Comments on: Smart Meter Radiation Messes with Your Brain Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 20 Jul 2012 20:04:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Fri, 20 Jul 2012 20:04:01 +0000 […] continuously – there's a huge furore in the US where they have been implemented en masse. Smart Meter Radiation Messes with Your Brain | Stop Smart Meters! Smart grid – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Smart meter – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia […]

By: Redi Kilowatt Sat, 31 Mar 2012 15:06:22 +0000 In reply to Virginia Farver.

Labels on SmartMeters ?
They don’t got to show you no stinkin labels or badges.
As for mobile phones, I recommend always using the speaker phone function.
I always use the speaker function and hold the phone at least 18 inches away from my head.
I would never buy a smart phone because they do not have extendable antennas.
I always extend the antenna and point it away from myself.
It’s getting hard to find quality mobile phones with extendable antennas now.
I have a 3 year old Motorola i776 Nextel phone. Nextel (now Sprint) keeps trying to sell me a new phone, actually offering a free upgrade, but I refused.
Instead they gave me 2 months free for renewing my contract.
Most people get a new phone and a new car every few years, but I take good care of things and they last a long time. I am going to take especially good care of my i776 mobile phone. If and when it goes kaput, I might not be able to find another good phone, so I will give it up and quit using mobile phones.
I am getting sick of all this pushing of wireless devices in the world, and have been fighting it for years, especially the SmartMeters. There is no possible way that I would ever allow a SmartMeter to be installed on my property, and most of my neighbors have refused them also. Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights, and don’t give up the fight-Bob Marley.

By: Virginia Farver Sat, 31 Mar 2012 02:26:00 +0000 If Cell Phones are considered SAFE, then why are all Cell Phone manuals telling the informed consumer that these devices should never be held near the heads or bodies?

All NEW Cell Phone commercials NO longer show people holding these near their heads or bodies. These have to be AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile or Sprint Commercials! BlackBerry Torch Manual: keep 0.98 inches from your heads or bodies, and for Pregnant Women and Teenagers to avoid putting these devices near their lower abdomens!! Wonder what the LABELS on Smart or AMI meters advise?

By: Soapbox Jill Thu, 02 Feb 2012 22:47:21 +0000 In reply to A Science Professional.

Please list the other researchers who have tried to re-do this brand new experiement, which is hot off the press. They would have had to do it in the past month or so. Come on, let’s see your citations.

By: Soapbox Jill Thu, 02 Feb 2012 22:44:57 +0000 In reply to Elizabeth Thode.

Elizabeth: excellent logic. But don’t you know that everyone who says they have this reaction has a mental problem? That is the spin people who can’t accept the truth are putting on this.
Science Professional: Enough studies showing biological harm at levels far below heating effects exist to exercise the precautionary principle. To do otherwise in light of the existing and growing evidence is to play Russian Roulette with public health.

By: Paul H Wed, 01 Feb 2012 15:29:34 +0000 In reply to A Science Professional.

@A Science Proffesional Here are studies, in PDF, from the Defense Intellegence Agency, NASA, and the Naval Medical Research Institute along with 2,300 titles to documents from the EPA that show the harmful effects of low level high frequency non-ionizing radiation. They have been available to the public for about a year now. Hopefully you can use your skills to understand what the truth really is.

By: Elizabeth Thode Wed, 01 Feb 2012 04:10:36 +0000 Dear Science Professional,
Since the science didn’t work with helping you understand the facts, here’s some good old fashioned common sense based evidence. If someone is allergic to strawberries, you don’t feed them strawberry jam. That’s pretty simple, isn’t it? How do you know if someone is allergic to strawberries? They have a reaction ONLY when they eat strawberries, right? Well, if someone gets ill or has a reaction when they are around smart meters or cell phones, and they DON”T get a reaction when they are NOT around this technology, what does that tell you? What it tells me without even having a background in science, is that this technology makes some people visibly sick. So for someone to say that this technology does not have the ump to cause harm is like someone saying that no one could possibly be allergic to strawberries, or peanuts, or dairy products; which any sane person would recognize as an ignorant and totally false statement. As for research? Had you actually done any real research, you wouldn’t have made the statements that you did.

By: Josh Wed, 01 Feb 2012 03:20:09 +0000 Thanks for that, Josh. You’re right that people need to not be so afraid to look at the research that’s out there–as in other environmental health issues, leaving interpretation of the facts to “experts” is a mistake, because the “experts” generally have a financial or ideological interest in that which they’re interpreting. There are honest scientists out there, though, and their work deserves to be paid attention to. Those who are interested in learning a bit more about the science behind microwave-induced biological damage can visit:
for a fairly accessible treatment of the subject.

By: Redi Kilowatt Tue, 31 Jan 2012 19:48:59 +0000 In reply to Alex.

The current Smart meters being rolled out are the biggest energy efficiency scam in the world, by far.
The current Smart meters do not support those who generate their own electricity and sell it back to the power grid in the U.S. That is why people who have renewable energy sources like solar, hydro and wind will not get new Smart meters and still must have the utility read their analog E1 meters or E6TOU meters that are not called “SmartMeters.
And the people that still have their analog meters have been paying PG&E to read their meters forever and a day.
These people (myself included) do not need PG&E to come onto our property to read the meters, it is PG&E that needs to come onto some properties to read the meter so they can charge for their products.
You have it backwards Alex, what corporation are you backing or backs you ?
I am getting really tired of all this propaganda and false advertising campaigns calling anything and everything “the smart grid”
The marketers of the Home Area networks now call a consumers private electrical distribution system in their houses and on their property a “consumer smart grid”.
The utility companies and meter manufactures now call their revenue collection system (the meters and radio networks) a “smart grid”. That is not the power grid, it is the revenue collection “smart grid” that the sole purpose is to automate meter reading and eliminate decent paying union meter reading jobs by replacing the workers with cheaply made wireless junk meters made in China by trans national corporations like GE that receive our tax money in the form of ARRA and TARP federal stimulus corporate welfare money.
Think about it, the corporations have cooked up a scam to defraud the taxpayers of stimulus money to eliminate jobs in the U.S. and replace those jobs with crappy, unreliable, dangerous, untested, inaccurate, toxic and cheaply constructed electronic junk meters made in foreign countries.

By: Smarter Meters Tue, 31 Jan 2012 19:05:42 +0000 In reply to A Science Professional.

@ Science Professional: Is “umph” a technical term?

It’s pretty obvious to anyone who doesn’t have a financial interest in wireless tech (or big Pharma) and has spent more than 15 minutes looking critically at this issue that the delicate electrical systems which comprise our bodies (not to mention other living things), can, in many circumstances, be affected by pulses of low levels of electromagnetic energy, ionizing or non-.

These “blinded” studies you would like to see are already taking place, everywhere people have allowed unlicensed wireless devices into their homes, schools and communities. Many can attest that by removing the EMF the dis-ease goes away. Professionals like yourself are very quick to dismiss the connection between exposure to man-made non-ionizing radiation and the countless modern ailments that plague us. Everyone knows, there is nothing worse for GDP than telling people a common product is bad for them.

People who run this site have nothing financially to gain by sharing this information. They’re just trying to help people. Obviously, the corporations and agencies who want Smart Meters have a lot to gain by spinning our heads with jargon and pulsed RF.
