Comments on: Rebellion in the ‘Burbs: Dad Has Smart Meter Removed Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 02 Nov 2012 02:00:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: stephen Roberts Fri, 02 Nov 2012 02:00:20 +0000 In reply to Electra.

I live in Savannah and would like to speak with you.

By: Pat long Wed, 10 Oct 2012 01:38:20 +0000 I was told to file a claim in small claims court for everything they infringed on.Is there any laws that says a electric company can drop you if you tamper with there smart meter.I live in florida and just bought a solar grid tie system and I find out that smart meters don’t run backwards and I have a inverter that I plug into a 110 outlet from the solar panels and I hear that the power I put in the house from the panels will make it look like I used the power from the grid and inturn make my bill go up.they make a smart meter that goes backwards but i have to get a permit ,inspections ect.The panels I made are not ul approved and florida power and lite says I cant use them.I want my analog back .Some one help please.Concerned Coservative VET

By: ray moreno Mon, 13 Aug 2012 02:04:48 +0000 I officially notified PG&E that I wanted to officially opt out of the smart meter program. I used all 3 methods to opt out, phone meaasge, written letter and in person. Three months later they hopped the neighbors fence after they went illegally into their backyard, (my backyard was inaccessable from the street to keep them out of my yard), came into my yard and CUT MY LOCK off my wooden enclosure which allowed meter to be read but not to be removed, and gave me a smart meter. When I got home that day I noticed my power had been off, and found the smart meter. I tore it out of there and stuck in an analog meter (im an electrician by trade) # days later they came and told me they would shut off my power if i did not comply with smart meter, I told them I would shoot anybody who tresspasses on my property and they left. Next time I was not home they cut my power off, which I immediately turned back on. Again they returned saying they will cut the service drop off thye telephone pole for my house and I said “go ahead, I will run my own drop. You cant take the phone pole out of my yard, can you? ” They threatened to call police, etc. and so far nothing has happeded. Its been two months. I recommend getting a bog dog to guard your meters, the installers are terrified of dogs.

By: Preston Thu, 09 Aug 2012 02:38:24 +0000 In reply to Electra.

I had a sign on my analog meter that said “DO NOT install a smart meter. NO smart meter”. That worked for about 3 months. Today I come home with a SCE notice on the front door stating that a Smart Meter was installed (By COREX). I’m rather irate. In retrospect I should have caged the meter in place with lag bolts and a steel strap or pipe. Now I’m into trying to get it removed through the “proper channels”. What a bunch of CR@P!

By: JMV Fri, 29 Jun 2012 00:21:58 +0000 I have a letter from my doctor stating to remove smart meters from both my gas and electric meters to prevent further neurological deterioration. Does anyone know who to give this to? The PSC told me that I must start with the utility company, but which person – department? I don’t want to get in a mindless discussion with some poor clueless customer service person. Any help would be appreciated.

By: SMR Sun, 13 May 2012 06:39:16 +0000 The American Academy of Environmental Medicine Calls for Immediate Caution regarding Smart Meter Installation

By: Smart Meters Kill Honey Bees Mon, 30 Apr 2012 02:00:35 +0000 If SCE charges the $75 removal charge to someone with an illness related to RF sensitivity they could be looking at a medical discrimination case.

By: Josette Vettel Sun, 08 Apr 2012 03:43:13 +0000 In reply to Electra.


if you go opt they will charge you a seventy dollar one time charage and will add ten dollars more on your monthley bill so eather way we are sunk.

By: Josette Vettel Sun, 08 Apr 2012 03:34:10 +0000 In reply to LS.

GOOD GIRL hooray
it’s about time someone shows the guts we are all not showing But I did show mine

I became so frustrated with SCE I had one of the monkeys on the other end and I was screaming at my phone and I said “If you don’t do something about this I am going to call the press and tv and radio and stick my finger into the meter and go down in burning flames
After all I havce terminal cancer why nothahahahah
She said to me You are not allowed to tamper with the meter it is agianst the law….
I hung up on her
A short time after a sheriff pulld up and met me out by my gate I told him what is going on with the meters and he was astonished Igave him the dark side of smart meters on utube and he said he would check into it
as he left I said once you get done with the dark side don’t put your finger into the meter hahahahah
you must keep in touch with me and let me know what i can do to help you incase they want to do something stuped
josette be well and god bless

By: LS Tue, 14 Feb 2012 18:33:11 +0000 In reply to LS.

I know that this is now buried beneath other blog posts, but I did want to follow up. I had the ‘smart’meter removed from my home on Jan. 31 by a licensed electrician. I heard NOTHING from SCE until today, Feb 14th. Two gentlemen came by my home this morning to try and get it all sorted out. They were civil, but tried to accuse me of stealing electricity. I told them that I have NO intention of stealing anything, that I will happily pay them for any and all electricity that I have used. They told me that I did not have an ‘approved’ analog meter. I told them that I would happily allow them to install one. Then they told me that the recent CPUC ruling does not apply to SCE, and that by the end of the week I would either need to let them put a new smart meter on my home or have my service disconnected. I allowed them in my yard and they photographed the analog meter. They checked its usage, and then tried to tell me that the smart meter is less dangerous than my computer or my cell phone. I told that that 1.) I don’t use a wireless network in my home and 2.) I don’t hold my cellphone to my head and 3.) They can believe what they want, I will believe my body (because my tinnitus all but vanished when the analog meter went in…). I told them that I will refuse a smart meter, and I will refuse a meter with the transmitter turned off. We shall see what happens next…
