Comments on: Revealed: The Personal Diary of Greg Snapper, Spokesperson, Pacific Gas and Electric Company Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Mon, 23 Apr 2012 22:09:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Josette Vettel Sun, 08 Apr 2012 04:51:11 +0000 Oh now just a minute you mean to tell me this was a april fools prank?

Let me tell you something
Two years ago I had thirty seven treatments of radiation not one blister appeared while on the (So I was told) a three million dollar state of the art machine
They placed a smart meter on the outside my bedroom wall
I woke up with radiation burns on parts of my body. The radiation that leaks out from the meter connected with my body radiation.
Not to mention if you go on to “SMART METERS ARE KILLING OUR KIDS” I am old and with TC, but my heart fills with tears and worry for the future of our kids
The children that are now taking radiation treatments and are out patiant they will go home into the house that is filled with the meters radiation and ya know what?? They really don’t know at that point what is essential and what was irrelevgant
The famly knows at first hand when their child is going to die there is no vissle of the law to be seen, not all was completley lost except another child that now becomes one void on this planet to walk into a future light, peace and love.
This is not a prank this is the tear that fell from the eye that cannot beleive what is seeing and the smoolder ashes of a child who really never uderstood what was happening..

By: onthelevelblog Thu, 05 Apr 2012 00:02:28 +0000 In reply to Financial Samurai.

Hey Financial Samurai,

As others have noted, this post is most certainly NOT real, as noted in the disclaimer at the end. It was not intended to minimize the suffering of those who have been injured or even killed by PG&E’s reckless neglect of science and public health and safety. Just the opposite.

It was intended to highlight the insider corporate culture that allows this kind of thing to go on, to speculate about what goes on inside people’s heads who run this company and make these policies, and maybe have a laugh at the expense of PG&E and other utilities.

We wrote this piece to be as outlandish and ridiculous as possible. That is why we were blown away by the large numbers of people who thought this was real. This shows just how far PG&E’s public image has been damaged by San Bruno and the smart grid debacle, and how even outrageous discussions of population reduction and clear purposeful violations of basic safety guidelines are believable representations of current utility practice.

If you were fooled by this post, you were not alone. Really, when it comes down to it, PG&E’s actions has made this kind of outlandish post seem like a real possibility. Although the text of the diary is imaginary, this is all based on real events that we have been documenting on this website for nearly 2 years now.

Blanketing entire states with microwave radiation, driving people from their homes, and invading their privacy- now THAT is offensive.

By: Redi Kilowatt Wed, 04 Apr 2012 20:07:42 +0000 In reply to Financial Samurai.

Financial Samurai,
I have another story for you about PG&E, but I won’t use any names or specific locations.
My customer owned an apartment building that burned almost completely to the ground. There were about 50 SmartMeters left in the basement that did not get burned. The owners had to demo what was left of the building, so they called PG&E and told them to come and get their SmartMeters. PG&E said that a special permit was required to get rid of the SmartMeters, and it could take a while.
Well, the owner had a permit to demo the building, so he chucked the SmartMeters into the dumpster with the rest of the debris.
There were several utility accounts for that building, and all were cancelled. But last week they got a bill from PG&E. They were on the phone for hours, but I don’t know what the outcome was last week.
Leave it to PG&E to try and extract money from an account where there are no electric or gas meters. I guess those SmartMeters are still inaccurately showing electrical usage even though they are buried in the landfill.

By: admin Wed, 04 Apr 2012 16:50:17 +0000 In reply to Financial Samurai.

@finanical samurai Thanks for your comment. No it’s not for real. What you and others have been through is for real, but even an activist needs his or her bit of fun sometimes. Sorry for any offense. The real offense is as we all know directly traceable to PGE’s ingrained corporate culture and inhuman behavior.

By: Financial Samurai Wed, 04 Apr 2012 15:59:56 +0000 Come on, is this real? What’s real is PG&E’s Corporate Greed. It killed my friend’s family and my credit score.

By: Brendan Tue, 03 Apr 2012 23:36:28 +0000 Gee, I feel sorry for Greg Snapper I suppose he’ll get a pink slip now the executive suite knows he may not be totally on board with their fraud. On the other hand, these diary entries seem like a fraud as well and even if real, he can probably successfully deny it.

By: onthelevelblog Tue, 03 Apr 2012 17:25:02 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Look out So Cal. Ralph will be reading your e-mails too. You’ve had fair warning!

By: Holly Tue, 03 Apr 2012 14:17:56 +0000 In reply to Holly.

Man – I love this – “bravo” literally laughing to tears! Great Writing!!! A must read for all groups.

By: Holly Tue, 03 Apr 2012 02:59:16 +0000 Great April Fools Day post – “loved it”

By: Bob Mon, 02 Apr 2012 09:18:15 +0000 LOL! Good one.
