Comments on: “What Do I Do Now?” Confusing Reports and Mixed Signals Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jan 2014 00:04:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Fri, 24 Jan 2014 00:04:22 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Actually they are pretty much to the point. If you did some research you would see that they were using a TED or The Energy Detective, a personal home power monitoring device. I have one in my home so I can monitor and adjust my own power usage..what a concept. It cost a few hunderd dollars, is not some specialist device and monitors the power using a clamp a measurement device that talks to the logger about once a second..not very high speed is it, but with 10 second data or even minute data (some of the fielded smart meters do once a second measurements) you can glean a total view of every appliance in the house..The software that comes with my couple of hundred dollar TED is capable of footprinting or identifying individual appliances flagging their on and off COFFEE POT ON, GARAGE DOOR OPENER ON, STOVE ON, all with neat little time tags. I can see when the hot tub does heating cycles, or when someone is in it because of the different ways the jets run. Showeres, dishwasher, TVs are all clearly identifiable.

By: Lynden Tue, 29 May 2012 20:06:07 +0000 Asked for the “non-transmitting” meter…Ms. Simons from Georgia Power 404-506-7491, says it doesn’t exist. She states that there is no radiation that comes from the meter, that there is a solid steal plate that protects customers from radiation, she states there’s less than 1 percent of radiation coming in from that meter, and says that any and all complaints are from ONE person who is making this an issue that doesn’t exist. Please contact Ms. Simon at Georgia Power to let her know just how many people find it to be an issue.

I found that Georgia Power came onto my property and damaged my gate doors. They literally took off my gate doors because it was pad locked for others protection regarding my pool in the back yard. They are coming tomorrow to fix the gates and refuse to put an anolog meter on my property and take off the Smart Meter.

By: Weyman Thomas Wed, 04 Apr 2012 02:11:43 +0000 Go to and sign a petition to stop this smart meter nonsense & get our health & rights back

By: MK Fri, 23 Mar 2012 01:46:41 +0000 Itron Smart Meters in Canada are being removed and recalled!!! Ratepayers say it is due to inaccurately high billing and energy use readings. BC Hydro is obfuscating and says it’s “routine testing.” You can see the video just posted today on Youtube…

By: Margaret Montuy Wed, 21 Mar 2012 19:12:44 +0000 Today March 19, 2012 I received a Smart Meter Opt-Out Program
Meter Choice pamphlet.

I told PG&E I did not know I had a Smart Meter.
I was told PG&E had the right to change the meter

Now I have to pay $75.00 and $10.00 a month to cover charges for the person who will read the meter.
Not only is PG&E expensive, now lets add $10.00 more a month.

I have paid for One month, $679.00 . and I do not Use Gas.

I buy Propane for other house hold use. The Heater uses Propane.

By: Kristen Sun, 19 Feb 2012 22:31:31 +0000 Thanks for your work on this Josh and for supplying the letter. I sent to our community bulletin board (virtual) and am posting it at our General Store too.

By: admin Tue, 14 Feb 2012 16:59:22 +0000 In reply to Ron.

CPUC code section 453(b) No public utility shall prejudice, disadvantage, or require different rates or deposit amounts from a person because of ancestry, medical condition, marital status or change in marital status, occupation, or any characteristic listed or defined in Section 11135 of the Government Code. A person who has exhausted all administrative remedies with the commission may institute a suit for injunctive relief and reasonable attorney’s fees in cases of an alleged violation of this subdivision. If successful in litigation, the prevailing party shall be awarded attorney’s fees.

By: Ron Tue, 14 Feb 2012 16:55:15 +0000 Can anyone provide a reference or citation of the regulation in the Public Utilities Code or the Energy Policy Act that prohibits utilities from discriminating against people medically disqualified from having a smart meter, by charging them extra for retaining an analog meter?
I know I have seen this mentioned here at some time.

By: UK affirms voluntary Smart Meters while CPUC requires fees to opt-out « Burbank ACTION Thu, 09 Feb 2012 22:31:09 +0000 […] Smart Meters, “‘What Do I Do Now?’ Confusing Reports and Mixed Signals,” Feb. 5, […]

By: Electra Wed, 08 Feb 2012 21:28:12 +0000 In reply to Electra.

