio frequency radiation and don’t parrot the science fiction writers that have brainwashed so many people about the radio revenue meters being surveillance devices. Science fact is a much more powerful way to fight these meters than science fiction.
Keep up the good work !

By: Melissa Levine Fri, 28 Oct 2011 00:28:01 +0000 From Irvine, Discussion with Southern California Edison Representative:


I called Edison after reading this post about the woman who has electromagnetic sensitivity. I also am doing some research on this topic because besides the long term cancer (including childhood leukemia) associated with EMF, there is a certain percentage of people (like this woman) who are getting sick immediately. If this is the case, then my question is–What is the responsibility of Edison and other utility companies toward these people? (Some of them can no longer live in their homes after the Smart Meter is installed.)
The spokesperson for Edison, Ann R. Almonte EMF Technical Specialist, told me that “all the studies show no connection between magnetic fields and people who state they are electrically sensitive.”

I asked her to please give me the names/authors of those studies, but she didn’t have them available and will send them to me. (it will be interesting to see if they are peer reviewed studies and if there are also other peer reviewed studies which show different results.)
I am, of course, continuing to do my own research.
This is a link to a talk by Dr. George Carlo where he discusses how people can become electromagnetically sensitive after the DNA is damaged:

Also, Dr. Olle Johnnson from the respected Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden said this on 11/18/10
“Do not believe for a second that mobile phones, and wireless internet, smart meters and so on are safe—because they’re not. They interfere with normal brain function, learning and memory, fertility, cancer risks and have been shown to shatter the DNA in cells.All of these can be found in peer reviewed scientific journals but until now has not been in the public domain. You can find it. You can read it. You can assess the data yourself. . . .”
I also spoke with a physician I know (who is also a dad). He used the example of sickle cell anemia. He said “one single mutation of one single base pair on a single chromosome–it’s like changing one letter in an encyclopedia–and that’s what causes sickle cell–because that particular base pair is part of the DNA that tells our cells to make hemoglobin and when that hemoglobin is changed by just one amino acid–the result is a sickle cell anemia” (a disease which shortens life and causes multiple health problems)
He also said: “I do not feel like allowing my children or the children on this block whom I’m very fond of subjected to being guinea pigs for a ten year RF radiation exposure experiment!”

Melissa Levine
I will also post this on the yahoo group that I just set up. . .
