Comments on: “Analog” Opt Out Meters Emitting Radiation Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 20 Aug 2013 00:41:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori S Tue, 20 Aug 2013 00:41:44 +0000 Yes, had the power company replace a smart meter with an “analog” and I can still hear the thumping. So I measured with my cornet meter and sure enough there is RF emitting. This is in Florida.

By: Judy L Thu, 14 Mar 2013 01:57:50 +0000 …lost some of msg… PG&E is the same company that was poisoning people decades ago with Chromium 6? Nothing ever resolved.

Whose country is this?

By: Judy L Thu, 14 Mar 2013 01:54:15 +0000 I am in Las Vegas. Opted out of SmartMeter. New “refurbished” “analog” meter was installed five days ago. I have been feeling utterly weird since. I am very EMF sensitive and am experiencing tachycardia, added tinnitus and other symptoms beyond the EMS symptoms I already was feeling.

I knew this meter would also be devious… I was told in LV there are 12,000 non-smart meters available. I was also told the smart meters don’t work, and are in need of frequent repairs.

It appears to me the goal really is mass harm. In Calif. you have PGG

By: Deirdre Mazzetto Sat, 16 Feb 2013 21:02:23 +0000 This is happening to me in Nevada, too! I have both an HF35C and a Cornet meter and use them in conjunction with one another since I am electrosensitive. I like the directionality and sounds made for different types of radiation by the HF35C, but I agree with some that the Cornet shows smart meter spikes and differences in quality of radiation via the pictograph portion of the monitor. I called NVEnergy after “opting out” and told them that I have a medical condition and a doctor’s note, and they came the very next day to remove the smart meter and “communicating gas module”. They replaced the smart meter with a “refurbished GE analog meter”. It is a GE Type 1-70S, & my HF35C is picking up spikes from it when I stand about a foot away from it with the antenna pointed directly at the meter. When I shielded the meter and the inner wall of the house where it sits, my Cornet meter is giving me reduced readings in my house as well. Need to keep getting more measurements and now hire an electrician to see if there is a chip or device in the meter to make it able to transmit wirelessly.

By: Paul H Sun, 01 Jul 2012 23:08:01 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

Wow! Right after posting my last comment, the pulsed high frequency has now returned. I wish I knew someone in Arizona with a Gauss meter to document. The levels are high enough to nueturalize an AM radio signal.

By: Paul H Sun, 01 Jul 2012 19:14:31 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

The strong pulse disappeared yesterday without the repair crew making a visit. Now we have a lower one that pulses every minute or so. The initial sound reminded me of a slow regulated morse code and with nothing erratic.

I spoke with the neighbors today. Everyone that had changed their smart meter to analog, slept great last night.

I contacted the power company and they informed me that the crew would be out tomorrow….? Which shows that whatever was installed on the line was the culprit and controlled remotely.

By: Paul H Fri, 29 Jun 2012 22:23:03 +0000 I don’t have a LF analyzer at the moment. I am getting HF pulses above 800mhz on my analyzer and they mimick the behavior when I had a smart meter.
The power company came out right away after I called. They say they will have it removed between 24 and 48 hours ( I’ll try and get pics) I guess this pushes me to buy a LF analyzer instead of using an AM radio to detect dirty electricity… Thanks Sam Milham!

By: Smarter Meters Fri, 29 Jun 2012 20:06:44 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

Do you measure GS levels at all? It would be good to know what kind of harmonics are on the house’s wires. Turn off all but one breaker for a baseline reading.

By: Paul H Fri, 29 Jun 2012 09:51:16 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

I would like to add that they must have installed something on the pole last week due to the digital clock on the stove flashing and being 2 hours behind.

By: Paul H Fri, 29 Jun 2012 09:46:28 +0000 In reply to S Brinchman.

Here I am for the second night in a row waking up like I did when I had a kill meter on the side of my house. I checked to see if they swapped my analog out, just like they tried to do a couple of months ago. I had noticed stronger than usual pulses in my home in areas that had been shielded.
I checked the line running to the pole in the backyard. Sure enough the power company is now sending constant pulsed radiation over the power line into everyones home. it looks like some kind of booster that has been placed on the pole.
What’s wrong with these people? I am convinced now that they are doing this on purpose. I’m sure I’ll be dead soon as this bullshit almost killed me last time. Blood sugar and blood preasure are up, ears ringing, and I’ve got the metallic taste in my mouth again…just like I did 7 months ago.

If anyone would like to check their own lines or power outlets, buy a cheap portable AM/FM radio at RadioShack. Switch it to AM, then move the dial to the to the lowest setting so that all you hear is static. Wave it in close proximatey to your outlets, wall switches, or anything plugged into your wall. You will hear the interference over your radio indicating high frequency entering your home.
