Comments on: Help is on the Way! Submit Your Complaint Today at SmartMeterHelp.Com Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 03 Jul 2017 02:50:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carmen Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:48:03 +0000 Es indignante que hoy, domingo, 31 de agosto, la compañía Iberdrola me llame para volver a insistir en que quiere instalar en mi hogar este sistema inteligente. Les he pedido que me informen, pues tengo entendido que crean cancer. Por favor, me gustaría saber si hay alguna asociacion de este tipo en España donde me pueda informar de mis derechos. Preservar nuestra salud es lo que debería importarle a nuestro gobierno y no que las grandes compañías electricas ganen más y más dinero. Saludos y gracias.

By: Carmen Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:47:40 +0000 It is outrageous that today, Sunday, August 31, the company Iberdrola call me to re-emphasize that you want to install in my home this intelligent system. I asked them to inform me, as I have understood that create cancer. Please I want to know if there is any association of its kind in Spain where I can report my rights. Preserving our health is what should matter to our government and not that big electrical companies earn more and more money. Greetings and thanks.

By: richard lavigne Fri, 13 Dec 2013 17:00:57 +0000 Hi,
I would like to know if you have the experience about the smart meter like my daughter has.

My daughter bougt in april 2013, a condo, 8 concrete floors with 38 condos.
Isabelle has 38 meters, soon 38 smart meters right Under her room .
she is first floor , over the garrage.

When she bought, it was impossible to visit the garage, the buiding was in construction, and we could see any plans, She had all the positive answers on the underground garage but never infor about the electric room Under her room.
She ear, while sleeping, the noise of the 2 transformes, Siemens, and soon, the smart meter problem.
Is there an jurisprudence on such of fraud ?
She need help.

his father


By: Mr. Vincent S. Thu, 12 Dec 2013 03:57:43 +0000 I moved into a newer apartment complex roughly 3 and half years ago. My health has drastically decreased while living here as if it wasnt depleating already due to covert harrasment from governmental neglagence and other governmental agencies. I have been silently suffering as a TI and also gang stalked for well over a decade now from my child hood years to present day. I have suffered from insomnia, anxiety, tinnitus, depression, head trumma, heart palpitations, loss of vision, muscle spaziums, trouble with family and friends due to over exposure or radiation of 30+ or more since they all communicate with each other if with in 2 miles. I also have 10 meters attached directly to my apartment with only sheet rock to block the radiation. I started doing some exensive research and now know that this has been a direct attack on my family and I by National Grid and the United States Government as well as the feds! I live next to 3 cell phone towers pulsing 24/7 microwave dirty electricity all with in a block from each other …with the nearest one being roughly 200 yards from my complex…there are also live barried wire across the street and several heavy duity power lines. This place looks like a hot bed for humman expermintation from this angle…In my research The US government joined by other forces and scientist have been doing humman expermintation since the 1950’s-1990’s- 2000’s w/ mircowave wepondry, HAARP, ELF waves, and mind altering substances…back in the day it was called MK Ultra @ Ravens Wood. Neighbors with medical equiptment failure, insomnia, nerological dissorder, anxiety, misscarages, sever depression and some other strange activity. Oddly enough my oven clicks 100+ or more times while being used. I think the C.I.A called it project wood pecker or something back in the day and also have been a TI of microwave wepondry since the late 90’s early 2000’s as well as a humman experiment by the fedral government… I am not your lab rat, never signed up for this torture and need to opt out! Leave us alone and stop the covert harrasment…The damage that has/is been forced upon me is irreversible…I was even forced medication while being hospotalized in 2003 after I was in an accident after being drugged by some one that was working very closly with the FEDs at that time. I awoke in the hospital and there was a man that said he was with the C.I.A not sure if he was but I did grow up with some kids and their highly decorated father could not tell them what he did for the government! I spent roughly two awful months in intesive treatment and if hell where a real place I landed right in it. The doctors gave me several medications and anti phsycotic drugs 2-3 of them have been on recall now! Can I get some justice here!? Trust! I will no longer be a humman gunnie pig for these sick demented greedy thug criminal pigs!What goes around will come around all in all it’s time to wipe your slate clean don’t ya think?!

By: Hans-Jurgen Sat, 16 Feb 2013 04:57:11 +0000 In reply to Phil Arnot.

