Comments on: PG&E Begins Removing ‘Smart’ Meters Due to Health Effects Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 17 Jul 2016 01:34:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Electric Sensitivity – The MAGICIAN'S GODDESS Sun, 17 Jul 2016 01:34:37 +0000 […] Don’t believe the claims made by utilities that wireless Smart Meters are harmless. According to the EMR Health Alliance of BC, “Hydro [British Columbia’s electric utility] said these meters only operated on average for a few minutes a day. These meters operate continuously emitting Radio Frequency Radiation at a low power density and send a powerful pulse of energy every few minutes. What Hydro means by the term on average is they add up all the pulses that take up a few micro seconds each so that the sum is a few minutes a day.” Not only do they emit very harmful levels of wireless microwave radiation, they also create dirty electricity. Some people claim that wireless Smart Meters do not pose a health threat because the average power level they emit is low, but the problem is the energy they emit is pulsed, with a high peak power level, and that combination is what makes them harmful. Also, I do not trust that the utility companies are telling the truth about the average power level emitted by Smart Meters; I believe they emit a much higher average power level than the utility companies say they do because people who have never before become sick from wireless radiation are getting sick from Smart Meters, and these experiences are supported by the Summary of Findings of the Smart Meter Radiation Assessment study produced by Sage Associates. Pacific Gas & Electric in California has begun removing Wireless Smart Meters due to health effe… […]

By: onthelevelblog Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:34:35 +0000 In reply to keith williams.

In an ideal world yes, but RF has a way of leaking out through even the smallest cracks (ever been in a dark room with a light crack?) plus often the backs of electric meters are unshielded and a cabinet would just reflect the RF back into the house. Get rid of the smart meter and Demand Analog. No compromise, no substitute- just demand it and don’t take no for an answer or pay them any extortion fee to protect your family. Period.

By: keith williams Mon, 16 Feb 2015 04:18:58 +0000 In reply to Daryl Vernon.

Couldn’t the EMF radiation be contained by enclosing it in a grounded metal cabinet? It would be a Fahraday cage.

By: Laura Thu, 20 Nov 2014 01:22:30 +0000 Had Smart Meter removed – it took over a year for them to agree. My elecxtric still messes me up. I’m either sensitized or the new analog does something weird also. It cost me $191 to replace it & $15 a mo to opt out. I’m disabled with an income waaay below the poverty line. We have no constitutional rights!

By: kitty Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:35:54 +0000 Hi, this is perhaps a bit of an odd question…but…I refused smartmeters and thank god have an old fashioned meter in my new house…..I also have my internet ,tv and Phone cnnected now and they sold me something called interactive tv…Now, I have no problems with my wireless conmputer..but as soon as I put on the tv i get breathing problems, become very dizzy etc…i am totally puzzled, it happens every single time, so now i do not put on my tv anymore…I can also watch tv on my computer, it is connected, but my comp couldnt take it eather and started to heat up quickly…….(wireless laptop)I am sensitive to transmission..since I am a lymepatiënt and have some nervedamage…could interactive tv cause problems just like with a smartmeter??

By: Tricia Tue, 15 Apr 2014 20:12:14 +0000 In reply to Daryl Vernon.

Has no one bothered to check and get in WRITING from their home insurance company that being the installers are NOT ticketed, licensed and insured ELECTRICIANS (not to mention the meters have NOT been CCPSA CSA approved), that your home insurance is still valid? I did last year and IF someone who is NOT a QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN installs that PG&E garbage equipment (remember Erin Brochovich) my house insurance would be void!

By: Al A. Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:08:04 +0000 I have had a similar experience in eastern PA to Caitlin Phillips in the lead article of this site, I lived with a humming noise pounding continuously in my head for almost a year, until Oct. of 2013 when I learned my smart meter was the probable cause. I had endured much suffering and expense as others have, insomnia, sleeping with earplugs and sound reduction earmuffs, headaches, anxiety, …the works. Late last year and early 2014, I entered negotiations with my local utility who was mandated by the state of PA to install smart meters and insisted analog meters were not to be found, so could not be reinstalled. A long letter to the utility fully detailing the agony of my previous year living with and going insane from the humming reached the right person and an analog meter somehow WAS available and recently replaced the smart meter on my house. So, now that I have an analog meter, the likes of which ended humming noises for many other people, WHY do I still hear the humming noise?!!!

By: Paul H Tue, 05 Feb 2013 20:02:27 +0000 In reply to Roedy Green.

By: Paul H Tue, 05 Feb 2013 15:13:17 +0000 Oh brother! Not another caveman scientist arguing thermal affects. If it doesn’t burn you then everything is just fine.
I guess all these people are wrong? They are the science experiment speaking out.

As far as science is concerned there are over 6,000 studies and documents before 1980 showing effects of low level radiation.
Did you know that microwave radiation is absorbed by water? vital organs?
Did you know that DNA communicate with each other using low level electromagnetic fields?
Did you know that the smart meter uses more power and longer communication time at around 3am?
Did you know that most people wake up at that time since the smart meter has been installed? No? Then start asking others around you.
Take notice of all the tired looking people. No wonder the government is preparing for zombies.

By: Roedy Green Mon, 04 Feb 2013 21:30:11 +0000 Smartmeters CAN’T be the problem. They put out a minute fraction the electromagnetic radiation of cell phones, radio stations, cell phone towers, hight voltage lines, wireless LANs, portable phones, cell phones, personal computers… Those other sources totally swamp the radiation from smart meters.

Read up on the inverse square law. Each halving the distance increases the danger by a factor of 4. Nobody snuggles up to a smart meter the way they do a cell phone.

Blaming smart meters because you got a headache, felt tired etc. is NUTS! Look at your diet, exercise, sleep, general health … AND DO IT SCIENTIFICALLY before you shoot you mouth off publicly accusing innocent people.
