Comments on: BC, Canada Man Wonders “What the Bloody Hell is Going On?” as Dogs Shocked by Smart Meter Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Tue, 02 Jun 2015 00:20:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karen Franceschina Tue, 02 Jun 2015 00:20:31 +0000 I am needing an electrical fence for my pups and their safety in my neighbourhood.
I’ve looked into wifi fencing, but I have more than 2 dogs. So I was directed towards
the underground electrical fence.
This awakening news about our smart meters being dangerous is terrible.
How dare hydro make this mandatory when we all had power before this stupid metre.
I want it off of my property so I may live my life and protect my dogs.
I received no warnings about emissions of electrical currents before installation.
It must be comparable to the windmills that kill wildlife for miles.
What can I pay to have it removed ?

By: Mosaic Sun, 24 Jun 2012 22:34:28 +0000 In reply to pauline holeton.

There still are a lot of people not informed about the smart meters. Please go to and do some home work! The problem seems to be that those people who are not involved get the darn things on their homes without being consulted first, or even asked permission. So the most vulnerable are taken advantage of. Do we all realize, that if we were to hurt someone or spoil his/her reputation through defamation of character etc. we could be fined heavily?
Yet these Corporations are guilty of fraud, deceit and extortion through
threats if you don”t want the Meter, we cut you off. In my mind and my experience having had a lot to do with the law, I refer to them as guilty of criminal activities. The farce that the analogue belongs to them, does not give them the right to consciously .place an object on your home, that you pay taxes on and possible a mortgage. They are trespassers and should be fined accordingly. About governments? We voted them in, we can also vote them out. Corporations now run governments rather than the other way around.

By: pauline holeton Fri, 15 Jun 2012 00:20:55 +0000 we must stop these meters being forced upon ourhomes! therre is NO state or federal mandate for them! you must tell them NO!!!!!!! YOU DONT HAVE TO HAVE THEM! ALL OF US TOGETHER JOIN IN AND SAY HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please visit for allot of info on smart meters! pauline holeton shelby twp mich

By: Paul H Thu, 14 Jun 2012 18:33:06 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

Reference to the quotes from Obama.

By: Paul H Thu, 14 Jun 2012 18:17:02 +0000 I know that it’s all a big game. Unfortunately all living things will be the ones to suffer. I took a survey of my neighborhood, they need to take a couple also. Especially if there is so quite a bit of evidence that this project is harming us.

I can’t seem to get this famous quote out of my head..from our dear President Barack Obama: “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket” .

In a way I feel bad for the power companies because they are under extortion themselves.

By: Richard Thu, 14 Jun 2012 16:39:07 +0000 In reply to Paul H.

>>> “We have pleaded for help and they ignore our cries. They tell themselves it’s all made up.”

Is it unreasonable for any company to expect proof of any claim against them? When it’s human against human, the “trust me, it’s really happening…you have to believe me” argument won’t win anything against a corporation.

As far as these dogs are concerned, if their collars go off at the same time the meter transmits, then there’s a strong argument to be made, and the company should provide a solution, whether that’s replacing the old meter or paying for a compatible fencing system.

By: Redi Kilowatt Tue, 12 Jun 2012 01:50:22 +0000 In reply to Smarter Meters.

Spread spectrum radio has been in use for decades, as a matter of fact, I still have a Sanyo digital spread spectrum 900 MHz cordless phone that I bought in 1992. It works great, far better than these new 2 to 5 Ghz cordless phones that are pushed now. And, it has a good speaker phone which I use whenever I use the handset.
No, it is not microwave communications at all, and it only transmits when it is activated. I have tested it, and it worked a half mile away from my house, try that with one of these new cordless phones.
Spread spectrum is designed for mainly security, but also for trunking. Trunking makes for more efficient use of bandwidth. Most all public and commercial private radio systems now are trunked, they change frequencies every few seconds, making more efficient use of the allotted airwaves, and make it harder for people with scanners to follow a conversation on a two way radio.
Mobile phones and SmartMeters are not trunked systems, either are my Motorola business two way radios the operate in the 450MHz to 472 MHz UHF band, but they do utilize the newer standard of narrow spectrum use, each channel is separated by only 5 kilohertz by law now. My radios have a phone patch and repeater access, but they are not duplex like mobile phones, they are simplex, with a DTMF keyboard, and are “push to talk” only. My super small handheld units are 4 watts. Fortunately, at the time I don’t need to use them much any more, but I did when I was working full time and had employees. I always treated them as radios, hold the radio at least 18 inches away from my body, and point the antenna away from myself.
I still treat mobile phones the same way as I do with radios, and only use the good speaker phone. I will never buy a smart phone because I don’t need one, and I don’t like the tracking abilities, plus, the 3 and 4 G data plans are too expensive for my needs. If I want to go onto the internet, I use a wired network in my office at home, which is far superior to any mobile phone broadband. connection

By: Smarter Meters Mon, 11 Jun 2012 20:11:43 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Boy, this is confusing stuff.

Based on all the .gov webpage results that come up when searching for “900 Mhz microwave”, I think it’s safe to say the 915 ISM band (used by Smart Meters, et al) are in fact microwaves. All it means is that that wavelength is small (33 cm), which limits propagation, increasing the need for line-of-sight. That’s why WISPs are testing out TV whitespace (174-216MHz) for areas with topographical and forestation challenges. This is VHF region, and definitely NOT a microwave.

Wiki is clear that there is some disagreement about the threshold between the microwave and sub-microwave region (I think I incorrectly referred to it as a “range” before. sorry) of the radio frequency spectrum. A 300 Mhz radio wave has a 100 cm wavelength, so I can understand why that might be hard to consider it “microwave.” Many do though.

By: Smarter Meters Mon, 11 Jun 2012 19:50:58 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Not quite… LightSquared was to be a “wholesale” 4G network. They had satellite spectrum adjacent to GPS that they wanted to use on 40,000 base stations. The FCC made the right choice by reneging on their original waiver to let them use the L-Band for that purpose.

Spread spectrum technology is entirely based on the assumption made by radio engineers (maybe not all of them, but at least the ones who advise the FCC) that interference can be avoided by “hopping” a Mhz or two. That’s why the world has 10 billion (wild guess) 902-928 Mhz ISM radio devices that are designed to not interfere with each other. Obviously, this is impossible to achieve in the real world, which is why the FCC created Rule 15.

By: Paul H Mon, 11 Jun 2012 17:16:47 +0000 In reply to Linda R. Floyd.

Why should they care when they have a monopoly on power? This is why all names behind this meter should be not forgotten. We have pleaded for help and they ignore our cries. They tell themselves it’s all made up. They are more concerned with “saving money” or their jobs. They might be winning now but will lose in the long run as lies always are found out and exposed.
