Comments on: The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Sat, 07 Jul 2012 15:33:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sorina Sat, 07 Jul 2012 15:33:37 +0000 In reply to Josh.

No , I don’t drive a car, I do not have a cell phone or any other gimmick.. Down the road, I will dis- continue to use my micro wave, electric kettle and a few other things, which are only luxuries that I can do without. To tell the truth I find it to be quite challenging. There is so much we can do our self to improve life. Walking down the streets and stop to smell the roses, is something that many other people miss in life. As for my T.V. well since it is controlled by the corporations the real news we don’t get any way. Did any one in the past months hear anything about the risks of the smart meters? Of course not! There is money involved. Must be interesting for those in the media who would love to share the real news with the public, but find to have their hands tied. We now have a world controlled not by politicians, but by corporations. I like to see their house of cards crumble.

By: Richard Wed, 20 Jun 2012 16:58:16 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

>>>”Hopefully doctors become more informed about the affects of wireless radiation.”

But which Richard posted this? HINT: The Richard writing *this* hopes that all doctors would first understand the difference between effect and affect. Whether one is posting an opinion or assessing the potential health effects of wireless radiation, education is the key 🙂

By: Shane Gregory Tue, 19 Jun 2012 00:10:24 +0000 In reply to Smarter Meters.

I can attest to the magnetic field problem and have just had to decline renting what seemed to be a great apartment because of readings that hovered around 2.0 mG. Seems low, but my first experience with electrosensitivity occurred in an environment with very low RF (before Smart Meters) but electromagnetic fields of 2.0 to 5.0 with the power turned OFF! The readings on the street outside the building were in excess of 15 mG so something was going on.

I’d also like to underscore the importance of talking in a non-threatening way to potential landlords. I feel nervous every time I take my meters into a potential rental but for the most part I have been met with curiosity and a willingness to let me test out the environment. I tell them that I have a condition that more and more people are beginning to experience, given the sea of wireless technology that we are now being exposed to. It’s being an interesting experience.

One rental agent said, “Oh, you’re one of those EMF people! My daughter is, too.” I was amazed.

Keep spreading the word.

By: Paul H Mon, 18 Jun 2012 23:35:15 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Wow! A hospital in Toronto now recognizes that chronic exposure to wireless radiation is creating health problems.

By: Richard Mon, 18 Jun 2012 23:18:47 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

Hopefully doctors become more informed about the affects of wireless radiation.

By: Richard Mon, 18 Jun 2012 03:38:56 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

>>>”…so what I posted is true…”

Well, not exactly… I was referring more to your repeated claim that SmartMeters do not use microwave radiation. But that’s another tale…

I’ll just refer anyone interested to the comments in the following thread and leave it at that 🙂

By: Redi Kilowatt Mon, 18 Jun 2012 03:21:48 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

One thing that I forgot Richard,
PG&E did say in that that theri new meter that is capable of net metering is a completely separate meter.
That means that your existing SmartMeter will stay, and the net metering meter (whether it is actually smart or not) will be a second meter.
No doubt that the new meter will have to be an advanced meter, because the present SmartMeters are not advanced meters.
And, PG&E did not say that these new net meters are capable of transmitting the bi-directional data on the Silver Springs radio smartgrid. That would take quite a bit of engineering work if to be possible, but maybe these new net SmartMeters require the customer to pay for a broadband cable connection to actually work. More costs to the customer.
It would be the best possible choice for someone who is back feeding power back to the power grid to keep their analog meter, the only dis-advantage is that they will not be credited at higher rate during the peak hours for the return load, but they will not be charged the higher rate for energy used either during their peak hours.
It depends on whether the customer uses their place of residence during the day, has a family, and has help working at the house, or if someone is gone all day and lives alone while their solar system is generating power, then the E6 TOU might work better for energy savings.

By: Redi Kilowatt Mon, 18 Jun 2012 01:55:31 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Richard, the SmartMeters now do not measure bi-directional flow of current, but thanks for the link saying that a new program to do so is set to start in 2012, but it hasn’t started yet, so what I posted is true now.
Why doesn’t PG&E make this information public in the media about their intentions ? It sure would be nice if they did, then their customers could be better informed about future plans.
I have seen other links, about how PG&E has been offering digital non transmitting TOU meters for about 20 years that also have the arrows, but the initial charge is $250, and they still need to be read monthly by a person.
You should read the wording very carefully on that link, they never did say that the existing SmartMeters are capable of net metering, so is PG&E talking about existing non transmitting digital meters that will have the word SmartMeter printed on it ?, or are they able to “tweek” this second generation of SmartMeters to have the arrows ?, or is PG&E going to deploy a third generation meter ?.
Try and find an answer for that, and then you will have some credibility, and good luck, because PG&E is not the best at communicating with the public.
By the way, I talked to my meter reader a few weeks ago. I told him that he had my permission to enter my property to read my meter, because I normally set the card and leave it on the fence. He said that he had a seal to put on the meter that says OPT OUT on it., and also that has to physically go to the meter to read it once every 6 months.
I asked him about reports in other utility areas that some analog meters are transmitting, and can be read by a handheld receiver, and also if the digital E6 TOU meters have a transmitter that can be read with a handheld receiver, the answer was no. And the device that they carry that looks like some sort of radio does not read anything, it is for entering observed meter reads only. That may have confused some people.
Another interesting thing, after he left my address, I saw him go to the neighbors house to stop and read the meters, I know that they have SmartMeters, but are the meters transmissions being received by the radio smartgrid ? If I ever see him again, that will be my next question, “why do you still need to read the SmartMeters even though they were installed over a year ago, do they really work as advertised, or were we sold a defective or inadequate system ?”. A system we all paid for but I do not need or use.
So Richard, thanks for the PG&E link, now it’s time to find out the truth in marketing about what is really going on.

By: Paul H. Sun, 17 Jun 2012 06:12:28 +0000 In reply to Richard.

Yes Richard, it is a true conspiracy against humanity. Evidence is shown at this site.

By: Richard Sun, 17 Jun 2012 05:25:36 +0000 In reply to Redi Kilowatt.

>>>”One thing that doesn’t change on this site is how clueless many posters about SmartMeters are…SmartMeters do not measure the bi-directional flow of current…”

Yeah, I’d have to agree with you on that, Redi…Oh, wait…Well, at least on the first part 🙂

But, you’ll probably say that this is false information, as well, eh? Maybe all of this really is a conspiracy against humanity…

