Comments on: CPUC: PG&E Smart Meter Opt Out Fees “Suspended” Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sun, 22 Mar 2015 00:55:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Wonder Sun, 22 Mar 2015 00:55:57 +0000 We sign the paper to option out the smart meter. There was a vote on should we be charge for option out the meter…it was voted out….They lied they still charge us $8.72 a month and they still won’t stop charging us. I still put it on the billing statement every month saying PROTEST AGAINIST NON-STANDARD METER ON OPTION OUT SMART METER. WHEN IS THIS CHARGE GOING TO STOP?

By: superstar Fri, 15 Feb 2013 01:29:37 +0000 Yes there ARE devices in your home that are chipped and sending reports to PGE what you are using and when. Subcontractor showed up in our hood, snooping around and was told to get out. Neighbor saw him sneak onto our property and she again, to.d him to get out of the neighborhood. His response was I guess I’m not wanted around here.
We have 1 sign below meter stating they are being recorded and they will be charged with trespassing to the fullest extent of the law. Other sign says No Smart Meter installation. My disabled partner is a senior with medical devices and his head is right next to where the meter would have been installed if not caught. Called main office, they refused to discuss if our landlord opted out and for her to call them. We also asked if subcontractors (a stranger jumping over our fence! Lucky the dogs didn’t maul him to bits!) had a list of properties not to go onto if on the opt out list. PGE operator said YES they are required to have addresses of opted out homes. So why did he try changing our meters if she was already opted out? Be more careful in rural areas btw!

By: Mali Thu, 06 Dec 2012 16:59:00 +0000 Our smart meter was finally replaced with an analog meter and I just drafted a letter to contest the fees but I am not sure who to address it to. Does anyone know who contest letters should be sent to?

By: Don (a solar generator) Mon, 26 Nov 2012 07:46:51 +0000 Those of us who have solar panels also have manual cut-offs of our solar generation. It seems to me , if we join together and collectively control that capability of supplying the grid or not especially in high demand times we may gain back some control. The buying of power from other sources during critical times may be very costly. Intermittant off and ons could be very disruptive. I hope you’re reading this PG&E.

By: Reflections On “Finding a Niche for ALL Animals: A Conference Honoring the Ecofeminist Work of Marti Kheel” | Our Hen House Fri, 16 Nov 2012 12:03:06 +0000 […] everything from animal liberation, to women’s rights, to raising awareness concerning the health impacts of installing “Smart Meters” throughout San Francisco, without the permission of homeowners. Marti never stopped, and I have no […]

By: onthelevelblog Wed, 26 Sep 2012 19:20:26 +0000 In reply to WAH.

Hey WAH,

Don’t believe what the utility is telling you. Many people who have not allowed access and also not signed up for the opt out program are still sitting pretty with their analog meters and not being charged. Many people are also refusing to pay the extortion fees. But they somehow managed to slap one on your house. How rude. I bet they didn’t even ask your permission. Important thing is that you need to get that thing removed right away- tell them you demand that it be removed, and if they fail to comply- well it’s your house right?

GREAT that you are interested in going off grid- it’s an adventure and very liberating. You can save money and not be at the mercy of these bullies. Here is a start about how to go utility free, safely:

I’ve found that if you have a few solar panels, a couple of 12V marine batteries, and DC lights, and chargers for your laptop etc its fairly easy to do. You may not even need an inverter most of the time if you are willing to live without a whole set of major appliances.

By: WAH Wed, 26 Sep 2012 19:09:55 +0000 I just tried to get them to remove my SmartMeters today, and they kept insisting that I would have to pay $75 up front and $10 per month to go back to the analog meters.

The agent told me that if I object to the fees, that’s what the CPUC is for, and that I should contact them. She insisted they are not doing anything illegal and that she is “just doing [her] job”.

I’m really confused about the situation. If the CPUC has said the fees are not OK and have been suspended, then why is PG&E still telling people they will be charged?

I would really like to go with solar, but have no idea where to start.

By: C Burkey Thu, 12 Jul 2012 03:50:30 +0000 Has our reliance on electricity and fossil fuels made us slaves?

By: B. Scales Tue, 10 Jul 2012 21:44:27 +0000 Our solar panels were “subsidized” by Edison using our own tax dollars. It came with an 8-year sell-back (for dirt cheap) obligation until 2014 when we can unhook from Edison’s meter. Hmmm, if we’re cut off for opting out of both Smartmeters and fees, we’re rewarded by unhooking 2 years early as long as we install on-site batteries, which we plan on anyway. Go solar and say bye-bye grid!

By: Sasha Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:42:59 +0000 Isn’t it interesting, how we keep gathering to the electrical co. They should be gathering to us. After all, if for what ever reason we decided as a community or city for that matter not to use electricity at all,where would they be then? We are allowing corporations to take control of government and resources. Even the politicians haven’t got a thing to say, or do they? All this nonsense of opt-outs and moratoriums, is like going down on our knees to say” please.” WE DON’T WANT THE SMART METERS. WORLD WIDE IT HAS NOW BEEN PROVEN THAT THEY ARE A HAZARD. HOW MUCH MORE PROOF DO THEY NEED??? THEY ONLY WANT CONTROL AND THEIR MONEY. So protect your rights in a few words .’DEMOCRACY’ AND THE FREEDOM TO CHOSE
