Comments on: Returning Unwanted Equipment… Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 26 Jun 2017 22:07:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sean Sun, 31 May 2015 03:05:12 +0000 So far I’ve had to PAY $10 upfront-extortion fee+$5 pr month for the next 3 years to opt out of PG&E’s smart meter and this is only this low because I’m on their CARE program, otherwise it would have been $75 up front+$10 pr month for the next 3 yrs. I have PV array with grid tie and inverters that “sell”-just slows or spins meter backwards, but it DOES make a difference in my bill-my excess power back into grid. Meter reader came by to put a tag on meter so that the extortionists will not switch my meter out, I’m behind a locked gate and meter is behind fence, far enough away that they would have to trespass over my fence to do this and I’ve heard they do it when you’re not there. I was irate when they left message on my phone saying they would be doing this sometime in the next 30 days and I would have to call them with any ?’s regarding this-no mention of an opt out and 1st time I talked to them no mention of the cheaper cost due to my being on CARE program. So, I’d much rather pay the extortion fees to keep them the hell out of my life as much as possible and can’t for the life of me figure out why the meter reader would like having no job anymore. I also noticed about 1 month ago something new on the power pole looked like an antenna coming out the bottom of a numbered box and there is now a smart meter in the county park next door to me, coincidentally one of my inverters has been acting up, not going to float stage, so all excess power has to go out 1 inverter now, but it’s not consistent and I’m wondering if this is normal or is 1 of my 14 yr old inverters failing, with the cost of a new inverter that would replace/do the job of my current 2 so high, I’m beginning to think I should spend the amount it would cost to have my solar installer check out the inverter 1st. If anyone knows if having the smart meter in the park next door and our “common” hook up on the pole-only saw that today-would allow PG&E to cause my inverter to act up this way, it doesn’t stop my selling pwr back to them but my inverter going off and on ie; trying to go to float stage all the time is probably not good. Hope we can sue the bastards for these BS extortion fees !

By: Vickie Burton Tue, 31 Mar 2015 14:03:50 +0000 PLEASE help us here in Detroit. OUR smart meters are called advance meters. We have no one to help us. Help me to help myself.

By: Vickie Burton Tue, 31 Mar 2015 14:00:31 +0000 I was told if we here in Detroit remove the smart/ advance meters we will go to jail. Can you PLEASE help us.

By: Janet Curtis Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:49:01 +0000 In reply to Annie ladysmith.

my neighbors home caught fire at the meter site and blew up..she and her two pets died. in reno nv..almost two months later and that meter has gone missing! everyone in the neighborhood has been having probs in the home with new appliaances, like my new in fear and oh yes my bill for a single person in home is higher than ever and higher than full family households

By: Susan Heckel Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:07:31 +0000 I tested my digital meter by looking up my account with FPL on the internet. There was no breakdown of the bill or anything. I think it was the next technology after analog and before the smart meter.

By: Susan Heckel Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:05:12 +0000 The digital meters are not the old analog ones, but they aren’t the smart meters. They have to be read by a meter reader.

By: Susan Heckel Wed, 26 Mar 2014 18:03:14 +0000 One of the reasons the utilities want to charge is because of the utility’s investors. In Florida, regarding Florida Power and Lights’s new push to charge for the regular meters, the FPL consumer advocate told me it wasn’t fair to their investors to not charge. In other words, a monopoly utility with guaranteed income is going to coerce customers to add to the bottom line of perhaps an out of state billion dollar hedge fund!

By: Sylvia Fri, 28 Feb 2014 16:26:49 +0000 In reply to Richard Leschen.

Richard, Where did you find this out? What all do you know about it? We just opted out and they came back and installed what looks like an analog meter, it has the slowly moving dial, not the digits. We will be charged extra fees for this. Are you saying that this meter may actually be a smart meter? The man who installed it said these are “refurbished analog meters”.

By: Richard Leschen Thu, 28 Nov 2013 01:17:32 +0000 In reply to karyn.

Please make sure that the supposed Analog electric meter has not got a deadly to humans and all life dopey health wrecking M/Wave smart meter inside it. I have learnt that some of these new so-called Analog electric meters actually have a dopey and deadly smart meter buried inside its gizzard as some have.
This you can tell when it is hooked up to your home and is running by testing with a M/Wave testing meter.

By: steve Thu, 31 Oct 2013 17:08:03 +0000 I had a smart meter and i told them to take it out . they did and replaced it with another one it looks the same and has a wifi pulse on it. I called sce again and told them iy is still a smart meter and she said it is not it only reads the the power it s using. the meter is a legacy SCedison E302-186513 . I told her i want the same one that i had before and she said it is the same kind.I called an electrician and he told me he could not change my meter because its SCE. Where can i find one ? i have ringing in my ear tooo
