Comments on: Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Three Armed Men to Disconnect Power- Just for ‘Opting Out’ Fighting for health, privacy, and safety Fri, 24 Jun 2022 21:11:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Barbara G Wed, 30 Dec 2015 20:52:14 +0000 Its been a few years now, would love to know the outcome and is Sarah relying entirely on Solar Energy?? Can we get our analog meters back? ( in Las Vegas)

By: Robert Sole Tue, 23 Sep 2014 13:47:53 +0000 All this talk of suing is moot. You can’t fight city hall. They have the big end of the stick. Here in British Columbia we are having the same problems with BC Hydro. I still have my mechanical meter but am being forced to pay $32 a month to keep it. Unfortunately my two neighbours have smart meters which are aimed directly at my bedroom and living room.
The sad thing is BC Hydro and the BC government deny any problems with these eters although there has been a rash of them. Its always the fault of the house. And the local media must be gagged by hydro as they won’t print any stories about problems.

By: Janet Curtis Sat, 20 Sep 2014 23:40:45 +0000 my neighbor is the one that burned up in reno fire. my friend and her pets were blown up. nv energy tried to tell us that it was from smoking in in be. fd said they couldn’t conclude what happened because the smart meter was damaged but still transmitting when the 911 call came in. I have opted to get new analog meter put bk on with the help of advocates like josh…they did call and said they would remove it. for a price and then charge me for this priveledge monthly! I told them I do not want the meter on water nor on elect..i do not think i should have to pay since i didnt want it and it has me paying for a single person more than neighbors with an entire im gone 5-6 mos out of the yr and my bill is still large. Im on ssdi and get some elec help..they will be taking my balance to do this. why cant i get it for free since they are the ones that illegally installed when i wasnt home as i see they did to many others who said no. just tresspass and my friend is DEAD! and this is an association so if my neighbors ont opt out im still in danger. this is something that really stinks and we are mad as hell. what are they going to charge me? I dont think they will tell me. But I dont want to pay anything I shouldnt have to they are putting peoples lies in danger clearly and I DONT WANT TO PAY AT ALL> and I want to make sure the eletriians know what they are my deceased friend, my refridgerator went out light pop and fllicker im afraid to use the air conditioner. My health is bad and partly from the smart meter. why do I have to pay at all? Im the one who should be paid. This is truly insane.

By: Stephen Brian Fri, 05 Sep 2014 16:42:14 +0000 I Heat This Meter!

By: Naba Now Sat, 16 Aug 2014 08:48:05 +0000 In reply to Taswir Haider.

We Need to Boycott This Meter.

By: Ch Coupons Sat, 24 May 2014 03:36:22 +0000 I Heat This Bloody Foul Meter

By: Taswir Haider Fri, 11 Apr 2014 20:22:18 +0000 This time to Stop Using Smart Meter. we Should Stop Using it. Thank you.

By: common law private attorney general Chris Guardin on the Wall Fri, 27 Dec 2013 01:25:30 +0000 Two weeks ago we successfully: DE-FENDED OFF: NV. Energy for attempting to Stealthily apply a: SMART Spy Death MIND CONTROL Torture METER on our private personal property’s 400 Amp Combination Meter Socket Load Center ! NOTE This IS: “Your Private Property!” The POWER Co. maintains a mere “Service Utility Easement Access” NOT Ownership; withIN your Utility Service BOX;

If Your CLIPS BURN UP; after NOT Pro per damaging Disturbance of Heat /Cold set Stressed METER Clips; disturbing a former secure stable well functioning mechanical electrical connection, Plasma ARC induced Over HEAT[ing] will occur and FIRE may ensue?
Whom will be forced to BARE the EXtreme Co$t$ for Repair$ or Replacement of Your: Meter Socket assembly?
The week prior we Intellectually Fought OFF a SMART WATER METER also!
PRAY for DEVINE CREATOR’S intercession and Pass the Ammunition the Communist Terrorist Federales are coming ?

By: Richard Vengance Sun, 08 Dec 2013 22:07:12 +0000 In reply to MISS-U-NJ.

Dear Readers,
Duke Energy will soon be in for a big surprise if they keep forcing these accursed and not so-smart Microwave meters on their customers. Soon this wicked enforcement of these now proving to be Type 2B Electric Carcinogen Causing and far from Smart Meters, will turn on Duke Energy’s C.E.O’s and their ilk as well as their Evil Smart Meter Installer Pirates of the Suburbs.

Then the many now desperate Electricity Customers might make the French Revolution of 1789 look just like a small bloodshed, as now or soon to be desperate Americans take their vengeance to the streets with their Legal Pistols and Shot Guns to hunt down these Corrupt Evil C.E.O’s and their pretend police, forcing these Evil and far from Smart Microwave Meters on the American People then and now so enraged at losing their LIBERTY that they these overtaxed and Violently Angry Americans start shooting these Corrupt C.E.O’s of these Electric Power Companies and their henchmen. I wouldn’t blame such angry Americans one bit, that’s for sure !

People will only put up with so much, and then Boom ! As the tinder box wick takes hold of the explosive power of the NOW ENRAGED AMERICAN PUBLIC, BOOM !

By: MISS-U-NJ Fri, 06 Sep 2013 06:04:33 +0000 Duke Energy, of NC, hurried to install their smart meter on our rental house yesterday. They didn’t even let me know they were installing the thing until I heard my dog barking and the power go off. When my husband went outside, it was too late. He had cut the lock off we had on the meter, shoved it into the wall and was leaving. I cannot believe how fast this thing was installed (they purposely hurry). When my husband confronted the contractor, who was from another country, he had the nerve to say, “you know it’s illegal to have a lock on your meter, that’s meter belongs to us!” My husband wanted him to uninstall the meter, but that was not happening. He actually said you have to have it (which is what we already suspected). Even if I had kept our “do not install smart meter” stickers on the meter, it wouldn’t have mattered. I was waiting on the owner of this house to get back to me on this ordeal, but he dragged his feet. We also had a certified letter to mail that day, to the power company, stating, to not install the meter, but it was too late. In this case, no stickers would have made any difference. We knew none of this would matter with Duke (see all of the articles online about Duke customers sitting in the dark).

Duke Energy is one of the companies that do not have an opt-out. You either get the meter or your power is turned off. I am writing to make everyone aware of what they’re doing. There was no resistance in my area, even with their pilot programs.
The meter is on the back of the house, about 15 feet from a little hallway with a door (on the inside) which faces the back of the meter. This is where my dog used to sleep during the day. It’s now the next day, and she has not gone to her spot at all. She has been sleeping on the other side of the house (where it is farthest away from the meter). What does that tell ya? Only thing to do now is shield it, and check it with an RF meter. Which is what I was originally going to do because I’m not in a position to go off-grid, and my husband and I are planning to move out-of-state soon.

When I saw photos of these trucks (with boxes of meters in the back), driving from house to house, this is what came to my mind. Remember the film, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers?” In comparison, to get these things installed at any cost, so quickly and intrusive, reminds of the “pods” being delivered, and if you fell asleep you were screwed.

The only sure way to resist this is to go off-grid. Since I am in a rental home, with all-electric everything, I can only shield it, and complete my plans to move out of the sorry state of NC. Quite a few of the articles I’ve seen, about customers having their power turned off & how they’re trying to cope, are from ex Duke Energy customers.
I say, “more power to ya!” Just imagine if millions of people did this! In the future, I think this will be our only option (to be energy independent). Eventually, they’re going to force everyone to have these.
