Comments on: Guest Post: Georgia Legislators Try to Put the Kibosh on Smart Meter Opt-Out Bill Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Wed, 20 Jun 2012 18:36:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lloyd ProGroup Wed, 20 Jun 2012 18:36:44 +0000 Thanks for bringing such an alarming message to our attention:
* Radiation
* House Fires
* Privacy infringement

By: Todd West Thu, 07 Jun 2012 05:33:49 +0000 Georgia Power will conduct on June 7th an “RF Investigation” at my location concerning a PSC complaint filed in May 2012 regarding problem with the Sensus Smart Meters installed on this property. Georgia Power has been notified about radio produced infrasonic problems at this location for the better part of 2 years now. In four visits from Georgia Power employees, including one visit by two engineers, their meters were never checked using RF measuring equipment, despite being told that the problem caused pressure on the eardrums, feelings of heat upon the eyes and the perceived sound of a diesel engine running at a distance, all recognized and known effects of certain radio frequencies, which causes were unknown to me at the time, so now, knowing what can cause these problems, it is a mystery why a device that can do it was not ever checked until a service commission complaint was filed.

The RF problems are noticeable mainly from 9pm till 9am, though have been observed at all hours of the day and night. After receiving the PSC complaint, the problem persists, yet has been attenuated somewhat, meaning adjustments have been made to equipment. When asked via telephone in late May 2012 if Georgia Power had received any complaints about their smart meters, I was told no. I do not believe that is factual.

The base of the problem has been tentatively identified as the work of the installed “smart meters”; after recording and review of the RF “investigation” done by Southern Company employees are completed on Thursday, test equipment measurements and recordings will take place in the days, weeks, and months that follow using personnel and equipment not owned nor operated by The Southern Company to show the presence and source of this serious problem, which The Southern Company has ignored, and denied, before even testing for it. Should it be proven that these serious problems were a result of negligent or determined efforts by the manufacturer, operator and end users of these installed devices, further corrective action must be forthcoming for health and safety reasons. If you would like to observe and/or record their investigation in progress and have access to the follow up third party investigations, contact me. Todd West 770-769-9126

location of tests: 6412 Hwy 140 NW. Adairsville, GA. 30103, Thursday @ 1pm

By: Lynden Tue, 29 May 2012 20:42:00 +0000 shame on our Legislators for allowing this to happen without our vote! Pretty soon we wont be able to stop anything that effects us. I was gone from my home, a GA Power agent came to my fence doors…took them off the hinges, took off analog meter and replaced it with a smart meter without my permission. When I contacted Ms. Simon with GA Power Corporate office she stated that the meter has a steal plate (which I didn’t get to see because they never considered my input as a customer) behind it to ward off radiation into the house and it’s occupants. She stated that all the talk about monitoring when you get up, what power utensils you use throughout the day and the meter tying into your computer is all ONE persons OPINION which is a NON-ISSUE because it does not exist. Please feel free to contact this woman who is clearly out of touch with her customers needs and wants 404-506-7491. This way she will know how many there are of us who do NOT WANT SMART METER. Truly we are not free to chose in America.

By: Celeste Sat, 07 Apr 2012 19:11:43 +0000 Let’s just forget the high billing, the health issues, the privacy concerns, the danger to your home or business as the result of the smart meter. The way we should look at this meter, what is the hurry for the roll-out world wide. Cozy to think of it. We will be all under one big umbrella. To what purpose? With the smart meter, they will know exactly what is going on in your home.When you are on holidays, when you come back, the time you go to bed and when you get up. How about what’s cooking? Yes they will have control of that as well. All your appliances are no longer yours, but belong to B.C.Hydro’s smart meter. Let’s not forget there are three chips inside the meter. B.C.Hydro is a public utility it belongs to the people. Fight for your Democracy!
Heavens what is next, for what purpose? Is this N.W.O. “Big Brother “calling??

