Comments on: Smart Meters Are Illegal: A Nitty-Gritty Analysis of Peevey’s Unlawful and Unfair “Opt-Out” Proposal Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:39:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:39:07 +0000 Hello from the UK. I have a smartmeter on my water, and a “scanpad” installed on the outside of my home which reads the inside smart meter via an electric cable. The scanpad is read electronically, there are no numbers on it, and maybe it can be read remotely, so it must have a chip inside. I know it is all illegally installed because my landlord, the property owner does not know about it. They didnt bother asking him. I have removed the scanpad, and am working on the smart meter.
When I blogged about it, they became very interested in helping me.
Water should be free anyway.

By: Gary Wed, 24 Oct 2012 09:43:23 +0000 A. it is a public secret that power companies pushed the governments to mandate smart meters and that this has nothing to do with benefiting customers in any way although customers will be paying for this expensive and immoral exercise. It is immoral because people are subjected to an experiment with to them known serious health consequences and without informed consent – people are forced to be lab rats whether they want it or not.
B. It is also a public secret that through means of power and money they have coerced legal and medical professionals into “obedience” and silence such that in Victoria all legal practitioners have the same excuse of “we can’t provide legal advice on how to refuse a smart meter” although they know legal grounds on which people can and shoud refuse smart meters. Medical professionals are similarly “advised” not to acknowledge any health issues as being related to smart meters and not to share it with patients BUT to only forward data to IBM for analysis. As IBM is paid millions to do this analysis and by power companies, it is unlikely IBM would publish any discovered statistics incriminating power companies and government of the smartgrid-imposing genocide.
C. StopSmartMeter activists seem to be inconspicuously infiltrated by moles (people paid to destroy from within and quietly dob to power companies and government).

Instead of relying on this site, all of you who are rightfully against smart meters should go door to door and collect signatures, evidence, statements, and rally in front of power companies, government, and health institutions demanding opt-out and demanding that all information about smart meters is disclosed to the public, including deadly confidentiality clauses.
So, the only way to stop this global wi-fi genocide is to have honourable, decent, and ethical medical, health and environmental professionals come forward willing to make statements in court, demonstrating the damage ongoing cumulative smart meter radiation exposure will do to human health.

By: Illegal & Fatally Flawed: Proposed Opt-Out Should be Trashed | Stop Smart Meters! Tue, 10 Jan 2012 19:19:50 +0000 […] said it before: CPUC President Michael Peevey’s proposed opt-out is both illegal and extortionate, an assessment shared by no less than Dennis Herrera, the City Attorney of San […]

By: CPUC Proposed Decision on Smart Meter Options could change « Burbank ACTION Thu, 05 Jan 2012 12:11:51 +0000 […] the EMF Safety Network and Stop Smart Meters detail what’s wrong with CPUC President Michael. Peevey’s Smart Meter Options Proposed […]

By: Mary Fri, 30 Dec 2011 18:13:53 +0000 Just this past week I called in our meter reading due to many over estimated readings causing huge bills ,I ask the employee why are we paying for a smart meter when we do not have one ?.Her Reply,” oh you want a smart meter we will can get some one to help you they will get out there right away to get one installed “.I excitedly said No we do not want one we want to know why we are being billed for having one when we do not have one . She stated oh let me switch you to some one who can get it set up to get you one installed I said No I do not want one I want you guys to quit billing us for some thing we do not have .I ended the call due to holiday rushing but is there help out there for this ? How many people are dealing with this kind of issue ?

By: darren boles Wed, 21 Dec 2011 19:24:33 +0000 They replaced mine today while i was at work. what can i do?

By: Jim Thu, 08 Dec 2011 08:30:31 +0000 In reply to Electra.

It would be great to have that information and details on where you got the sign or how you made them and the text for the several sheets.

It would be good to have a link here to a nicely formatted information packet, maybe just one page that could be photo copied in mass and then mailed out to all your neighbors. Or simply rubber banded to their mailbox, or magnet attached.

By: Electra Wed, 07 Dec 2011 01:51:46 +0000 I cannot wait to read this article, and couldn’t agree more that what they’re doing is illegal. Maine has it right – smart meters should be opt-in only. That’s what the Federal Energy Policy of 2005 says. The language is straightforward. And, actually, smart meters shouldn’t be put on houses at all. They are untested for human safety. The FCC has no guidelines about non-thermal effects of radiofrequency radiation, so every time the power company says “The FCC says it’s o. k.,” it’s actually not. They are going down for this, and they going down big time. And the more of us that jump on board, the quicker it’s going to happen.

I just have a minute, and will have to read the article tomorrow. Just wanted to share some good news: Last night, my husband and I spoke in front of a local city council. The council, at the end of the meeting, talked about a resolution to at least ask for answers from the power company. After what I’ve seen from other cities, we were very heartened by that response.

We also distributed what I call “Smart Meter Survival Kits.” They are gallon size ziplocks with a sign inside that says “DO NOT REPLACE METER. We refuse the smart meter due to health and privacy issues.” Also inside are several sheets explaining what makes smart meters so dangerous, and numbers and websites that will help people either avoid getting a smart meter, or what to do if they already have one. We handed out around 40, and probably already have that many more people around here refusing a meter (I think and hope I’m seriously underestimating that number, since we’ve had a letter to the editor and an article based on a previous visit to another local city).

Keep up the good work, everyone. We are, slowly but surely, going to save as many people as possible from the smart meter debacle. They’re so bad that I think, eventually, every single one of them is going to have to be removed. And we’re going to speed up that process considerably!

And thanks, Redi, for your helpful posts. They are encouraging. (-:

By: Redi Kilowatt Wed, 07 Dec 2011 01:40:06 +0000 Thank you much ! Steve,
That really hits the nail on the head and is spot on.
I know it took a large amount of time and research to draft this post, and it is the most accurate argument against the new AMI meters that I have ever seen anywhere.
THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, and no doubt that the utility corporations and the PUC’s have read it. Now, I hope it goes viral all across the country.
I might add that I still have my analog meter, and have no intention whatsoever of letting PG&E replace it, never did and never will, but given this reference, I feel even more secure now. PG&E can eat dung !