Feel free to use this. You will have to change the particulars, unless you’re living in Georgia! You can email me at for a copy of this speech with links to all the research mentioned. And thanks, once again, to all the websites like StopSmartMeters and EMFSafetyNetwork, and also the commenters, that make this resistance possible!


How would you feel if someone were to say that you had to let them paint the inside of your house with lead paint? Or cover all of your pipes with asbestos? That is how dangerous and questionable the new “smart” meter electric meters may be.

“Smart” meters have not been tested for human safety, or UL tested. Some doctors have said their installation should stop immediately, until they ARE tested.

We are in favor of progress, and welcome new technology, but not when it places Georgians and others directly in harm’s way.

“Smart” meters use radiation to transmit their signals. To make it sound less dangerous, the power company says the smart meter only transmits “for a TOTAL of one second a day.” But, in reality, a smart meter divides that up throughout the day, shooting radiofrequency radiation through you and your family hundreds of times in a twenty-four hour period. The power company will cite the “CCST report,” and say they are within FCC guidelines. But those guidelines only cover thermal, or heating, effects.

What the power company doesn’t tell you is that there are NO guidelines to cover NON-thermal effects, in other words, damage that is done when there is no heating. The same type of radiation which smart meters emit has been shown to damage human cells. It has been shown to cause cancer, especially in children. The World Health Organization has declared radiofrequency radiation a class 2B carcinogen, just like lead paint.

When comparing whole body exposure to radiation from a smart meter and a cell phone, Dr. David Hirsch found out that a smart meter puts out at least FORTY TIMES MORE RADIATION than a cell phone (the power company will tell you it’s much less – please look at your Smart Meter Survival Kit for references.) Imagine forty cell phones attached to your wall, and on all the time. That’s important to know when you consider that your exposure to radiation is cumulative – it adds up over time.

Georgia Power uses Sensus brand meters, as does Nevada. Nevada has had hundreds of complaints, including health problems and burned-out appliances. And an Alabama Sensus employee, Don Baker, was fired because he told his superiors that Sensus “smart” meters were catching on fire and melting. They melt at 500 degrees Fahrenheit! He called the Sensus meters inaccurate, some reporting up to seven times the actual usage, and said they were “fundamentally unsound.”

Some attribute these complaints to the “smart” meters’ power source. It can create a very strong magnetic field along the wires in your home. This may be connected to reports of insomnia, irregular heartbeat, and ringing in the ears. A much higher than normal incidence of cancer has also been tied to this phenomenon, which is termed “dirty electricity,” with cancer rates going up from 65% to 13 times higher where strong electromagnetic interference exists.

“Smart” meters can also be hacked easily. Anyone with a laptop or a cell phone and the knowhow can figure out if you’re not using any power, because you’re not home, and they may take that opportunity to rob you.

Some places have actually criminalized the installation of smart meters. The law, which is the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005, says only that you can have a “smart” meter if you ask for one.

Taxpayers are paying the Georgia Public Service Commission to make sure we have safe electricity. That is their job. They should stop installation now, until human safety research is completed, research that should have been done before smart meters were unleashed on an unsuspecting public.

Georgians should not have to pay a penalty to avoid a smart meter. California has just approved on opt-out option, and Nevada is about to offer one. In Maine, you don’t get a smart meter unless you ask for one – they are following the law! Several states have decided NOT to have them at all. The Connecticut attorney general said “NO,” since the consumer would only save eleven dollars over a twenty year period!

There is a way to avoid getting a “smart” meter. Put a sign in a gallon Ziploc bag that says “DO NOT REPLACE METER. We refuse the smart meter due to health, safety, and privacy issues.” Tape that sign under your safe, analog meter. Tell your family, friends, and neighbors to do the same, and look out for each other.

And please call the Georgia Public Service Commissioners, including Doug Everett, who is in charge of safe electricity for South Georgia, and tell them that you don’t want to be a guinea pig for these dangerous devices. Their number is 800-282-5813. Ask them the questions in your Smart Meter Survival Kit. Demand that only completely safe electric meters be on our homes and businesses. Thank you very much for your time, and we’d be happy to answer any questions you might have.