By: Electra Thu, 29 Mar 2012 11:57:17 +0000 Please call Governor Deal, and asking him to intercede on our behalf for Senate Bill 459, an opt out for extremely dangerous “smart” meters. Just as someone on death row heading to the electric chair hopes for a reprieve, so, too, do we, as we head toward our own personal electric chair, the “smart” meter! They can harm your family, your home, and your finances, so please call Gov. Deal at 404-656-1776 and ask him to use his influence to get SB 459 out of the Energy Subcommittee and onto the House floor – there is still time! One more thing: We also think calling the Speaker of the House, Rep. David Ralston (404-656-5020), will be fruitful. Tell him that, for the House to maintain its integrity, the Energy Subcommittee/”Rep.” Mark Hamilton/”Rep.” Don Parsons must be forced to pass Senate Bill 459 to the Rules Committee, then to the House floor IMMEDIATELY. We demand real representation! For more information, please visit http://www.stopsmartmetersGeorgia.Org. Thank you! Oh, and if you’re from Georgia, please contact your own rep, if you can.

Also, you’ll love this video from FOX Report. Check out the fire in the guy who says he would MOVE OUT OF TOWN before he’d accept a “smart” meter!

Feel free to send this to the Energy Subcommittee reps; their contact info is at http://www.stopsmartmetersGeorgia.Org. Thanks again!

By: Paul H. Thu, 29 Mar 2012 04:13:56 +0000 In reply to Electra.

Nice reporting! Thanks for the information. You are right, bad news is travelling quickly and it wont be stopped. We had a smart meter workshop in Phoenix last Friday, unfortunately there was a media blackout ( couldn’t find a word about it). The hall was packed and the people were educated. People are talking here. There was even a retired Maricopa County Superior Court judge standing up to the ACC and APS.
Anyway, I predict that the wireless industry will be the next “bubble” to pop. Thanks to the, force the smart meter down your throat group.

By: Paul H. Thu, 29 Mar 2012 03:57:02 +0000 In reply to Mr. Bubbles.

“Arab Spring” was a good thing? Now there are many Christians that are being killed and their churches are being burnt down. Their freedom is gone, just like what you want to do here in America. I see more freedom of speech quashed every day. You want to take away the freedom to have something so simple like an analog meter on the side of my home. The smart meter has killed and will continue killing, just like the “Arab Spring”.

By: Paul H. Thu, 29 Mar 2012 03:55:40 +0000 “Arab Spring” was a good thing? Now there are many Christians that are being killed and their churches are being burnt down. Their freedom is gone, just like what you want to do here in America. I see more freedom of speech quashed every day. You want to take away the freedom to have something so simple like an analog meter on the side of my home. The smart meter has killed and will continue killing, just like the “Arab Spring”.

By: Mr. Bubbles Wed, 28 Mar 2012 21:16:32 +0000 In reply to Electra.

From your article: “The important thing is to make compromise as painful and time-consuming a process as possible to deter or delay an attacker and implement processes for adequate detection and response” (quote from Wired).

Indeed, this is how computer security in general works. You make the attack unfeasible rather than impossible, and force the attacker to take another approach. How much work you do towards this goal is dictated by the reward an attacker gets from an attack. You watch for intrusion attempts and adjust your stance accordingly. And you build in, from the start, strong controls that provide a good foundation.

This sounds like a reason to understand and audit security controls or actions on the network, rather than a reason to stop construction of it.

If you could turn back the clock, would you have chosen to stop the construction of the Internet if you knew that cyber security was going to be so challenging? I suspect most people would not – I believe that most people would look at Wikipedia, video chat with far-flung family, online services (banking, iTunes, etc), and the “Arab Spring” as good things that happened because of the Internet and accept the cost of security. You could look at how easy it is to create a community around people with similar concerns but who are geographically dispersed, such as (even if I disagree with your mission) as a benefit of the Internet. These things happened and continue to flourish despite the difficulty in securing them.

By: Electra Wed, 28 Mar 2012 14:31:37 +0000 This is a message for your Georgia readers, and anyone else who is interested in getting involved in our fight.

We’re going straight to the top! Please call and/or email Governor Deal today, and ask him to intercede on our behalf for Senate Bill 459, an opt out for extremely dangerous “smart” meters. Just as someone on death row heading to the electric chair hopes for a reprieve, so, too, are we, as we head toward our own personal electric chair, the “smart” meter. They can harm your family, your home, and your finances, so please call Gov. Deal at 404-656-1776 (email:,2657,165937316_166563415,00.html), and ask him to use his influence to get SB 459 out of the Energy Subcommittee and onto the House floor – there is still time! Thank you. For more information, please visit http://www.stopsmartmetersGeorgia.Org.