Similarly to yourself I served two tours in South East Asia because we were told it was to save American democracy. No time to bore any one with what I learned there and since. Just know it was not for the sound moral reasons WWII was fought. If you want to know what else the Smt Mtrs do besides seriously risking your health research the european net sites on this subject. It was done there first and in many countries severe laws have resulted limiting the information that can be gathered to “only the data needed to calculate the current months electric bill”. There are BOTH CRIMINAL AND CIVIL penalties for violations. Makes CEO’s responsible for their corps. criminal acts. The WiFi chip in the meter will clone avery other WiFi chip it has access to. I can go on but it’s best to get info from sources you find direct. Ever have someone get your phone number by having the other phone placed in very close proximity to yours. Then confirm they have it? The WiFi chip in the Smt Mtr uses the wiring network in your walls of YOUR HOME when the power is on as an antenna, it IS in proximity to every WiFi chip in your home. So the data uploaded to satallite includes every one you speak to on your Cell Phone, every movie you watch on a satallite enabled Television, every thing you read on the Internet on your WiFi enabled computer. There’s more as well. As many people who are knowledgable always advise follow the money if you want to know WHY. It makes it very clear why the wanna be oligarchs and politicians support a “NATIONAL GRID” and why the power companies are literally desperate to get them installed before America finds out what all they do. The power companies will reap far more profit from selling your Personal Privacy to the government in mostly untraceable and untaxed TAX DOLLARS than they have ever made in all their history from peddling the convenience of grid power. Also confers NAT. SEC. Apparatus to the pwr. corps. Ofcourse they will also sell any of it to private CORPORATIONS that the Corps. will pay for. There is not much more UNamerican that being spyed on in your own home. If some idiot says “If you have nothing to hide then you shouldn’t mind” remember Hitlers people used that same and similar lines a lot on the decent Germans who wouldn’t snap a salute and entheusiastically support every new LAW=REGULATION that stripped citizens freedoms from them. We certainly should learn from History
it is so much less painful than pulling our heads back into our sheep skin lined shells and just waiting to see if anyone else will stand up and save us before it is too late. GoD BLESS or if you insist Charlie Darwin and Netzschie, but do remember those guys are confirmed DEAD.

By: Carole Jones Sat, 21 Jan 2012 00:27:45 +0000 A Smart Meter was installed on our house in December 2010, unknown to the four of us living in the house at the time. I suddenly began having difficulty sleeping, muscle pain and cramping, joint pain, irregular heartbeat, and chronic headaches. When I discovered the SmartMeter on our house, I called PG&E to see when it had been installed, and the installation date coincided with the onset of my physical problems. Whenever I went to visit my daughter for a few days in Laganitis (where there were no Smart Meters installed), the symptoms disappeared. My sister, brother-in-law, and his father were living in the house at the time the Smart Meter was installed, and their health took a turn for the worse as well. Within the year, my brother-in-law developed an extensive bloodclot in his leg for no apparent reason, and died of a stroke. His father was diagnosed with and died from a fast-growing bladder cancer. My sister’s arthritis is no longer controllable with pain medication, and she too is having muscle cramps and difficulty sleeping. SmartMeters should be outlawed.

By: rumi Mon, 26 Dec 2011 07:21:39 +0000 stop

By: Redi Kilowatt Wed, 07 Dec 2011 01:07:15 +0000 In reply to Patricia.

If you switched off the main circuit breaker, then you turned off all the power to your house and grounds. That would include any sub-panels fed by the main breaker. That is why your landscape lights were off.
Please let us know what the burning wire smell was caused by, and what you had done to remedy the serious problem.

By: Patricia Tue, 06 Dec 2011 03:03:38 +0000 On November 28, 2011 I was awakened by the smell of burning electrical wires. I soon discoverd the smell was coming from my furnace that I was told this summer by my heating and ac man was in excellent condition. I immediately switched off the main breaker to my home then walked outside only to discover my yard lights that are on an entirely different breaker box than the house were off too. Humm…power surge or smart meter…? That same night at or about the same time the main breaker in the home of a neighbor blew. Power surge or smart meter …humm…? I called the power company the next day. The power company DENIED that there had been a power surge in my neighborhood. Had I not awakened from the smell of the smoke I could have lost my home and my life. Thank God for guardian angels. I do not like the smart meter and I do not want the smart meter but I am told no smart meter, no power !

By: Joanne H Mon, 05 Dec 2011 03:21:45 +0000 Smart Meter was installed without any notice not but 8′ from my bedroom window. Immediately I began to have one sided headaches, tinnitus, lethargy, eyes hurt, clenched teeth, hungs hurt, and a strange scab – type sore appeared under my left ear, where I hold the phone with my shoulder. I had to move out of my bedroom into a spare one in the front of the townhome.
They have moved to the next level of their pan in my townhome area. I now am experiencing pulsating electric current surging through my refrigerator, freezer, and air purifier!! Another person in the complex says she can feel the wall vibrating off and on.
A few weeks ago we had a outside phone box explode outside a townhome. It caught on fire. (Everyone said it was the squirrel – and there really was a dead squirrel on the ground – eating through the wire. The squirrel was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. No one would even consider that this potentially dangerous explosion was caused by too many EMF’s going through our old telephone boxes just like no one believes there is radiation in the air over the whole USA.) Yes, the the amount of current surging through all the other 5 boxes was tremendous. As I stated, one box caught on fire and was totally “fried” The ground around it was almost too hot to touch. One cover was thrown out into the alley way and the inside was completly burned up. The other 3 boxes were also burned up completely when AT &T took off the covers. They said they’d never seen anything like it. (D0 the workers know what evil they are helping to cause and lying about it ? ) I got talking to one of the workers
line workers and they said they have had tons of calls, from all over our city, to check out the U-Verse systems inside their homes. The worker said that when they get to the house, the pulsating current has stopped and nothing gets fixed. Then a week ago, I think, someone came out and added a cage, somewhat like a small Faraday cage to

protect their expensive equipment from any more squirrels .
Dowe all realize that each neighborhood that has Smart Meters installed, is being filled with harmful EMF’s… One neighbor’s EMF’s also go into other neighbor’s houses!!! It’s happening all over our country, and the world. Thank you California, for continuing to work for getting rid of these meters.
